UPP (develop)
No Matches
1 subroutine getlvls(param,ithfld,ifld,found_fld,kpv,pv)
3! 03_10_2015 Lin Gan - Using flat file data
6 use xml_perl_data, only : param_t
7 use ctlblk_mod, only : lsm, spl, nsoil, isf_surface_physics, &
8 me, nfd, htfd, nbnd, petabnd
9 use rqstfld_mod, only : lvls, lvlsxml, mxlvl, lvls, iget, ident, &
10 iavblfld
11 use soil, only : sldpth,sllevel
12 implicit none
14 type(param_t),intent(in) :: param
15 integer, intent(in) :: ithfld,kpv
16 integer, intent(inout) :: ifld
17 logical, intent(inout) :: found_fld
18 real,intent(in) :: pv(1:kpv)
20 real,parameter :: small=1.e-5
21 real,parameter :: small1=1.e-3
22 real,parameter :: small2=1
23 integer i,j,nlevel,scalef,lvlcape,lvlcin
24 logical :: lincfld
26 lincfld=.false.
27 nlevel=size(param%level)
29 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='isobaric_sfc') then
30 do j=1, nlevel
31 iloop: do i=1, lsm
33 if(abs(param%level(j)-spl(i))<small1)then
34 lvls(i,ifld)=1
35 lvlsxml(i,ifld)=j
36 exit iloop
37 endif
38 enddo iloop
39 enddo
40 endif
42 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='hybrid_lvl') then
43 do j=1, nlevel
44 iloop1: do i=1, mxlvl
45 if(nint(param%level(j))==i)then
46 lvls(i,ifld)=1
47 lvlsxml(i,ifld)=j
48 exit iloop1
49 endif
50 enddo iloop1
51 enddo
52 endif
54 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='depth_bel_land_sfc'.and. &
55 trim(param%fixed_sfc2_type)=='depth_bel_land_sfc' ) then
56! if(me==0)print *,'nsoil=',nsoil,'iSF_SURFACE_PHYSICS=',iSF_SURFACE_PHYSICS, &
57! 'level=',param%level,'sldpth=',SLDPTH(1:nsoil),'sum=',sum(SLDPTH(1:nsoil))*100.
58 do j=1, nlevel
59 iloop2: do i=1, nsoil
60 if(isf_surface_physics ==3) then
61 if(nint(param%level(j))==nint(sllevel(i)*100.)) then
62 lvls(i,ifld)=1
63 lvlsxml(i,ifld)=j
64 exit iloop2
65 endif
66 else
67 if(nint(param%level2(j))==nint(sum(sldpth(1:i))*100.) ) then
68 lvls(i,ifld)=1
69 lvlsxml(i,ifld)=j
70 exit iloop2
71 endif
72 endif
73 enddo iloop2
74 enddo
75 if(trim(param%pname)=='TSOIL') then
76 iget(116)=ifld
77 ident(ifld) = 116
78 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
79 found_fld=.true.
80 elseif(trim(param%pname)=='TMP') then
81 iget(574)=ifld
82 ident(ifld) = 574
83 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
84 found_fld=.true.
85 endif
86! elseif(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='depth_bel_land_sfc'.and. &
87! trim(param%fixed_sfc2_type)==''.and.(trim(param%pname)=='TSOIL' &
88! .or.trim(param%pname)=='TMP')) then
89! iget(115)=ifld
90! IDENT(IFLD) = 115
91! IAVBLFLD(IFLD)=ithfld
92! FOUND_FLD=.true.
93! LVLS(1,ifld)=1
94! LVLSXML(1,ifld)=1
95 endif
97!for sigma level, need to check iget
98 if(trim(param%pname)=='RH'.and.trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='sigma_lvl'.and. &
99 trim(param%fixed_sfc2_type)=='sigma_lvl') then
100 do j=1, nlevel
101 if(abs(param%level(j)-33)<small.and.abs(param%level2(j)-100)<small)then
102 lvls(1,ifld)=j
103 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
104 iget(066)=ifld
105 ident(ifld) = 066
106 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
107 found_fld=.true.
108 ifld=ifld+1
109 else if(abs(param%level(j)-67)<small.and.abs(param%level2(j)-100)<small)then
110 lvls(1,ifld)=j
111 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
112 iget(081)=ifld
113 ident(ifld) = 081
114 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
115 found_fld=.true.
116 ifld=ifld+1
117 else if(abs(param%level(j)-33)<small.and.abs(param%level2(j)-67)<small)then
118 lvls(1,ifld)=j
119 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
120 iget(082)=ifld
121 ident(ifld) = 082
122 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
123 found_fld=.true.
124 ifld=ifld+1
125 else if(abs(param%level(j)-47)<small.and.abs(param%level2(j)-100)<small)then
126 lvls(1,ifld)=j
127 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
128 iget(099)=ifld
129 ident(ifld) = 099
130 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
131 found_fld=.true.
132 ifld=ifld+1
133 else if(abs(param%level(j)-47)<small.and.abs(param%level2(j)-96)<small)then
134 lvls(1,ifld)=j
135 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
136 iget(100)=ifld
137 ident(ifld) = 100
138 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
139 found_fld=.true.
140 ifld=ifld+1
141 else if(abs(param%level(j)-18)<small.and.abs(param%level2(j)-47)<small)then
142 lvls(1,ifld)=j
143 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
144 iget(101)=ifld
145 ident(ifld) = 101
146 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
147 found_fld=.true.
148 ifld=ifld+1
149 else if(abs(param%level(j)-84)<small.and.abs(param%level2(j)-98)<small)then
150 lvls(1,ifld)=j
151 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
152 iget(102)=ifld
153 ident(ifld) = 102
154 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
155 found_fld=.true.
156 ifld=ifld+1
157 else if(abs(param%level(j)-44)<small.and.abs(param%level2(j)-100)<small)then
158 lvls(1,ifld)=j
159 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
160 iget(318)=ifld
161 ident(ifld) = 318
162 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
163 found_fld=.true.
164 ifld=ifld+1
165 else if(abs(param%level(j)-44)<small.and.abs(param%level2(j)-72)<small)then
166 lvls(1,ifld)=j
167 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
168 iget(320)=ifld
169 ident(ifld) = 320
170 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
171 found_fld=.true.
172 ifld=ifld+1
173 else if(abs(param%level(j)-72)<small.and.abs(param%level2(j)-94)<small)then
174 lvls(1,ifld)=j
175 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
176 iget(319)=ifld
177 ident(ifld) = 319
178 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
179 found_fld=.true.
180 ifld=ifld+1
181 endif
182! print *,'n getlvls,RH_sigma_lvl,ifld=',ifld-1,'ident(ifld)=',IDENT(IFLD-1), &
183! 'iget=',iget(IDENT(IFLD-1)),'IAVBLFLD(IFLD-1)=',IAVBLFLD(IFLD-1),'lvl=',lvls(1,ifld-1), &
184! 'iget(66)=',iget(66)
185 enddo
186 ifld=ifld-1
187 endif
189 if(trim(param%pname)=='RH'.and.trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='sigma_lvl'.and. &
190 trim(param%fixed_sfc2_type)=='') then
191 do j=1, nlevel
192 if(abs(param%level(j)-9823)<small)then
193 lvls(1,ifld)=j
194 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
195 iget(094)=ifld
196 ident(ifld) = 094
197 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
198 found_fld=.true.
199 ifld=ifld+1
200 else if(abs(param%level(j)-9950)<small)then
201 lvls(1,ifld)=j
202 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
203 iget(323)=ifld
204 ident(ifld) = 323
205 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
206 found_fld=.true.
207 ifld=ifld+1
208 endif
209! print *,'in getlvls,RH_sigma_lvl,1 lvl,ifld=',ifld-1,'ident(ifld)=',IDENT(IFLD-1), &
210! 'iget=',iget(IDENT(IFLD-1)),'IAVBLFLD(IFLD-1)=',IAVBLFLD(IFLD-1),'lvl=',lvls(1,ifld-1), &
211! 'iget(66)=',iget(66)
212 enddo
213 ifld=ifld-1
214 endif
216 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='sigma_lvl'.and.trim(param%pname)=='PRES') then
217 do j=1, nlevel
218 if(abs(param%level(j)-98230)<small)then
219 lvls(1,ifld)=1
220 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
221 iget(091)=ifld
222 ident(ifld) = 091
223 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
224 found_fld=.true.
225 endif
226 enddo
227 endif
229 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='sigma_lvl'.and.trim(param%pname)=='TMP') then
230 do j=1, nlevel
231 if(abs(param%level(j)-9823)<small1)then
232 lvls(1,ifld)=1
233 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
234 iget(092)=ifld
235 ident(ifld) = 092
236 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
237 found_fld=.true.
238 lincfld=.true.
239 ifld=ifld+1
240 else if(abs(param%level(j)-8967)<small1)then
241 lvls(1,ifld)=1
242 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
243 iget(097)=ifld
244 ident(ifld) = 097
245 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
246 found_fld=.true.
247 lincfld=.true.
248 ifld=ifld+1
249 else if(abs(param%level(j)-7848)<small1)then
250 if(me==0)print *,'indie tmp sigma 7848'
251 lvls(1,ifld)=1
252 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
253 iget(098)=ifld
254 ident(ifld) = 098
255 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
256 found_fld=.true.
257 lincfld=.true.
258 ifld=ifld+1
259 else if(abs(param%level(j)-9950)<small1)then
260 lvls(1,ifld)=1
261 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
262 iget(321)=ifld
263 ident(ifld) = 321
264 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
265 found_fld=.true.
266 lincfld=.true.
267 ifld=ifld+1
268 endif
269 enddo
270 if(lincfld) ifld=ifld-1
271 do j=1, nlevel
272 if(abs(param%level(j)-7000)<small1.or. abs(param%level(j)-7500)<small1 &
273 .or. abs(param%level(j)-8000)<small1 .or. abs(param%level(j)-8500)<small1 &
274 .or. abs(param%level(j)-9000)<small )then
275 iget(296)=ifld
276 ident(ifld) = 296
277 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
278 found_fld=.true.
279 if(abs(param%level(j)-7000)<small1)then
280 lvls(1,ifld)=1
281 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
282 else if(abs(param%level(j)-7500)<small1)then
283 lvls(2,ifld)=1
284 lvlsxml(2,ifld)=j
285 else if(abs(param%level(j)-8000)<small1)then
286 lvls(3,ifld)=1
287 lvlsxml(3,ifld)=j
288 else if(abs(param%level(j)-8500)<small1)then
289 lvls(4,ifld)=1
290 lvlsxml(4,ifld)=j
291 else if(abs(param%level(j)-9000)<small1)then
292 lvls(5,ifld)=1
293 lvlsxml(5,ifld)=j
294 endif
295 endif
296 enddo
297 endif
300 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='sigma_lvl'.and.trim(param%pname)=='SPF_H') then
301 do j=1, nlevel
302 if(abs(param%level(j)-98230)<small)then
303 lvls(1,ifld)=1
304 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
305 iget(093)=ifld
306 ident(ifld) = 093
307 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
308 found_fld=.true.
309 endif
310 enddo
311 endif
313 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='sigma_lvl'.and.trim(param%pname)=='U_GRD') then
314 do j=1, nlevel
315 if(abs(param%level(j)-98230)<small)then
316 lvls(1,ifld)=1
317 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
318 iget(095)=ifld
319 ident(ifld) = 095
320 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
321 found_fld=.true.
322 ifld=ifld+1
323 else if(abs(param%level(j)-9950)<small)then
324 lvls(1,ifld)=1
325 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
326 iget(324)=ifld
327 ident(ifld) = 324
328 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
329 found_fld=.true.
330 ifld=ifld+1
331 endif
332 enddo
333 ifld=ifld-1
334 endif
336 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='sigma_lvl'.and.trim(param%pname)=='V_GRD') then
337 do j=1, nlevel
338 if(abs(param%level(j)-98230)<small)then
339 lvls(1,ifld)=1
340 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
341 iget(096)=ifld
342 ident(ifld) = 096
343 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
344 found_fld=.true.
345 ifld=ifld+1
346 else if(abs(param%level(j)-9950)<small)then
347 lvls(1,ifld)=1
348 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
349 iget(325)=ifld
350 ident(ifld) = 325
351 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
352 found_fld=.true.
353 ifld=ifld+1
354 endif
355 enddo
356 ifld=ifld-1
357 endif
359 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='sigma_lvl'.and.trim(param%pname)=='PWAT') then
360 do j=1, nlevel
361 if(abs(param%level(j)-33)<small.and.abs(param%level2(j)-100)<small)then
362 lvls(1,ifld)=1
363 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
364 iget(104)=ifld
365 endif
366 enddo
367 endif
368 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='sigma_lvl'.and.trim(param%pname)=='MCONV') then
369 do j=1, nlevel
370 if(abs(param%level(j)-85)<small.and.abs(param%level2(j)-100)<small)then
371 lvls(1,ifld)=1
372 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
373 iget(103)=ifld
374 endif
375 enddo
376 endif
377 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='sigma_lvl'.and.trim(param%pname)=='V_VEL') then
378 do j=1, nlevel
379 if(abs(param%level(j)-9950)<small)then
380 lvls(1,ifld)=1
381 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
382 iget(326)=ifld
383 endif
384 enddo
385 endif
387!for CAPE
388 if(trim(param%pname)=='CAPE') then
389 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='surface') then
390 iget(032)=ifld
391 lvls(1,ifld)=ifld
392 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
393 ident(ifld) = 032
394 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
395 elseif (trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='spec_pres_above_grnd'.and. &
396 trim(param%fixed_sfc2_type)=='spec_pres_above_grnd' ) then
397 do j=1, nlevel
398 if(abs(param%level(j)-18000.)<small1.and.abs(param%level2(j)-0.)<small1)then
399 iget(566)=ifld
400 lvls(1,ifld)=1
401 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
402 ident(ifld) = 566
403 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
404!jw elseif(abs(param%level(j)-9000.)<small1.and.abs(param%level2(j)-0.)<small1)then
405!jw LVLS(2,IFLD)=1
406!jw LVLSXML(2,ifld)=j
407!jw elseif(abs(param%level(j)-25500.)<small1.and.abs(param%level2(j)-0.)<small1)then
408!jw LVLS(3,IFLD)=1
409!jw LVLSXML(3,ifld)=j
410 endif
411 enddo
412 endif
413 return
414 endif
417!for CIN
418 if(trim(param%pname)=='CIN') then
419 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='surface') then
420 iget(107)=ifld
421 lvls(1,ifld)=ifld
422 ident(ifld) = 107
423 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
424 elseif (trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='spec_pres_above_grnd'.and. &
425 trim(param%fixed_sfc2_type)=='spec_pres_above_grnd' ) then
426 do j=1, nlevel
427 if(abs(param%level(j)-18000.)<small1.and.abs(param%level2(j)-0.)<small1)then
428 iget(567)=ifld
429 lvls(1,ifld)=1
430 lvlsxml(1,ifld)=j
431 ident(ifld) = 567
432 iavblfld(ifld)=ithfld
433 endif
434 enddo
435 endif
436 return
437 endif
439!for pv sfc
440 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='pot_vort_sfc') then
441 do j=1, nlevel
442 scalef=param%scale_fact_fixed_sfc1(j)-6
443 if(param%scale_fact_fixed_sfc1(j)<6) scalef=0
444 iloop3: do i=1, kpv
445 if(pv(i)/=0.and.abs(param%level(j)*10.**(-1*scalef)-pv(i))<=1.e-5) then
446 lvls(i,ifld)=1
447 lvlsxml(i,ifld)=j
448 exit iloop3
449 endif
450 enddo iloop3
451 enddo
452! print *,'for level type pv,nlevel=',nlevel,'level=', &
453! param%level(1:nlevel)*10.**(-1*scalef), &
454! 'pv=',pv(1:kpv),lvls1(1:kpv),'ifld=',ifld,'var=',trim(param%pname), &
455! 'lvl type=',trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)
456 endif
458 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl') then
459 do j=1, nlevel
460 iloop4: do i=1, nfd
461 if(nint(param%level(j))==nint(htfd(i)) )then
462 if(htfd(i)>300.) then
463 lvls(i,ifld)=1
464 else
465 lvls(i,ifld)=2
466 endif
467 lvlsxml(i,ifld)=j
468 exit iloop4
469 endif
470 enddo iloop4
471 enddo
472 endif
474 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='spec_pres_above_grnd') then
475 do j=1, nlevel
476 iloop5: do i=1, nbnd
477 if(nint(param%level(j)/100.)==nint(petabnd(i)+15.))then
478 lvls(i,ifld)=1
479 lvlsxml(i,ifld)=j
480 exit iloop5
481 endif
482 enddo iloop5
483 if(nint(param%level(j)/100.)==255) then
484 lvls(nbnd+1,ifld)=1
485 lvlsxml(nbnd+1,ifld)=j
486 endif
487 enddo
488 endif
490 if(trim(param%fixed_sfc1_type)=='spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd') then
491 do j=1, nlevel
492 lvls(j,ifld)=1
493 lvlsxml(j,ifld)=j
494 enddo
495 endif
497 end
Parameters that are used to read in Perl XML processed flat file and handle parameter marshalling for...