UPP  V11.0.0
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1 module gtg_indices
2 contains
3  subroutine indices_gtg()
4  implicit none
5  print *, "Stub code for GTG protection but to make UPP public to work"
6  end subroutine indices_gtg
7 end module gtg_indices
9 ! subroutine gtg_algo(hgt,gust,qitfax,catonly,mwt)
10 ! use ctlblk_mod, only: me,mpi_comm_comp,jsta_2l, jend_2u, jsta, jend, IM,JM,LM,SPVAL
11 ! real, intent(in) :: hgt(im,jsta_2l:jend_2u) ! terrain avg. ht in grid box (m)
12 ! real, intent(in) :: gust(im,jsta_2l:jend_2u) ! surface max gust (m/s)
13 ! real, intent(inout) :: qitfax(IM,jsta_2l:jend_2u,LM)
14 ! real, intent(inout),dimension(IM,jsta_2l:jend_2u,LM) :: catonly,mwt
15 !
16 ! print *, "Stub code for GTG protection but to make UPP public to work"
17 !
18 ! qitfax=SPVAL
19 ! catonly=SPVAL
20 ! mwt=SPVAL
21 ! return
22 ! end subroutine gtg_algo