:orphan: .. _examples: Examples -------- The following examples show off the functionality of EMCPy. The examples give reference to what can be done with these collection of tools. Please do not hesitate to issue a pull request to add further examples! .. raw:: html
.. thumbnail-parent-div-open .. thumbnail-parent-div-close .. raw:: html
Line Plots ========== .. raw:: html
.. thumbnail-parent-div-open .. raw:: html
.. only:: html .. image:: /examples/line_plots/images/thumb/sphx_glr_inverted_log_scale_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_line_plots_inverted_log_scale.py` .. raw:: html
Invert log scale
.. raw:: html
.. only:: html .. image:: /examples/line_plots/images/thumb/sphx_glr_multi_line_plot_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_line_plots_multi_line_plot.py` .. raw:: html
Plotting multiple lines on a single plot
.. raw:: html
.. only:: html .. image:: /examples/line_plots/images/thumb/sphx_glr_line_plot_options_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_line_plots_line_plot_options.py` .. raw:: html
Line Plot Options
.. raw:: html
.. only:: html .. image:: /examples/line_plots/images/thumb/sphx_glr_SkewT_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_line_plots_SkewT.py` .. raw:: html
Creating a Skew-T Log-p Plot
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Scatter Plots ============= .. raw:: html
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.. only:: html .. image:: /examples/scatter_plots/images/thumb/sphx_glr_scatter_with_regression_line_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_scatter_plots_scatter_with_regression_line.py` .. raw:: html
Creating a Scatter Plot with a Regression Line
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Histogram Plots =============== .. raw:: html
.. thumbnail-parent-div-open .. raw:: html
.. only:: html .. image:: /examples/histograms/images/thumb/sphx_glr_layered_histogram_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_histograms_layered_histogram.py` .. raw:: html
Layered histograms
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Map Plots ========= .. raw:: html
.. thumbnail-parent-div-open .. raw:: html
.. only:: html .. image:: /examples/map_plots/images/thumb/sphx_glr_map_plot_no_data_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_map_plots_map_plot_no_data.py` .. raw:: html
Creating a map plot with no data
.. raw:: html
.. only:: html .. image:: /examples/map_plots/images/thumb/sphx_glr_map_scatter_2D_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_map_plots_map_scatter_2D.py` .. raw:: html
Plotting 2D scatter data on map plot
.. raw:: html
.. only:: html .. image:: /examples/map_plots/images/thumb/sphx_glr_custom_map_domain_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_map_plots_custom_map_domain.py` .. raw:: html
Create a custom map domain
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.. toctree:: :hidden: :includehidden: /examples/line_plots/index.rst /examples/scatter_plots/index.rst /examples/histograms/index.rst /examples/map_plots/index.rst .. only:: html .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-gallery .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python :download:`Download all examples in Python source code: examples_python.zip ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter :download:`Download all examples in Jupyter notebooks: examples_jupyter.zip ` .. only:: html .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_