56 IF ( iolun(jj) .NE. 0 )
CALL closbf( abs(iolun(jj)) )
subroutine ardllocf
This subroutine frees any memory that was dynamically allocated during a previous call to subroutine ...
void dlloctbf(void)
This subroutine frees any memory that was dynamically allocated during a previous call to subroutine ...
subroutine closbf(LUNIT)
This subroutine closes the connection between logical unit LUNIT and the BUFRLIB software.
subroutine exitbufr
This subroutine frees all dynamically-allocated memory, closes all logical units that are open within...
This module declares and initializes the IFOPBF variable.
integer, public ifopbf
Status indicator to keep track of whether subroutine openbf() has already been called:
This module declares and initializes the NFILES variable.
integer, public nfiles
Maximum number of BUFR files that can be connected to the BUFRLIB software (for reading or writing) a...