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1 !-----------------------------------
2  subroutine progcld1 &
3 !...................................
5 ! --- inputs:
6  ( plyr,tlyr,qlyr,qstl,clw, &
7 ! xlat,xlon, &
8  ix, nlay, iflip, &
9 ! --- outputs:
10  cldtot &
11  )
13 ! ================= subprogram documentation block ================ !
14 ! !
15 ! subprogram: progcld1 computes cloud related quantities using !
16 ! zhao/moorthi's prognostic cloud microphysics scheme. !
17 ! !
18 ! abstract: this program computes cloud fractions from cloud !
19 ! condensates, calculates liquid/ice cloud droplet effective radius, !
20 ! and computes the low, mid, high, total and boundary layer cloud !
21 ! fractions and the vertical indices of low, mid, and high cloud !
22 ! top and base. the three vertical cloud domains are set up in the !
23 ! initial subroutine "cldinit". !
24 ! !
25 ! program history log: !
26 ! 11-xx-1992 y.h., k.a.c, a.k. - cloud parameterization !
27 ! 'cldjms' patterned after slingo and slingo's work (jgr, !
28 ! 1992), stratiform clouds are allowed in any layer except !
29 ! the surface and upper stratosphere. the relative humidity !
30 ! criterion may cery in different model layers. !
31 ! 10-25-1995 kenneth campana - tuned cloud rh curves !
32 ! rh-cld relation from tables created using mitchell-hahn !
33 ! tuning technique on airforce rtneph observations. !
34 ! 11-02-1995 kenneth campana - the bl relationships used !
35 ! below llyr, except in marine stratus regions. !
36 ! 04-11-1996 kenneth campana - save bl cld amt in cld(,5) !
37 ! 12-29-1998 s. moorthi - prognostic cloud method !
38 ! 04-15-2003 yu-tai hou - rewritten in frotran 90 !
39 ! modulized form, seperate prognostic and diagnostic methods !
40 ! into two packages. !
41 ! !
42 ! usage: call progcld1 !
43 ! !
44 ! subprograms called: gethml !
45 ! !
46 ! attributes: !
47 ! language: fortran 90 !
48 ! machine: ibm-sp, sgi !
49 ! !
50 ! !
51 ! ==================== defination of variables ==================== !
52 ! !
53 ! input variables: !
54 ! plyr (IX,NLAY) : model layer mean pressure in mb (100Pa) !
55 ! tlyr (IX,NLAY) : model layer mean temperature in k !
56 ! qlyr (IX,NLAY) : layer specific humidity in gm/gm !
57 ! qstl (IX,NLAY) : layer saturate humidity in gm/gm !
58 ! rhly (IX,NLAY) : layer relative humidity (=qlyr/qstl) !
59 ! clw (IX,NLAY) : layer cloud condensate amount !
60 ! xlat (IX) : grid latitude in radians !
61 ! xlon (IX) : grid longitude in radians (not used) !
62 ! slmsk (IX) : sea/land mask array (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2) !
63 ! IX : horizontal dimention !
64 ! NLAY : vertical layer/level dimensions !
65 ! iflip : control flag for in/out vertical indexing !
66 ! =0: index from toa to surface !
67 ! =1: index from surface to toa !
68 ! iovr : control flag for cloud overlap !
69 ! =0 random overlapping clouds !
70 ! =1 max/ran overlapping clouds !
71 ! !
72 ! output variables: !
73 ! clouds(IX,NLAY,NF_CLDS) : cloud profiles !
74 ! clouds(:,:,1) - layer total cloud fraction !
75 ! clouds(:,:,2) - layer cloud liq water path (g/m**2) !
76 ! clouds(:,:,3) - mean eff radius for liq cloud (micron) !
77 ! clouds(:,:,4) - layer cloud ice water path (g/m**2) !
78 ! clouds(:,:,5) - mean eff radius for ice cloud (micron) !
79 ! clouds(:,:,6) - layer rain drop water path not assigned !
80 ! clouds(:,:,7) - mean eff radius for rain drop (micron) !
81 ! *** clouds(:,:,8) - layer snow flake water path not assigned !
82 ! clouds(:,:,9) - mean eff radius for snow flake (micron) !
83 ! *** fu's scheme need to be normalized by snow density (g/m**3/1.0e6) !
84 ! clds (IX,5) : fraction of clouds for low, mid, hi, tot, bl !
85 ! mtop (IX,3) : vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud tops !
86 ! mbot (IX,3) : vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud bases !
87 ! !
88 ! ==================== end of description ===================== !
89 !
90  use kinds, only: r_kind
91  implicit none
92  real, parameter:: climit=0.001
93 ! --- inputs
94  integer, intent(in) :: ix, nlay, iflip
96  real (kind=r_kind), dimension(ix,nlay), intent(in) :: plyr, &
97  tlyr, qlyr, qstl, clw
99 ! real (kind=r_kind), dimension(ix), intent(in) :: xlat, xlon
101 ! --- outputs
102 ! real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: clouds
104  real (kind=r_kind), dimension(ix,nlay), intent(out) :: cldtot
106 ! integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: mtop,mbot
108 ! --- local variables:
109 ! real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(IX,NLAY) :: cldtot, cldcnv, &
110 ! & cwp, cip, crp, csp, rew, rei, res, rer, delp, tem2d
112 ! real (kind=kind_phys) :: ptop1(IX,4)
113  real (kind=r_kind) :: rhly(ix,nlay)
114  real (kind=r_kind) :: clwmin, clwm, clwt, onemrh, value, &
115  tem1, tem2, tem3
117  integer, dimension(IX) :: kinver
119  integer :: i, k, id, id1
121  logical :: inversn(ix)
123 !
124 !===> ... begin here
125 !
126 ! clouds(:,:,:) = 0.0
128 !$omp parallel do private(i,k)
129  do k = 1, nlay
130  do i = 1, ix
131  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
132  rhly(i,k) = qlyr(i,k)/qstl(i,k) ! Chuang: add RH computation here
133  rhly(i,k) = max(0.0,min(1.0,rhly(i,k))) ! moorthi
134  enddo
135  enddo
137 ! --- layer cloud fraction
139  if (iflip == 0) then ! input data from toa to sfc
141  do i = 1, ix
142  inversn(i) = .false.
143  kinver(i) = 1
144  enddo
146  do k = nlay-1, 2, -1
147 !$omp parallel do private(i,tem1)
148  do i = 1, ix
149  if (plyr(i,k) > 600.0 .and. (.not.inversn(i))) then
150  tem1 = tlyr(i,k-1) - tlyr(i,k)
152  if (tem1 > 0.1 .and. tlyr(i,k) > 278.0) then
153  inversn(i) = .true.
154  kinver(i) = k
155  endif
156  endif
157  enddo
158  enddo
160  clwmin = 0.0
161  do k = nlay, 1, -1
162 !$omp parallel do private(i,tem1,tem2,clwt,clwm,onemrh,value)
163  do i = 1, ix
164  clwt = 1.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
165 ! clwt = 2.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
167  if (clw(i,k) > clwt .or. &
168  (inversn(i) .and. k >= kinver(i)) ) then
170  onemrh= max( 1.e-10, 1.0-rhly(i,k) )
171  clwm = clwmin / max( 0.01, plyr(i,k)*0.001 )
173  tem1 = min(max(sqrt(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k))),0.0001),1.0)
174  tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
175 ! tem1 = 1000.0 / tem1
176 ! if (inversn(i) .and. k >= kinver(i)) tem1 = tem1 * 5.0
178  value = max( min( tem1*(clw(i,k)-clwm), 50.0 ), 0.0 )
179  tem2 = sqrt( sqrt(rhly(i,k)) )
181  cldtot(i,k) = max( tem2*(1.0-exp(-value)), 0.0 )
182  endif
183  enddo
184  enddo
186  else ! input data from sfc to toa
188  do i = 1, ix
189  inversn(i) = .false.
190  kinver(i) = nlay
191  enddo
193  do k = 2, nlay
194 !$omp parallel do private(i,tem1)
195  do i = 1, ix
196  if (plyr(i,k) > 600.0 .and. (.not.inversn(i))) then
197  tem1 = tlyr(i,k+1) - tlyr(i,k)
199  if (tem1 > 0.1 .and. tlyr(i,k) > 278.0) then
200  inversn(i) = .true.
201  kinver(i) = k
202  endif
203  endif
204  enddo
205  enddo
207  clwmin = 0.0
208  do k = 1, nlay
209 !$omp parallel do private(i,tem1,tem2,clwt,clwm,onemrh,value)
210  do i = 1, ix
211  clwt = 1.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
212 ! clwt = 2.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
214  if (clw(i,k) > clwt .or. &
215  (inversn(i) .and. k <= kinver(i)) ) then
217  onemrh= max( 1.e-10, 1.0-rhly(i,k) )
218  clwm = clwmin / max( 0.01, plyr(i,k)*0.001 )
220  tem1 = min(max(sqrt(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k))),0.0001),1.0)
221  tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
222 ! tem1 = 1000.0 / tem1
223 ! if (inversn(i) .and. k <= kinver(i)) tem1 = tem1 * 5.0
225  value = max( min( tem1*(clw(i,k)-clwm), 50.0 ), 0.0 )
226  tem2 = sqrt( sqrt(rhly(i,k)) )
228  cldtot(i,k) = max( tem2*(1.0-exp(-value)), 0.0 )
229  endif
230  enddo
231  enddo
233  endif ! end_if_flip
235  where (cldtot < climit)
236  cldtot = 0.0
237  endwhere
238 !
239  return
240 !...................................
241  end subroutine progcld1
242 !-----------------------------------