FV3DYCORE  Version1.0.0
fv_regional_bc.F90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  fv_regional_mod::fv_regional_bc_variables
type  fv_regional_mod::fv_domain_sides
interface  fv_regional_mod::dump_field


module  fv_regional_mod


subroutine, public fv_regional_mod::setup_regional_bc (Atm, isd, ied, jsd, jed, npx, npy)
subroutine compute_regional_bc_indices (regional_bc_bounds)
subroutine read_regional_lon_lat
subroutine read_regional_filtered_topo
subroutine, public fv_regional_mod::start_regional_cold_start (Atm, ak, bk, levp, is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed)
subroutine, public fv_regional_mod::start_regional_restart (Atm, isc, iec, jsc, jec, isd, ied, jsd, jed)
subroutine, public fv_regional_mod::read_new_bc_data (Atm, Time, Time_step_atmos, p_split, isd, ied, jsd, jed)
subroutine, public fv_regional_mod::regional_bc_data (Atm, bc_hour, is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, ak, bk)
subroutine fill_divgd_bc
subroutine fv_regional_mod::read_regional_bc_file (is_input, ie_input, js_input, je_input, nlev, ntracers, var_name_root, array_3d, array_4d, tlev, required)
subroutine fv_regional_mod::check (status)
subroutine fv_regional_mod::allocate_regional_bc_arrays (side, north_bc, south_bc, east_bc, west_bc, is_0, ie_0, js_0, je_0, is_sn, ie_sn, js_sn, je_sn, is_we, ie_we, js_we, je_we, klev, ntracers, BC_side)
subroutine fv_regional_mod::remap_scalar_nggps_regional_bc (Atm, side, isd, ied, jsd, jed, is_bc, ie_bc, js_bc, je_bc, km, npz, ncnst, ak0, bk0, psc, t_in, qa, omga, zh, phis_reg, ps, BC_side)
subroutine fv_regional_mod::remap_dwinds_regional_bc (Atm, is_input, ie_input, js_input, je_input, is_u, ie_u, js_u, je_u, is_v, ie_v, js_v, je_v, km, npz, ak0, bk0, psc, ud, vd, uc, vc, BC_side)
subroutine, public fv_regional_mod::set_regional_bcs (delp, delz, w, pt ifdef USE_COND
subroutine bc_values_into_arrays (side_t0, side_t1, side, i1, i2, j1, j2, i1_uvs, i2_uvs, j1_uvs, j2_uvs, i1_uvw, i2_uvw, j1_uvw, j2_uvw)
subroutine, public fv_regional_mod::regional_boundary_update (array, bc_vbl_name, lbnd_x, ubnd_x, lbnd_y, ubnd_y, ubnd_z, is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, fcst_time, index4)
subroutine fv_regional_mod::retrieve_bc_variable_data (bc_vbl_name, bc_side_t0, bc_side_t1, bc_t0, bc_t1, lbnd1, ubnd1, lbnd2, ubnd2, iq)
subroutine fv_regional_mod::bc_time_interpolation (array, lbnd_x, ubnd_x, lbnd_y, ubnd_y, ubnd_z, bc_t0, bc_t1, lbnd1, ubnd1, lbnd2, ubnd2, i1, i2, j1, j2, fcst_time, bc_update_interval)
subroutine fv_regional_mod::bc_time_interpolation_general (is, ie, js, je, is_s, ie_s, js_s, je_s, is_w, ie_w, js_w, je_w, fraction, t0, t1, Atm)
subroutine, public fv_regional_mod::regional_bc_t1_to_t0 (BC_t1, BC_t0, nlev, ntracers, bnds)
subroutine fv_regional_mod::convert_to_virt_pot_temp (isd, ied, jsd, jed, npz, sphum, liq_wat)
subroutine compute_vpt
subroutine fv_regional_mod::p_maxmin (qname, q, is, ie, js, je, km, fac)
subroutine fv_regional_mod::pmaxmn (qname, q, is, ie, js, je, km, fac, area, domain)
subroutine fv_regional_mod::fillq (im, km, nq, q, dp)
subroutine fv_regional_mod::mp_auto_conversion (ql, qr, qi, qs)
subroutine fv_regional_mod::nudge_qv_bc (Atm, isd, ied, jsd, jed)
subroutine get_q00
subroutine fv_regional_mod::dump_field_3d (domain, name, field, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nlev, stag)
subroutine fv_regional_mod::dump_field_2d (domain, name, field, isd, ied, jsd, jed, stag)
subroutine, public fv_regional_mod::exch_uv (domain, bd, npz, u, v)
subroutine, public fv_regional_mod::get_data_source (source, regional)
subroutine fv_regional_mod::set_delp_and_tracers (BC_side, npz, nwat)


integer, parameter fv_regional_mod::nhalo_data =4
integer, parameter fv_regional_mod::nhalo_model =3
integer, parameter, public fv_regional_mod::h_stagger = 1
integer, parameter, public fv_regional_mod::u_stagger = 2
integer, parameter, public fv_regional_mod::v_stagger = 3
real, parameter fv_regional_mod::stretch_factor = 1.50
real, parameter fv_regional_mod::target_lon = -97.5
real, parameter fv_regional_mod::target_lat = 35.5
integer, parameter fv_regional_mod::parent_tile = 6
integer, parameter fv_regional_mod::refine_ratio = 3
integer, parameter fv_regional_mod::cube_res = 96
integer, parameter fv_regional_mod::istart_nest = 26
integer, parameter fv_regional_mod::jstart_nest = 36
integer, parameter fv_regional_mod::iend_nest = 167
integer, parameter fv_regional_mod::jend_nest = 165
real, public fv_regional_mod::current_time_in_seconds
integer, save fv_regional_mod::ncid
integer, save, public fv_regional_mod::next_time_to_read_bcs
integer, save fv_regional_mod::npz
integer, save fv_regional_mod::ntracers
integer, save fv_regional_mod::liq_water_index
integer, save fv_regional_mod::sphum_index
 – Locations of tracer vbls in the tracers array More...
integer, save, public fv_regional_mod::bc_hour
integer, save, public fv_regional_mod::ntimesteps_per_bc_update
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable fv_regional_mod::agrid_reg
 -- Lon/lat of cell centers More...
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable fv_regional_mod::grid_reg
 – Lon/lat of cell corners More...
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable fv_regional_mod::phis_reg
 – Filtered sfc geopotential More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable, public fv_regional_mod::ak_in
real, dimension(:), allocatable, public fv_regional_mod::bk_in
logical, save fv_regional_mod::north_bc
logical, save fv_regional_mod::south_bc
logical, save fv_regional_mod::east_bc
logical, save fv_regional_mod::west_bc
logical, save, public fv_regional_mod::begin_regional_restart =.true.
type(fv_domain_sides), target, save, public fv_regional_mod::bc_t0
type(fv_domain_sides), target, save, public fv_regional_mod::bc_t1
 – Boundary values for all BC variables at successive times from the regional BC file More...
type(fv_regional_bc_variables), pointer, save fv_regional_mod::bc_north_t0
type(fv_regional_bc_variables), pointer, save fv_regional_mod::bc_south_t0
type(fv_regional_bc_variables), pointer, save fv_regional_mod::bc_west_t0
type(fv_regional_bc_variables), pointer, save fv_regional_mod::bc_east_t0
type(fv_regional_bc_variables), pointer, save fv_regional_mod::bc_north_t1
type(fv_regional_bc_variables), pointer, save fv_regional_mod::bc_south_t1
type(fv_regional_bc_variables), pointer, save fv_regional_mod::bc_west_t1
type(fv_regional_bc_variables), pointer, save fv_regional_mod::bc_east_t1
type(fv_regional_bc_variables), pointer fv_regional_mod::bc_side_t0
type(fv_regional_bc_variables), pointer fv_regional_mod::bc_side_t1
type(fv_regional_bc_bounds_type), pointer, save fv_regional_mod::regional_bounds
real, parameter fv_regional_mod::tice =273.16
real, parameter fv_regional_mod::t_i0 =15.
real, parameter fv_regional_mod::c_liq = 4185.5
real, parameter fv_regional_mod::c_ice = 1972.0
real, parameter fv_regional_mod::zvir = rvgas/rdgas - 1.
real, parameter fv_regional_mod::cv_air = cp_air - rdgas
real, parameter fv_regional_mod::cv_vap = cp_vapor - rvgas
real, dimension(:), allocatable fv_regional_mod::dum1d
real, dimension(:), allocatable fv_regional_mod::pref
character(len=100) fv_regional_mod::grid_data ='grid.tile7.halo4.nc'
character(len=100) fv_regional_mod::oro_data ='oro_data.tile7.halo4.nc'
real, parameter fv_regional_mod::real_snan =x'FFF7FFFFFFFFFFFF'
real(kind=r_grid), parameter fv_regional_mod::dbl_snan =x'FFF7FFFFFFFFFFFF'
integer, save fv_regional_mod::bc_update_interval
integer, public fv_regional_mod::a_step
integer, public fv_regional_mod::p_step
integer, public fv_regional_mod::k_step
integer, public fv_regional_mod::n_step
character(len=80) fv_regional_mod::data_source

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ bc_values_into_arrays()

subroutine set_regional_bcs::bc_values_into_arrays ( type(fv_regional_bc_variables), intent(in)  side_t0,
type(fv_regional_bc_variables), intent(in)  side_t1,
character(len=*), intent(in)  side,
integer, intent(in)  i1,
integer, intent(in)  i2,
integer, intent(in)  j1,
integer, intent(in)  j2,
integer, intent(in)  i1_uvs,
integer, intent(in)  i2_uvs,
integer, intent(in)  j1_uvs,
integer, intent(in)  j2_uvs,
integer, intent(in)  i1_uvw,
integer, intent(in)  i2_uvw,
integer, intent(in)  j1_uvw,
integer, intent(in)  j2_uvw 

Definition at line 3380 of file fv_regional_bc.F90.

◆ compute_regional_bc_indices()

subroutine setup_regional_bc::compute_regional_bc_indices ( type(fv_regional_bc_bounds_type), intent(out)  regional_bc_bounds)

Definition at line 617 of file fv_regional_bc.F90.

◆ compute_vpt()

subroutine convert_to_virt_pot_temp::compute_vpt ( )

Definition at line 4386 of file fv_regional_bc.F90.

◆ fill_divgd_bc()

subroutine regional_bc_data::fill_divgd_bc ( )

Definition at line 1979 of file fv_regional_bc.F90.

◆ get_q00()

subroutine nudge_qv_bc::get_q00 ( )

Definition at line 4740 of file fv_regional_bc.F90.

◆ read_regional_filtered_topo()

subroutine setup_regional_bc::read_regional_filtered_topo ( )

Definition at line 993 of file fv_regional_bc.F90.

◆ read_regional_lon_lat()

subroutine setup_regional_bc::read_regional_lon_lat ( )

Definition at line 893 of file fv_regional_bc.F90.