NCEPLIBS-grib_util  1.2.3
NCEPLIBS-grib_util Documentation


The NCEPLIBS-grib_util project contains a collection of NCEP grib related utilities. This is related to the NCEPLIBS project.

The utilities:

  • cnvgrib - Convert between GRIB1 and GRIB2.
  • copygb - Copy all or part of a GRIB1 file.
  • copygb2 - Copy all or part of a GRIB2 file.
  • degrib2 - Inventory a GRIB2 file.
  • grbindex - Create an index from a GRIB1 file.
  • grb2index - Create an index from a GRIB2 file.
  • grib2grib - Finds and extracts grib records from a grib file made by gribawp1.
  • tocgrib - Copy some GRIB2 fields to a new GRIB1 file.
  • tocgrib2 - Copy some GRIB2 fields to a new GRIB2 file.
  • tocgrib2super - Copy some GRIB2 fields to a new GRIB2 file with super WMO header.
  • wgrib - Manipulate GRIB1 files.