NCEPLIBS-bufr  11.7.0
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1 C> @file
2 C> @brief Fortran language code for debufr utility.
4 C> This module is used within the debufr utility to share
5 C> information between subroutine fdebufr() and subroutine
6 C> openbt(), since the latter is not called by the former but
7 C> rather is called directly from within the BUFRLIB software.
11 C> @var ctbldir
12 C> Directory containing DX BUFR tables to be used for
13 C> decoding.
14 C>
15 C> @var ltbd
16 C> Length (in characters) of ctbldir.
17 C>
18 C> @var ludx
19 C> Fortran logical unit number to use for referencing
20 C> a DX table.
22  character*120 ctbldir
23  integer ltbd, ludx
26 C> This subroutine reads, decodes, and generates a verbose output
27 C> listing of the contents of every BUFR message from within the
28 C> input file that was previously opened via a call to subroutine
29 C> cobfl() with io = 'r'.
30 C>
31 C> @author J. Ator
32 C> @date 2009-07-01
33 C>
34 C> @param[in] ofile -- character*(*): File to contain verbose output
35 C> listing of contents of each decoded BUFR message
36 C> @param[in] tbldir -- character*(*): Directory containing DX and/or
37 C> master BUFR tables to be used for decoding
38 C> @param[in] lentd -- integer: length of tbldir string
39 C> @param[in] tblfil -- character*(*): File containing DX BUFR table
40 C> information to be used for decoding
41 C> - 'NULLFILE' = No such file will be used
42 C> @param[in] prmstg -- character*(*): String of up to 20 comma-separated
43 C> PARAMETER=VALUE pairs to be used to dynamically
44 C> allocate memory within the BUFRLIB software,
45 C> overriding the default VALUE that would otherwise
46 C> be used for each such PARAMETER.
47 C> - 'NULLPSTG' = No such pairs will be used
48 C> @param[in] basic -- character: Indicator as to whether only "basic"
49 C> information in Sections 0-3 should be decoded
50 C> from each BUFR message:
51 C> - 'Y' = Yes
52 C> - 'N' = No
53 C> @param[in] forcemt -- character: Indicator as to whether master BUFR
54 C> tables should be used for decoding, regardless
55 C> of whether the input file contains any embedded
56 C> DX BUFR table messages:
57 C> - 'Y' = Yes
58 C> - 'N' = No
59 C> @param[in] cfms -- character: Indicator as to whether code and flag
60 C> table meanings should be read from master BUFR
61 C> tables and included in the print output:
62 C> - 'Y' = Yes
63 C> - 'N' = No
64 C>
65 C> @remarks
66 C> - See BUFRLIB function isetprm() for a complete list of parameters
67 C> that can be dynamically sized via prmstg.
68 C> - Fortran logical unit numbers 51, 90, 91, 92 and 93 are reserved
69 C> for use within this subroutine.
70 C>
71 C> <b>Program history log:</b>
72 C> | Date | Programmer | Comments |
73 C> | -----|------------|----------|
74 C> | 2009-07-01 | J. Ator | Original author |
75 C> | 2012-06-18 | J. Ator | Added tblfil argument and options to decode files according to DX dictionary information |
76 C> | 2012-12-07 | J. Ator | Added forcemt and lentd arguments |
77 C> | 2013-10-07 | J. Ator | Print Section 1 tank receipt time information for NCEP/NCO BUFR messages if available |
78 C> | 2013-11-15 | J. Ator | Added check for missing or unreadable tblfil |
79 C> | 2014-09-15 | J. Ator | Confirm BUFR file was opened (i.e. at least one good return from crbmg() before calling dxdump() |
80 C> | 2018-01-19 | J. Ator | Added print of code and flag table meanings |
81 C> | 2018-03-01 | J. Ator | Added print of data types and subtypes from code and flag tables |
82 C> | 2018-09-05 | J. Ator | Added prmstg argument |
83 C> | 2019-02-01 | J. Ator | Remove limit on length of prmstg |
84 C> | 2021-02-24 | J. Ator | Use all formatted writes, for consistent output between builds using 4-byte vs. 8-byte integers |
85 C>
86  SUBROUTINE fdebufr ( ofile, tbldir, lentd, tblfil, prmstg,
87  + basic, forcemt, cfms )
91  parameter( mxbf = 2500000 )
92  parameter( mxbfd4 = mxbf/4 )
93  parameter( mxds3 = 500 )
94  parameter( mxprms = 20 )
96  character*(*) ofile, tbldir, tblfil, prmstg
98  logical exists
100  character*120 cmorgc, cmgses, cmmtyp, cmmsbt, cmmsbti
101  character*20 ptag( mxprms ), pvtag(2), cprmnm
102  character*8 cmgtag
103  character*6 cds3( mxds3 )
104  character*1 basic, forcemt, opened, usemt, cfms,
105  + bfmg( mxbf )
107  integer ibfmg( mxbfd4 )
109  equivalence( bfmg(1), ibfmg(1) )
111 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
112 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
114 C Open the output file.
116  OPEN ( unit = 51, file = ofile )
118 C Note that in the below OPEN statement we just need to specify
119 C a dummy placeholder file.
121  lunit = 92
122  OPEN ( unit = lunit, file = '/dev/null' )
124  CALL datelen( 10 )
126 C Initialize the values in the Share_Table_Info module.
128  ludx = 93
129  ltbd = lentd
130  ctbldir = tbldir(1:lentd)
132 C Initialize some other values.
134  nmsg = 0
135  nsubt = 0
137  opened = 'N'
138  usemt = 'N'
140  DO WHILE ( .true. )
142 C Get the next message from the input BUFR file.
144  CALL crbmg( bfmg, mxbf, nbyt, ierr )
146  IF ( ierr .ne. 0 ) THEN
148  IF ( ierr .eq. -1 ) THEN
149  WRITE ( unit = 51, fmt = '( /, 2A, I7, A, I9, A )')
150  + 'Reached end of BUFR file; it contained a total ',
151  + 'of', nmsg, ' messages and', nsubt, ' subsets'
152  ELSE
153  WRITE ( unit = 51, fmt = '( /, 2A, I4 )' )
154  + 'Error while reading BUFR file; the return code ',
155  + 'from CRBMG = ', ierr
156  ENDIF
158  IF ( ( basic .eq. 'N' ) .and. ( opened .eq. 'Y' ) ) THEN
159  WRITE (51, fmt = '( /, A, / )' )
160  + 'Here is the DX table that was generated:'
161  CALL dxdump( lunit, 51 )
162  ENDIF
164 C Close the output file and return.
166  CLOSE ( 51 )
168  ENDIF
170  IF ( opened .eq. 'N' ) THEN
172  CALL isetprm( 'MAXCD', mxds3 )
173  CALL isetprm( 'MXMSGL', mxbf )
174  CALL isetprm( 'MAXSS', 300000 )
175  CALL isetprm( 'NFILES', 2 )
177 C Process any dynamic allocation parameters that were
178 C passed in on the command line.
180  IF ( prmstg(1:8) .ne. 'NULLPSTG' ) THEN
181  CALL parstr( prmstg, ptag, mxprms, nptag, ',',
182  + .false. )
183  IF ( nptag .gt. 0 ) THEN
184  DO ii = 1, nptag
185  CALL parstr( ptag(ii), pvtag, 2, npvtag, '=',
186  + .false. )
187  IF ( npvtag .eq. 2 ) THEN
188  CALL strsuc( pvtag(1), cprmnm, lcprmnm )
189  CALL strnum( pvtag(2), ipval )
190  IF ( ( lcprmnm .gt. 0 ) .and.
191  + ( ipval .ne. -1 ) )
192  + CALL isetprm( cprmnm(1:lcprmnm), ipval )
193  ENDIF
194  ENDDO
195  ENDIF
196  ENDIF
198 C Decide how to process the file.
200  IF ( ( idxmsg( ibfmg ) .eq. 1 ) .and.
201  + ( forcemt .eq. 'N' ) ) THEN
203 C The first message in the file is a DX dictionary
204 C message, so assume there's an embedded table at the
205 C front of the file and use this table to decode it.
207  CALL openbf( lunit, 'INUL', lunit )
208  ELSE IF ( ( tblfil(1:8) .ne. 'NULLFILE' ) .and.
209  + ( forcemt .eq. 'N' ) ) THEN
211 C A DX dictionary tables file was specified on the
212 C command line, so use it to decode the BUFR file.
214  INQUIRE ( file = tblfil, exist = exists )
215  IF ( .not. exists ) THEN
216  print *, 'ERROR: COULD NOT FIND FILE ', tblfil
218  ENDIF
219  OPEN ( unit = 91, file = tblfil, iostat = ier )
220  IF ( ier .ne. 0 ) THEN
221  print *, 'ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE ', tblfil
223  ENDIF
224  CALL openbf( lunit, 'IN', 91 )
225  ELSE
227 C Decode the file using the master tables in tbldir.
229  usemt = 'Y'
230  CALL openbf( lunit, 'SEC3', lunit )
231  ENDIF
233  opened = 'Y'
235  CALL mtinfo( tbldir, 90, 91 )
236  IF ( cfms .eq. 'Y' ) CALL codflg( 'Y' )
237  ENDIF
239  IF ( basic .eq. 'N' ) THEN
241 C Pass the message to the decoder.
243  CALL readerme( ibfmg, lunit, cmgtag, imgdt, ierme )
244  ENDIF
246 C If this is a DX dictionary message, then don't generate any
247 C output unless master tables are being used for decoding.
249  IF ( ( idxmsg( ibfmg ) .ne. 1 ) .or.
250  + ( usemt .eq. 'Y' ) ) THEN
252  nmsg = nmsg + 1
254  WRITE ( unit = 51, fmt = '( /, A, I7 )' )
255  + 'Found BUFR message #', nmsg
257 C Decode and output the data from Section 0.
259  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( /, A, I9 )' )
260  + ' Message length: ',
261  + iupbs01( ibfmg, 'LENM' )
262  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
263  + ' Section 0 length: ',
264  + iupbs01( ibfmg, 'LEN0' )
265  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
266  + ' BUFR edition: ',
267  + iupbs01( ibfmg, 'BEN' )
269 C Decode and output the data from Section 1.
271  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( /, A, I4 )' )
272  + ' Section 1 length: ',
273  + iupbs01( ibfmg, 'LEN1' )
274  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
275  + ' Master table: ',
276  + iupbs01( ibfmg, 'BMT' )
278  iogce = iupbs01( ibfmg, 'OGCE' )
279  igses = iupbs01( ibfmg, 'GSES' )
280  IF ( ( basic .eq. 'Y' ) .or.
281  + ( cfms .eq. 'N' ) ) THEN
282  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I5 )' )
283  + ' Originating center: ', iogce
284  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
285  + ' Originating subcenter: ', igses
286  ELSE
287  CALL getcfmng( lunit, 'ORIGC', iogce, ' ', -1,
288  + cmorgc, lcmorgc, ierorgc )
289  IF ( ierorgc .eq. 0 ) THEN
290  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I5, 3A )' )
291  + ' Originating center: ', iogce,
292  + ' (= ', cmorgc(1:lcmorgc), ')'
293  ELSE
294  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I5 )' )
295  + ' Originating center: ', iogce
296  ENDIF
297  CALL getcfmng( lunit, 'GSES', igses,
298  + 'ORIGC', iogce,
299  + cmgses, lcmgses, iergses )
300  IF ( iergses .eq. 0 ) THEN
301  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4, 3A )' )
302  + ' Originating subcenter: ', igses,
303  + ' (= ', cmgses(1:lcmgses), ')'
304  ELSE
305  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
306  + ' Originating subcenter: ', igses
307  ENDIF
308  ENDIF
310  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
311  + ' Update sequence numbr: ',
312  + iupbs01( ibfmg, 'USN' )
314  IF ( iupbs01( ibfmg, 'ISC2' ) .eq. 1 ) THEN
315  WRITE ( 51, fmt = '( A )')
316  + ' Section 2 present?: Yes'
317  ELSE
318  WRITE ( 51, fmt = '( A )')
319  + ' Section 2 present?: No'
320  ENDIF
322  mtyp = iupbs01( ibfmg, 'MTYP' )
323  msbt = iupbs01( ibfmg, 'MSBT' )
324  msbti = iupbs01( ibfmg, 'MSBTI' )
325  IF ( ( basic .eq. 'Y' ) .or.
326  + ( cfms .eq. 'N' ) ) THEN
327  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
328  + ' Data category: ', mtyp
329  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
330  + ' Local subcategory: ', msbt
331  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
332  + ' Internatl subcategory: ', msbti
333  ELSE
334  CALL getcfmng( lunit, 'TABLAT', mtyp, ' ', -1,
335  + cmmtyp, lcmmtyp, iermtyp )
336  IF ( iermtyp .eq. 0 ) THEN
337  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4, 3A )' )
338  + ' Data category: ', mtyp,
339  + ' (= ', cmmtyp(1:lcmmtyp), ')'
340  ELSE
341  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
342  + ' Data category: ', mtyp
343  ENDIF
344  CALL getcfmng( lunit, 'TABLASL', msbt,
345  + 'TABLAT', mtyp,
346  + cmmsbt, lcmmsbt, iermsbt )
347  IF ( ( iermsbt .eq. 0 ) .and.
348  + ( iogce .eq. 7 ) ) THEN
349  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4, 3A )' )
350  + ' Local subcategory: ', msbt,
351  + ' (= ', cmmsbt(1:lcmmsbt), ')'
352  ELSE
353  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
354  + ' Local subcategory: ', msbt
355  ENDIF
356  CALL getcfmng( lunit, 'TABLASS', msbti,
357  + 'TABLAT', mtyp,
358  + cmmsbti, lcmmsbti, iermsbti )
359  IF ( iermsbti .eq. 0 ) THEN
360  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4, 3A )' )
361  + ' Internatl subcategory: ', msbti,
362  + ' (= ', cmmsbti(1:lcmmsbti), ')'
363  ELSE
364  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
365  + ' Internatl subcategory: ', msbti
366  ENDIF
367  ENDIF
369  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
370  + ' Master table version: ',
371  + iupbs01( ibfmg, 'MTV' )
372  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
373  + ' Local table version: ',
374  + iupbs01( ibfmg, 'MTVL' )
375  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
376  + ' Year: ',
377  + iupbs01( ibfmg, 'YEAR' )
378  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
379  + ' Month: ',
380  + iupbs01( ibfmg, 'MNTH' )
381  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
382  + ' Day: ',
383  + iupbs01( ibfmg, 'DAYS' )
384  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
385  + ' Hour: ',
386  + iupbs01( ibfmg, 'HOUR' )
387  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
388  + ' Minute: ',
389  + iupbs01( ibfmg, 'MINU' )
390  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
391  + ' Second: ',
392  + iupbs01( ibfmg, 'SECO' )
393  IF ( ( iogce .eq. 7 ) .and. ( igses .eq. 3 ) ) THEN
394  CALL rtrcptb( ibfmg, iryr, irmo, irdy, irhr,
395  + irmi, irtret )
396  IF ( irtret .eq. 0 ) THEN
397  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
398  + ' NCEP tank rcpt year: ', iryr
399  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
400  + ' NCEP tank rcpt month: ', irmo
401  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
402  + ' NCEP tank rcpt day: ', irdy
403  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
404  + ' NCEP tank rcpt hour: ', irhr
405  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I4 )' )
406  + ' NCEP tank rcpt minute: ', irmi
407  END IF
408  END IF
410 C Decode and output the data from Section 3.
412  nsub = iupbs3( ibfmg, 'NSUB' )
413  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( /, A, I4 )' )
414  + ' Number of data subsets: ', nsub
415  nsubt = nsubt + nsub
417  IF ( iupbs3( ibfmg, 'IOBS' ) .eq. 1 ) THEN
418  WRITE ( 51, fmt = '( A )')
419  + ' Data are observed?: Yes'
420  ELSE
421  WRITE ( 51, fmt = '( A )')
422  + ' Data are observed?: No'
423  ENDIF
425  IF ( iupbs3( ibfmg, 'ICMP' ) .eq. 1 ) THEN
426  WRITE ( 51, fmt = '( A )')
427  + ' Data are compressed?: Yes'
428  ELSE
429  WRITE ( 51, fmt = '( A )')
430  + ' Data are compressed?: No'
431  ENDIF
433  CALL upds3( ibfmg, mxds3, cds3, nds3 )
434  WRITE ( 51, fmt= '( A, I5 )' )
435  + ' Number of descriptors: ', nds3
436  DO jj = 1, nds3
437  WRITE ( 51, fmt = '( 5X, I4, A, A6)' )
438  + jj, ": ", cds3( jj )
439  END DO
441  IF ( ( basic .eq. 'N' ) .and.
442  + ( ierme .ge. 0 ) ) THEN
444 C Decode and output the data from Section 4.
446  WRITE ( unit = 51,
447  + fmt = '( /, A, I7, 3A, I10, A, I6, A )' )
448  + 'BUFR message #', nmsg, ' of type ', cmgtag,
449  + ' and date ', imgdt, ' contains ', nsub,
450  + ' subsets:'
451  DO WHILE ( ireadsb( lunit ) .eq. 0 )
452  CALL ufdump( lunit, 51 )
453  ENDDO
454  ENDIF
456  WRITE ( unit = 51, fmt = '( /, A, I7 )' )
457  + 'End of BUFR message #', nmsg
458  WRITE ( unit = 51, fmt = '( /, 120("-"))' )
459  ENDIF
461  ENDDO
464  END
466 C> This subroutine overrides the placeholder subroutine of the same
467 C> name within the BUFRLIB distribution package.
468 C>
469 C> <p>Given the data category for a BUFR message, it opens the
470 C> appropriate DX BUFR tables file to use in reading/decoding
471 C> the message.
472 C>
473 C> @author J. Ator
474 C> @date 2012-12-07
475 C>
476 C> @param[in] mtyp -- integer: Data category of BUFR message
477 C> @param[out] lundx -- integer: Fortran logical unit number for
478 C> DX BUFR tables file to use in
479 C> reading/decoding the message
480 C> - 0 = No such file is available
481 C>
482 C> <b>Program history log:</b>
483 C> - 2012-12-07 J. Ator -- Original author
484 C>
485  SUBROUTINE openbt ( lundx, mtyp )
487  USE share_table_info
489  character*11 bftab
491  character*240 bftabfil
493  logical exists
495 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
496 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
498  WRITE ( bftab, '("bufrtab.",i3.3)' ) mtyp
499  bftabfil = ctbldir(1:ltbd) // '/' // bftab
501  INQUIRE ( file = bftabfil, exist = exists )
502  IF ( exists ) THEN
503  lundx = ludx
504  CLOSE ( lundx )
505  OPEN ( unit = lundx, file = bftabfil )
506  ELSE
507  lundx = 0
508  END IF
511  END
subroutine codflg(CF)
This subroutine is used to specify whether or not code and flag table information should be included ...
Definition: codflg.f:45
function iupbs3(MBAY, S3MNEM)
This function returns a specified value from within Section 3 of a BUFR message.
Definition: iupbs3.f:34
subroutine dxdump(LUNIT, LDXOT)
This subroutine prints a copy of the DX BUFR table associated with a specified Fortran logical unit...
Definition: dxdump.f:45
function ireadsb(LUNIT)
This function calls BUFRLIB subroutine readsb() and passes back its return code as the function value...
Definition: ireadsb.f:30
subroutine strsuc(STR1, STR2, LENS)
This subroutine removes leading and trailing blanks from a character string.
Definition: strsuc.f:23
subroutine parstr(STR, TAGS, MTAG, NTAG, SEP, LIMIT80)
Definition: parstr.f:37
subroutine datelen(LEN)
This subroutine is used to specify the format of Section 1 date-time values that will be output by fu...
Definition: datelen.f:35
subroutine fdebufr(ofile, tbldir, lentd, tblfil, prmstg, basic, forcemt, cfms)
This subroutine reads, decodes, and generates a verbose output listing of the contents of every BUFR ...
Definition: debufr.f:86
subroutine rtrcptb(MBAY, IYR, IMO, IDY, IHR, IMI, IRET)
This subroutine reads the tank receipt time (if one exists) from Section 1 of a BUFR message...
Definition: rtrcptb.f:31
subroutine mtinfo(CMTDIR, LUNMT1, LUNMT2)
This subroutine allows the specification of the directory location and Fortran logical unit numbers t...
Definition: mtinfo.f:46
subroutine strnum(STR, NUM)
This subroutine decodes an integer from a character string.
Definition: strnum.f:23
This module is used within the debufr utility to share information between subroutine fdebufr() and s...
Definition: debufr.f:9
subroutine upds3(MBAY, LCDS3, CDS3, NDS3)
This subroutine returns the sequence of data descriptors contained within Section 3 of a BUFR message...
Definition: upds3.f:34
subroutine readerme(MESG, LUNIT, SUBSET, JDATE, IRET)
This subroutine is similar to subroutine readmg(), except that it reads a BUFR message from an array ...
Definition: readerme.f:74
function idxmsg(MESG)
This function determines whether a given BUFR message contains DX BUFR tables information that was ge...
Definition: idxmsg.f:23
subroutine openbf(LUNIT, IO, LUNDX)
This subroutine connects a new file to the BUFRLIB software for input or output operations.
Definition: openbf.f:138
void crbmg(char *, f77int *, f77int *, f77int *)
This subroutine reads the next BUFR message from the system file that was opened via the most recent ...
Definition: crbmg.c:48
INTEGER function isetprm(CPRMNM, IPVAL)
This function sets a specified parameter to a specified value for use in dynamically allocating one o...
Definition: isetprm.f:99
subroutine openbt(LUNDX, MTYP)
This subroutine is called as a last resort from within subroutine cktaba(), in the event the latter s...
Definition: openbt.f:41
subroutine ufdump(LUNIT, LUPRT)
This subroutine prints a verbose listing of the contents of a data subset, including all data values ...
Definition: ufdump.f:63
This subroutine searches for a specified Table B mnemonic and associated value (code figure or bit nu...
Definition: getcfmng.f:109
function iupbs01(MBAY, S01MNEM)
This function returns a specified value from within Section 0 or Section 1 of a BUFR message...
Definition: iupbs01.f:73