FV3DYCORE  Version 1.1.0
Modules List
Here is a list of all modules with brief descriptions:
 Na2b_edge_modThe module 'a2b_edge' performs FV-consistent interpolation of pressure to corners
 Natmosphere_modThe module 'atmosphere' provides the interface for the Cubed-Sphere FV dynamical core
 Nboundary_modThe module 'boundary' contains utility routines for grid nesting and boundary conditions
 Ndyn_core_modThe module 'dyn_core' peforms the Lagrangian acoustic dynamics described by [lin2004vertically]
 Nexternal_ic_modThe module 'external_ic_mod' contains routines that read in and remap initial conditions
 Nfv_arrays_modThe module 'fv_arrays' contains the 'fv_atmos_type' and associated datatypes
 Nfv_cmp_modThe module 'fv_cmp' implements the fast procesesses in the GFDL microphysics >
 Nfv_control_modThe module 'FV3_control' is for initialization and termination of the model, and controls namelist parameters in FV3
 Nfv_diagnostics_mod@ The module 'fv_diagnostics' contains routines to compute diagnosic fields
 Nfv_dynamics_modThe module 'fv_dynamics' is the top-level routine for the dynamical core
 Nfv_eta_modThe module 'fv_eta' contains routine to set up the reference (Eulerian) pressure coordinate
 Nfv_grid_utils_modThe module 'fv_grid_utils' contains routines for setting up and computing grid-related quantities
 Nfv_iau_modIncremental analysis update module
 Nfv_io_modThe module 'fv_io' contains restart facilities for FV core
 Nfv_mapz_modThe module 'fv_mapz' contains the vertical mapping routines [lin2004vertically]
 Nfv_mp_modThe module 'fv_mp_mod' is a single program multiple data (SPMD) parallel decompostion/communication module
 Nfv_nesting_modThe module 'fv_nesting' is a collection of routines pertaining to grid nesting [harris2013two]
 Nfv_nggps_diags_modThe module 'fv_nggps_diags' computes output diagnostics entirely on 3D pressure levels
 Nfv_nwp_nudge_modThe module fv_nwp_nudge contains routines for nudging to input analyses. note This module is currently not supported in fvGFS of FV3GFS
 Nfv_sg_modThe module 'fv_sg' performs FV sub-grid mixing
 Nfv_timing_modThe module 'fv_timing' contains FV3 timers
 Nfv_tracer2d_modThe module 'fv_tracer2d.F90' performs sub-cycled tracer advection
 Nfv_treat_da_inc_mod'The module 'tread_da_increment' contains routines for treating the increments of the prognostic variables that are calculated by the DA process
 Nfv_update_phys_modThe module 'fv_update_phys' applies physics tendencies consistent with the FV3 discretization and definition of the prognostic variables
 Nmulti_gases_modThe module 'multi_gases' peforms multi constitutents computations
 Nnh_core_modThe module 'nh_core' peforms non-hydrostatic computations
 Nnh_utils_modThe module 'nh_utils' peforms non-hydrostatic computations
 Nsim_nc_modThe module 'sim_nc' is a netcdf file reader
 Nsorted_index_modThe module 'sorted_index' sorts cell corner indices in lat-lon space to ensure the same order of operations regardless of the orientation in index space
 Nsw_core_modThe module 'sw_core' advances the forward step of the Lagrangian dynamics as described by [lin1997explicit], [lin2004vertically], and [harris2013two]
 Ntp_core_modThe module 'tp_core' is a collection of routines to support FV transport