NCEPLIBS-bufr 11.7.1
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datebf.f File Reference

Read the Section 1 date-time from the first data message of a BUFR file. More...

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subroutine datebf (LUNIT, MEAR, MMON, MDAY, MOUR, IDATE)
 This subroutine reads and returns the Section 1 date-time from the first data message of a BUFR file, bypassing any messages at the beginning of the file which may contain embedded DX BUFR table information. More...

Detailed Description

Read the Section 1 date-time from the first data message of a BUFR file.

Definition in file datebf.f.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ datebf()

subroutine datebf (   LUNIT,

This subroutine reads and returns the Section 1 date-time from the first data message of a BUFR file, bypassing any messages at the beginning of the file which may contain embedded DX BUFR table information.

J. Woollen
[in]LUNIT– integer: Fortran logical unit number for BUFR file
[out]MEAR– integer: Year stored within Section 1 of first data message, in format of either YY or YYYY, depending on the most recent call to subroutine datelen()
[out]MMON– integer: Month stored within Section 1 of first data message
[out]MDAY– integer: Day stored within Section 1 of first data message
[out]MOUR– integer: Hour stored within Section 1 of first data message
[out]IDATE– integer: Date-time stored within Section 1 of first data message, in format of either YYMMDDHH or YYYYMMDDHH, depending on the most recent call to subroutine datelen()

Logical unit LUNIT must already be associated with a filename on the local system, typically via a Fortran "OPEN" statement.

Program history log:

Date Programmer Comments
1994-01-06 J. Woollen Original author
1998-07-08 J. Woollen Replaced call to Cray library routine ABORT with call to new internal routine bort()
1998-08-31 J. Woollen Modified to correct an error which led to MEAR being returned as 2-digit when it was requested as 4-digit via a prior call to datelen()
1998-10-27 J. Woollen Modified to correct problems caused by in-lining code with fpp directives
2003-05-19 M. Shirey Replaced calls to Fortran insrinsic function ICHAR with the NCEP W3LIB function MOVA2I
2003-11-04 D. Keyser Modified date calculations to no longer use floating point arithmetic
2004-08-18 J. Ator Modified 'BUFR' string test for portability to EBCDIC machines
2004-12-20 D. Keyser Calls wrdlen() to initialize local machine information, in case it has not yet been called
2005-11-29 J. Ator Use igetdate(), iupbs01() and rdmsgw()
2009-03-23 J. Ator Use idxmsg() and errwrt()
2012-09-15 J. Woollen Modified for C/I/O/BUFR interface; use new openbf type 'INX' to open and close the C file without closing the Fortran file
2014-12-10 J. Ator Use modules instead of COMMON blocks

Definition at line 49 of file datebf.f.

References bort(), closbf(), errwrt(), idxmsg(), igetdate(), openbf(), rdmsgw(), and status().