FV3DYCORE  Version1.0.0
fv_timing.F90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  fv_timing_mod::tms


module  fv_timing_mod
 The module 'fv_timing' contains FV3 timers.


subroutine fv_timing_mod::timing_init
 The subroutine 'timing_init' initializes timers. More...
subroutine fv_timing_mod::timing_on (blk_name)
 The subroutine 'timing_on' starts a timer. More...
subroutine fv_timing_mod::timing_off (blk_name)
 The subroutine 'timing_off' stops a timer. More...
subroutine fv_timing_mod::timing_clear ()
 The subroutine 'timing_clear' resets a timer. More...
subroutine fv_timing_mod::timing_prt (gid)
 The subroutine 'timing_prt' prints all timers. More...
subroutine fv_timing_mod::upper (string, length)


integer, private fv_timing_mod::nblks
character(len=20), dimension(nblks), private fv_timing_mod::blkname
integer, private fv_timing_mod::tblk
real, private fv_timing_mod::etime
real(kind=8), private fv_timing_mod::totim
real, dimension(2), private fv_timing_mod::tarray
type(tms), dimension(nblks), private fv_timing_mod::accum
type(tms), dimension(nblks), private fv_timing_mod::last
real, dimension(nblks, 2), private fv_timing_mod::us_tmp1
real, dimension(nblks, 2), private fv_timing_mod::us_tmp2
logical, private fv_timing_mod::module_initialized = .false.