subroutine, public | fv_surf_map_mod::surfdrv (npx, npy, grid, agrid, area, dx, dy, dxa, dya, dxc, dyc, sin_sg, phis, stretch_fac, nested, bounded_domain, npx_global, domain, grid_number, bd) |
subroutine, public | fv_surf_map_mod::fv3_zs_filter (bd, isd, ied, jsd, jed, npx, npy, npx_global, stretch_fac, bounded_domain, domain, area, dxa, dya, dx, dy, dxc, dyc, grid, agrid, sin_sg, phis, oro) |
subroutine | fv_surf_map_mod::two_delta_filter (npx, npy, q, area, dx, dy, dxa, dya, dxc, dyc, sin_sg, cd, zero_ocean, check_slope, filter_type, oro, bounded_domain, domain, bd, ntmax) |
subroutine, public | fv_surf_map_mod::del2_cubed_sphere (npx, npy, q, area, dx, dy, dxc, dyc, sin_sg, nmax, cd, zero_ocean, oro, bounded_domain, domain, bd) |
subroutine, public | fv_surf_map_mod::del4_cubed_sphere (npx, npy, q, area, dx, dy, dxc, dyc, sin_sg, nmax, zero_ocean, oro, bounded_domain, domain, bd) |
subroutine | fv_surf_map_mod::map_to_cubed_raw (igh, im, jt, lat1, lon1, zs, ft, grid, agrid, q2, f2, h2, npx, npy, jstart, jend, stretch_fac, bounded_domain, npx_global, bd) |
logical function | fv_surf_map_mod::inside_p4 (p1, p2, p3, p4, pp, th0) |
subroutine | fv_surf_map_mod::handle_err (status) |
| The subroutine 'handle_err' returns an error when it cannot find or correctly read in an external file. More...
subroutine | fv_surf_map_mod::remove_ice_sheets (lon, lat, lfrac, bd) |
subroutine | fv_surf_map_mod::read_namelist |
| The subroutine 'read_namelis' reads the namelist file, writes the namelist to log file, and initializes constants. More...
subroutine | fv_surf_map_mod::zonal_mean (im, p, zmean) |
| The sugroutine 'zonal_mean' replaces 'p' with its zonal mean. More...