NCEPLIBS-bufr  11.5.0
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wrdlen.F File Reference

Determine important information about the local machine. More...

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subroutine wrdlen
 This subroutine figures out some important information about the local machine on which the BUFRLIB software is being run, including the native endianness, the number of bytes in an integer, and whether the machine uses the ASCII or EBCDIC character set. More...

Detailed Description

Determine important information about the local machine.

Definition in file wrdlen.F.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine wrdlen ( void  )

This subroutine figures out some important information about the local machine on which the BUFRLIB software is being run, including the native endianness, the number of bytes in an integer, and whether the machine uses the ASCII or EBCDIC character set.

This subroutine isn't normally called directly by any application program, because it's automatically called internally from within subroutine openbf() during the first time that subroutine is called by any application program. It's also called as needed from within several other subroutines, but it always keeps track of its results as well as whether it has already been called during the life of an application program, and that way if it does end up being called more than once, it will just quietly return without having to recompute all of its results from the first call.

J. Woollen
J. Ator

Program history log:

  • 1994-01-06 J. Woollen – Original author
  • 1998-07-08 J. Woollen – Replaced call to Cray library routine ABORT with call to new internal routine bort()
  • 2003-11-04 J. Ator – Added documentation
  • 2003-11-04 S. Bender – Added remarks and routine interdependencies
  • 2003-11-04 D. Keyser – Unified/portable for WRF; added history documentation; outputs more complete diagnostic info when routine terminates abnormally, unusual things happen or for informational purposes; initialized NBYTW to zero during the first call
  • 2004-08-18 J. Ator – Added SAVE For IFIRST flag and immediate return if IFIRST=1
  • 2007-01-19 J. Ator – Big-endian vs. little-endian is now determined at compile time and configured within BUFRLIB via conditional compilation directives
  • 2009-03-23 J. Ator – Call bvers() to get version number

Definition at line 43 of file wrdlen.F.

References bort(), errwrt(), and iupm().

Referenced by cobfl(), copybf(), datebf(), datelen(), dumpbf(), iupbs01(), iupbs3(), openbf(), rdmtbb(), rdmtbd(), rdmtbf(), and upds3().