NCEPLIBS-bufr  11.5.0
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4 #include "bufrlib.h"
5 #include "cfe.h"
18 void sorttbf( void )
19 {
20  qsort( &cfe[0], ( size_t ) nmtf, sizeof( struct code_flag_entry ),
21  ( int (*) ( const void *, const void * ) ) cmpstia1 );
22 }
Define signatures to enable a number of BUFRLIB subprograms to be called directly from C application ...
void sorttbf(void)
This subroutine sorts the entries within the internal memory structure for storage of master Code/Fla...
Definition: sorttbf.c:18
int cmpstia1(const void *, const void *)
This function defines a comparison between two entries within the internal memory structure for stora...
Definition: cmpstia1.c:32
f77int nmtf
Number of stored master Code/Flag table entries in cfe, up to a maximum of MXMTBF.
This structure contains array and variable declarations used to store a master Code/Flag table entry...
Definition: cfe.h:33
struct code_flag_entry * cfe
Master Code/Flag table entries.
Define signatures and declare variables for internal storage of master Code/Flag table entries...