NCEPLIBS-bufr  11.6.0
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bort2.f File Reference

Log two error messages and abort application program. More...

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subroutine bort2 (STR1, STR2)
 This subroutine calls subroutine errwrt() to log two error messages, then calls subroutine bort_exit() to abort the application program. More...

Detailed Description

Log two error messages and abort application program.

Definition in file bort2.f.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine bort2 ( character*(*)  STR1,
character*(*)  STR2 

This subroutine calls subroutine errwrt() to log two error messages, then calls subroutine bort_exit() to abort the application program.

It is similar to subroutine bort(), except that bort() logs one error message instead of two.

D. Keyser
[in]STR1– character*(*): First error message
[in]STR2– character*(*): Second error message

Program history log:

Date Programmer Comments
2003-11-04 D. Keyser Original author
2009-04-21 J. Ator Use errwrt()

Definition at line 22 of file bort2.f.

References bort_exit(), and errwrt().

Referenced by elemdx(), getntbe(), ireadmt(), mtfnam(), mtinfo(), parstr(), parusr(), parutg(), rdusdx(), seqsdx(), sntbbe(), sntbde(), sntbfe(), string(), ufbint(), ufbovr(), ufbrep(), ufbstp(), and valx().