grb2index  1.4.0


The index file serves as a table of contents for the GRIB1 file, enabling quick access to the data.

For GRIB1 files, use grbindex.

There can be a gap before the first GRIB message of at most 32000 bytes and gaps between messages of at most 4000 bytes.


grb2index <GRIB2 file> <index filename>

The first argument is the name of the input GRIB2 file. The second argument is the name of the output index file.


grb2index <idxver> <GRIB2 file> <index filename>

The first argument is the index format, 1 or 2. The second is the name of the input GRIB2 file. The third argument is the name of the output index file.

Index File Format

The index file has two header records:

  1. an 81-byte header with 'GB2IX1' in columns 42-47
  2. an 81-byte header with the index version number, the number of bytes to skip before index records, total length in bytes of the index records, number of index records, and the GRIB file basename.

Each record in the index table contains the following fields. All integers are in big-endian format in the file. The only difference between index version 1 and index version 2 is the size of the field containing the number of bytes to skip in file before message. To accomodate files > 2 GB, this must be a 64-bit int.

Index Version 1 Index Version 2 Contents
001 - 004 001 - 004 length of index record
005 - 008 005 - 012 bytes to skip in data file before grib message
009 - 012 013 - 016 bytes to skip in message before lus (local use) set = 0, if no local section.
013 - 016 017 - 020 bytes to skip in message before gds
017 - 020 021 - 024 bytes to skip in message before pds
021 - 024 025 - 028 bytes to skip in message before drs
025 - 028 029 - 032 bytes to skip in message before bms
029 - 032 033 - 036 bytes to skip in message before data section
033 - 040 037 - 044 bytes total in the message
041 - 041 045 - 045 grib version number (always 2)
042 - 042 046 - 046 message discipline
043 - 044 047 - 048 field number within grib2 message
045 - ii 045 - ii identification section (ids)
ii+1- jj ii+1- jj grid definition section (gds)
jj+1- kk jj+1- kk product definition section (pds)
kk+1- ll kk+1- ll the data representation section (drs)
ll+1-ll+6 ll+1-ll+6 first 6 bytes of the bit map section (bms)