NCEPLIBS-bufr 11.7.1
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bufr_interface.f90 File Reference

Enable a number of BUFRLIB subprograms and variables to be accessed via wrapper functions from C and C++ based application programs. More...

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module  bufr_c_interface_mod
 This module contains functions which wrap Fortran BUFRLIB functions and variables so they can be used from within C and C++ based apps.


subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::closbf_c (bufr_unit)
 Wraps BUFRLIB "closbf" subroutine. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::close_c (lunit)
 Wraps fortran "close" statement so we can close a Fortran file from a C program. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::delete_table_data_c ()
 Deletes the copies of the moda_tables arrays. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::exitbufr_c ()
 Wraps BUFRLIB "exitbufr" subroutine. Closes all open file units used by BUFRLIB. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::get_inode_c (lun, start_node)
 Get the bufr node idx for the start node of the subset. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::get_inv_c (lun, inv_ptr, inv_size)
 Get pointer to the moda_usrint INV array. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::get_isc_c (isc_ptr, isc_size)
 Get copy of the moda_tables ISC array. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::get_itp_c (itp_ptr, itp_size)
 Get copy of the moda_tables ITP array. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::get_jmpb_c (jmpb_ptr, jmpb_size)
 Get copy of the moda_tables JMPB array. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::get_link_c (link_ptr, link_size)
 Get copy of the moda_tables LINK array. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::get_nval_c (lun, numNodes)
 Get the number of values in the current subset. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::get_tag_c (tag_ptr, tag_len, mem_size)
 Get copy of the moda_tables TAG array. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::get_typ_c (typ_ptr, typ_len, mem_size)
 Get copy of the moda_tables TYP array. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::get_val_c (lun, val_ptr, val_size)
 Get pointer to the moda_usrint VAL array. More...
integer(c_int) function, public bufr_c_interface_mod::ireadmg_c (bufr_unit, c_subset, iddate, subset_str_len)
 Wraps BUFRLIB "ireadmg" subroutine. More...
integer(c_int) function, public bufr_c_interface_mod::ireadsb_c (bufr_unit)
 Wraps BUFRLIB "ireadsb" function. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::mtinfo_c (path, file_unit_1, file_unit_2)
 Wraps BUFRLIB "mtinfo" function. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::nemdefs_c (file_unit, mnemonic, unit_c, unit_str_len, desc_c, desc_str_len, iret)
 Gets Table B Unit and Description strings for a mnemonic. Wraps BUFRLIB "nemdefs". More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::nemspecs_c (file_unit, mnemonic, mnemonic_idx, scale, reference, bits, iret)
 Gets Table B scale, reference, and bits values. Wraps BUFRLIB "nemspecs". More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::nemtab_c (bufr_unit, mnemonic, descriptor, table_type, table_idx)
 This subroutine returns information about a descriptor from the internal DX BUFR tables, based on the mnemonic associated with that descriptor. Wraps BUFRLIB "nemtab". More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::nemtbb_c (bufr_unit, table_idx, unit_str, unit_str_len, scale, reference, bits)
 Get information about a Table B descriptor. Wraps BUFRLIB "nemtbb". More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::open_c (lunit, filepath)
 Wraps fortran "open" statement so we can open a Fortran file from a C program. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::openbf_c (bufr_unit, cio, table_file_id)
 Wraps BUFRLIB "openbf" subroutine. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::status_c (file_unit, lun, il, im)
 Get Raw BUFR data functions. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::ufbint_c (bufr_unit, c_data, dim_1, dim_2, iret, table_b_mnemonic)
 Wraps BUFRLIB "ufbint" function. More...
subroutine, public bufr_c_interface_mod::ufbrep_c (bufr_unit, c_data, dim_1, dim_2, iret, table_b_mnemonic)
 Wraps BUFRLIB "ufbrep" function. More...

Detailed Description

Enable a number of BUFRLIB subprograms and variables to be accessed via wrapper functions from C and C++ based application programs.

Ronald Mclaren

Definition in file bufr_interface.f90.