NCEPLIBS-bufr  12.0.1
modules_arrs.F90 File Reference

Declare module arrays. More...

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module  moda_bitbuf
 This module contains array and variable declarations used to store BUFR messages internally for multiple I/O streams.
module  moda_bitmaps
 This module contains array and variable declarations used to store bitmaps internally within a data subset definition.
module  moda_bufrmg
 This module contains arrays used to store, for each output I/O stream, a copy of the BUFR message that was most recently written to that stream, for possible later retrieval via subroutine writsa().
module  moda_bufrsr
 This module contains arrays and variables needed to store the current position within a BUFR file.
module  moda_comprs
 This module contains arrays and variable declarations for the storage of data values needed when writing compressed data subsets to a BUFR message for output.
module  moda_comprx
 This module contains arrays and variable declarations for the storage of data values needed when writing compressed data subsets to a BUFR message for output.
module  moda_dscach
 This module contains array and variable declarations for the internal Table A mnemonic cache that is used for Section 3 decoding of BUFR messages.
module  moda_h4wlc
 This module contains array and variable declarations needed to store long character strings (greater than 8 bytes) via subroutine hold4wlc().
module  moda_idrdm
 This module contains a declaration for an array used by subroutine readerme() to read in a new DX dictionary table as a consecutive set of one or more DX BUFR tables messages.
module  moda_ival
 This module contains a declaration for an array used to pack or unpack all of the values of a BUFR data subset.
module  moda_ivttmp
 This module contains arrays which provide working space in several subprograms (usrtpl() and ufbcup()) which manipulate the contents of the internal subset buffers where the contents of an evolving BUFR message are sccumulated and stored under user control prior to being written out.
module  moda_lushr
 This module contains a declaration for an array used by subroutine makestab() to keep track of which logical units share DX BUFR table information.
module  moda_mgwa
 This module contains a declaration for an array used by various subroutines and functions to hold a temporary working copy of a BUFR message.
module  moda_mgwb
 This module contains a declaration for an array used by various subroutines and functions to hold a temporary working qcopy of a BUFR message.
module  moda_msgcwd
 This module contains declarations for arrays used to store information about the current BUFR message that is in the process of being read from or written to the logical unit associated with each internal I/O stream index.
module  moda_msglim
 This module contains a declaration for an array used to keep track of which logical units should not have any empty (zero data subset) BUFR messages written to them.
module  moda_msgmem
 This module contains array and variable declarations used to store the contents of one or more BUFR files within internal memory.
module  moda_mstabs
 This module contains array and variable declarations used to store master Table B and Table D entries within internal memory.
module  moda_nmikrp
 This module contains declarations for arrays used by various subroutines to hold information about Table D sequences.
module  moda_nrv203
 This module contains array and variable declarations for use with any 2-03-YYY (change reference value) operators present within the internal jump/link table.
module  moda_nulbfr
 This module contains an array declaration used to store a switch for each internal I/O stream index, indicating whether any BUFR messages should actually be written to the corresponding logical unit.
module  moda_rdmtb
 This module contains array and variable declarations used to store master Table B and Table D entries within internal memory.
module  moda_rlccmn
 This module contains array and variable declarations needed to store information about long character strings (greater than 8 bytes) when reading them from input data subsets in compressed BUFR messages via subroutines rdcmps() and readlc().
module  moda_s01cm
 This module contains array and variable declarations used to store custom values for certain mnemonics within Sections 0 and 1 of all future output BUFR messages written to all Fortran logical units.
module  moda_sc3bfr
 This module contains an array declaration used to store a switch for each internal I/O stream index, indicating whether BUFR messages read from the corresponding logical unit should be decoded according to the contents of Section 3 and using master BUFR tables, rather than using DX BUFR tables.
module  moda_stbfr
 This module contains array declarations used to store file and message status indicators for all logical units that have been connected to the library via previous calls to subroutine openbf().
module  moda_stcode
 This module contains an array declaration used to store a status code for each internal I/O stream index if an error or other abnormal result occurs while processing a BUFR message within the associated logical unit.
module  moda_tababd
 This module contains array and variable declarations used to store DX BUFR tables internally for multiple I/O streams.
module  moda_tables
 This module contains array and variable declarations used to store the internal jump/link table.
module  moda_ufbcpl
 This module contains an array declaration used to store, for each I/O stream index, the logical unit number corresponding to a separate I/O stream index whenever BUFR data subsets are being copied from the latter to the former via subroutine ufbcpy().
module  moda_unptyp
 This module contains an array declaration used to store, for each I/O stream index from which a BUFR message is currently being read as input, a flag indicating how to unpack the data subsets from the message.
module  moda_usrbit
 This module contains array declarations for internal storage of pointers to BUFR data subset values.
module  moda_usrint
 This module contains declarations for arrays used to store data values and associated metadata for the current BUFR data subset in scope for each I/O stream index.
module  moda_usrtmp
 This module contains arrays used in subroutine rcstpl() to store subset segments that are being copied from a subset template into internal subset arrays.
module  moda_xtab
 This module contains an array declaration used to track, for each I/O stream index, whether the DX BUFR table associated with the corresponding logical unit has changed during the life of the application program.


character *(:), dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_comprs::catx
 Character data values for all data subsets in message. More...
character, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_mstabs::cbbw
 Bit widths corresponding to ibfxyn. More...
character, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_mstabs::cbelem
 Element names corresponding to ibfxyn. More...
character, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_mstabs::cbmnem
 Mnemonics corresponding to ibfxyn. More...
character, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_mstabs::cbscl
 Scale factors corresponding to ibfxyn. More...
character, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_mstabs::cbsref
 Reference values corresponding to ibfxyn. More...
character, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_mstabs::cbunit
 Units corresponding to ibfxyn. More...
character, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_mstabs::cdmnem
 Mnemonics corresponding to idfxyn. More...
character, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_mstabs::cdseq
 Sequence names corresponding to idfxyn. More...
character *120, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_rdmtb::ceelem
 Element names corresponding to iefxyn. More...
character *120, dimension(:), allocatable moda_h4wlc::chh4wlc
 Long character strings. More...
character *4, dimension(:), allocatable moda_rdmtb::cmdscb
 Descriptor codes for Table B elements. More...
character *4, dimension(:), allocatable moda_rdmtb::cmdscd
 Descriptor codes for Table D sequences. More...
character *8, dimension(:), allocatable moda_s01cm::cmnem
 Section 0 and 1 mnemonics corresponding to ivmnem. More...
character *8, dimension(mxcnem) moda_dscach::cnem
 Table A mnemonics. More...
character *10, dimension(:), allocatable moda_rlccmn::crtag
 Table B mnemonics associated with long character strings. More...
character *(:), dimension(:), allocatable moda_comprx::cstr
 Character data value, if corresponding ityp value is set to 3. More...
character *6, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_bitmaps::ctco
 Table C operators corresponding to inodtco. More...
logical moda_comprx::flush
 Flush flag. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_bitbuf::ibay
 Current data subset. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_mstabs::ibfxyn
 Bit-wise representations of FXY numbers for master Table B. More...
integer moda_bitbuf::ibit
 Bit pointer within IBAY. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tables::ibt
 Bit widths corresponding to tag and typ: More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_bitmaps::ibtmse
 Ordinal positions in bitmap of bits that were "set" (set to a value of 0); these ordinal positions can range in value from 1 to iszbtm for each stored bitmap. More...
integer moda_nrv203::ibtnrv
 Number of bits in Section 4 occupied by each new reference value for the current 2-03-YYY operator in scope; set to 0 if no such operator is currently in scope. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_msgmem::icdxts
 Number of consecutive messages within mdx which constitute each DX BUFR table, beginning with the corresponding ifdxts. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_msgcwd::idate
 Section 1 date-time of message. More...
integer, dimension(mxcnem, maxnc) moda_dscach::idcach
 Bit-wise representations of the child descriptors for the corresponding Table A mnemonic in cnem. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_mstabs::idefxy
 Bit-wise representations of child descriptors corresponding to idfxyn. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_mstabs::idfxyn
 Bit-wise representations of FXY numbers for master Table D. More...
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable moda_tababd::idna
 Message types (in array element 1) and subtypes (in array element 2) corresponding to taba. More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_tababd::idnb
 Bit-wise representations of the FXY values corresponding to tabb. More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_tababd::idnd
 Bit-wise representations of the FXY values corresponding to tabd. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_idrdm::idrdm
 DX BUFR tables message count for each I/O internal stream index. More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_rdmtb::iefxyn
 Bit-wise representations of child descriptors of Table D sequences. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_nrv203::ienrv
 End of entry range in jump/link table, within which the corresponding new reference value in nrv will be applied to all occurrences of the corresponding Table B mnemonic in tagnrv. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_msgmem::ifdxts
 Pointers to the beginning of each DX BUFR table within mdx. More...
integer(8) moda_comprs::incr
 Increment used when compressing non-character data values. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_msgcwd::inode
 Table A mnemonic for type of BUFR message. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_nrv203::inodnrv
 Entries within jump/link table which contain new reference values. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_bitmaps::inodtamc
 Entries within jump/link table which contain Table A mnemonics. More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_bitmaps::inodtco
 Entries within jump/link table which contain Table C operators. More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target moda_usrint::inv
 Inventory pointer which links each data value to its corresponding node in the internal jump/link table. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_stbfr::iolun
 File status indicators. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_stbfr::iomsg
 Message status indicator corresponding to iolun, denoting whether a BUFR message is currently open within the internal arrays for the corresponding logical unit: More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_msgmem::ipdxm
 Pointers to the beginning of each message within mdx. More...
integer moda_nrv203::ipfnrv
 A number between 1 and nnrv, denoting the first entry within the module arrays which applies to the current data subset in scope; set to 0 if no 2-03-YYY operators have been applied to the current data subset in scope. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_msgmem::ipmsgs
 Pointers to first message within msgs for which each DX BUFR table applies. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_rlccmn::irbit
 Pointers in data subset to first bits of long character strings. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tables::irf
 Reference values corresponding to tag and typ: More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_rlccmn::irnch
 Lengths (in bytes) of long character strings. More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_nmikrp::irp
 Replication indicators corresponding to nem: More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tables::isc
 Scale factors corresponding to tag and typ: More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_sc3bfr::isc3
 Section 3 switch for each internal I/O stream index: More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_stcode::iscodes
 Abnormal status codes. More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_tables::iseq
 Temporary storage used in expanding sequences. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_nrv203::isnrv
 Start of entry range in jump/link table, within which the corresponding new reference value in nrv will be applied to all occurrences of the corresponding Table B mnemonic in tagnrv. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_bitmaps::istbtm
 Ordinal position in data subset definition corresponding to the first entry of the bitmap. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_bitmaps::iszbtm
 Size of bitmap (total number of entries, whether "set" (set to a value of 0) or not). More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_ivttmp::itmp
 inv array elements for new sections of a growing subset buffer. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tables::itp
 Integer type values corresponding to typ: More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_comprx::ityp
 Type of each data value: More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_usrtmp::iutmp
 inv array elements for new sections of a growing subset buffer. More...
integer(8), dimension(:), allocatable moda_ival::ival
 BUFR data subset values. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_s01cm::ivmnem
 Custom values for use within Sections 0 and 1 of all future output BUFR messages written to all Fortran logical units. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_comprx::iwid
 Bit width of underlying data descriptor as defined within Table B for each data value. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_bufrsr::jbay
 BUFR message. More...
integer moda_bufrsr::jbit
 Bit pointer within BUFR message. More...
integer moda_bufrsr::jbyt
 Length (in bytes) of BUFR message. More...
integer moda_bufrsr::jdat
 Section 1 date-time of BUFR message. More...
integer moda_bufrsr::jill
 File status indicator of BUFR file. More...
integer moda_bufrsr::jimm
 Message status indicator of BUFR file. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tables::jmpb
 Jump backward indices corresponding to tag and typ: More...
integer moda_bufrsr::jmsg
 Sequential number of BUFR message, counting from the beginning of the file. More...
integer moda_bufrsr::jnod
 Positional index of Table A mnemonic within internal Table A. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tables::jseq
 Temporary storage used in expanding sequences. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_bufrsr::jsr
 Indicator of stack status when entering subroutine rewnbf(). More...
integer moda_bufrsr::jsub
 Sequential number of BUFR data subset, counting from the beginning of the current BUFR message. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tables::jump
 Jump forward indices corresponding to tag and typ: More...
integer moda_bufrsr::junn
 Internal I/O stream index of BUFR file. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_comprx::kbit
 Number of bits needed to hold the increments for this data value within each data subset of the message. More...
integer moda_comprx::kbyt
 Number of bytes required to store Sections 0, 1, 2, and 3 of message. More...
integer(8), dimension(:), allocatable moda_comprx::kmax
 Maximum of each data value across all data subsets in message. More...
integer(8), dimension(:), allocatable moda_comprx::kmin
 Minimum of each data value across all data subsets in message. More...
logical, dimension(:), allocatable moda_comprx::kmis
 "Missing" values flag. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tables::knt
 Temporary storage used in calculating delayed replication counts. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tables::knti
 Initialized replication counts corresponding to typ and jump: More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_nmikrp::krp
 Replication counts corresponding to nem: More...
integer moda_bufrsr::ksub
 Bit-wise (integer) representation of FXY value associated with Table A mnemonic for BUFR message. More...
integer moda_msgmem::ldxm
 Number of array elements filled within mdx (up to a maximum of MXDXW). More...
integer moda_msgmem::ldxts
 Number of DX BUFR table that is currently in scope, depending on which BUFR message within msgs is currently in scope from the most recent call to subroutine rdmemm() or readmm(). More...
logical moda_bitmaps::linbtm
 true if a bitmap is in the process of being read for the current data subset; false otherwise. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tables::link
 Link indices corresponding to tag, typ and jmpb: More...
integer moda_bitmaps::lstnod
 Most recent jump/link table entry that was processed by function igetrfel() and whose corresponding value type was either numeric or CCITT IA5. More...
integer moda_bitmaps::lstnodct
 Current count of consecutive occurrences of lstnod. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_h4wlc::luh4wlc
 I/O stream index into internal arrays for associated output file. More...
integer moda_comprx::lunc
 I/O stream index into internal arrays for output file. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_ufbcpl::luncpy
 Logical unit numbers used to copy long character strings between BUFR data subsets. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_lushr::lus
 Tracking index for each I/O internal stream index. More...
integer(8), dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_comprs::matx
 Non-character data values for all data subsets in message. More...
integer moda_bitbuf::maxbyt
 Maximum length of an output BUFR message. More...
integer moda_tables::maxtab
 Maximum number of entries in the jump/link table; equivalent to MAXJL. More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_bitbuf::mbay
 Current BUFR message for each internal I/O stream. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_usrbit::mbit
 Pointer in data subset to first bit of each packed data value. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_bitbuf::mbyt
 Length (in bytes) of current BUFR message for each internal I/O stream. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_msgmem::mdx
 DX BUFR table messages read from one or more BUFR files, for use in decoding the messages in msgs. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_mgwa::mgwa
 Temporary working copy of BUFR message. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_mgwb::mgwb
 Temporary working copy of BUFR message. More...
integer moda_msgmem::mlast
 Number of array elements filled within msgs (up to a maximum of MAXMEM). More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_bufrmg::msglen
 Length (in integers) of BUFR message most recently written to each output I/O stream. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_msglim::msglim
 Tracking index for each I/O stream index. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_msgmem::msgp
 Pointers to the beginning of each message within msgs (up to a maximum of MAXMSG, and where array element 0 contains the actual number of messages stored within msgs). More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_msgmem::msgs
 BUFR messages read from one or more BUFR files. More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_bufrmg::msgtxt
 BUFR message most recently written to each output I/O stream. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_unptyp::msgunp
 Flag indicating how to unpack data subsets from BUFR message: More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_msgcwd::msub
 Total number of data subsets in message. More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_tababd::mtab
 Entries within jump/link table corresponding to taba. More...
integer moda_msgmem::munit
 Fortran logical unit number for use in accessing contents of BUFR files within internal memory. More...
integer moda_msgmem::mxdxm
 Maximum number of DX BUFR table messages that can be stored within mdx. More...
integer moda_msgmem::mxdxw
 Maximum number of entries that can be stored within mdx. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_usrbit::nbit
 Length (in bits) of each packed data value in data subset. More...
integer moda_bitmaps::nbtm
 Number of stored bitmaps for the current data subset (up to a maximum of MXBTM). More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_bitmaps::nbtmse
 Number of "set" entries (set to a value of 0) in the bitmap. More...
integer moda_dscach::ncnem
 Number of entries in the internal Table A mnemonic cache (up to a maximum of MXCNEM). More...
integer moda_comprs::ncol
 Number of data subsets in message. More...
integer, dimension(mxcnem) moda_dscach::ndc
 Number of child descriptors for the corresponding Table A mnemonic in cnem. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_mstabs::ndelem
 Numbers of child descriptors corresponding to idfxyn. More...
integer moda_msgmem::ndxm
 Number of DX BUFR table messages stored within mdx (up to a maximum of MXDXM). More...
integer moda_msgmem::ndxts
 Number of DX BUFR tables represented by the messages within mdx (up to a maximum of MXDXTS). More...
character *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_nmikrp::nem
 Child mnemonics within Table D sequences. More...
integer moda_h4wlc::nh4wlc
 Number of long character strings being stored. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_msgcwd::nmsg
 Current message pointer within logical unit. More...
integer moda_mstabs::nmtb
 Number of master Table B entries (up to a maximum of MXMTBB). More...
integer moda_mstabs::nmtd
 Number of master Table D entries (up to a maximum of MXMTBD). More...
integer moda_nrv203::nnrv
 Number of entries in the jump/link table which contain new reference values (up to a maximum of MXNRV). More...
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_usrint::nrfelm
 Referenced data value, for data values which refer to a previous data value in the BUFR data subset via an internal bitmap. More...
integer moda_comprx::nrow
 Number of data values for each data subset in message. More...
integer moda_rlccmn::nrst
 Number of long character strings in data subset. More...
integer *8, dimension(:), allocatable moda_nrv203::nrv
 New reference values corresponding to inodnrv. More...
integer moda_s01cm::ns01v = 0
 Number of custom values stored. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_msgcwd::nsub
 Current subset pointer within message. More...
integer moda_tables::ntab
 Number of entries in the jump/link table. More...
integer moda_bitmaps::ntamc
 Number of Table A mnemonics in jump/link table (up to a maximum of MXTAMC) which contain at least one Table C operator with an XX value of 21 or greater in their data subset definition; only Table C operators with an XX value of 21 or greater are tracked within this module, since all others are automatically processed within subroutines tabsub() and tabent(). More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tababd::ntba
 Number of Table A entries for each internal I/O stream (up to a maximum of MAXTBA, whose value is stored in array element 0). More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tababd::ntbb
 Number of Table B entries for each internal I/O stream (up to a maximum of MAXTBB, whose value is stored in array element 0). More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tababd::ntbd
 Number of Table D entries for each internal I/O stream (up to a maximum of MAXTBD, whose value is stored in array element 0). More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_bitmaps::ntco
 Number of Table C operators (with an XX value of 21 or greater) within the data subset definition of the corresponding Table A mnemonic in inodtamc. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_nulbfr::null
 Output switch for each internal I/O stream index: More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moda_usrint::nval
 Number of data values in BUFR data subset. More...
character *14, dimension(:), allocatable moda_h4wlc::sth4wlc
 Table B mnemonics associated with long character strings. More...
character *128, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_tababd::taba
 Table A entries for each internal I/O stream. More...
character *128, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_tababd::tabb
 Table B entries for each internal I/O stream. More...
character *600, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_tababd::tabd
 Table D entries for each internal I/O stream. More...
character *10, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tables::tag
 Mnemonics in the jump/link table. More...
character *8, dimension(:), allocatable moda_nrv203::tagnrv
 Table B mnemonic to which the corresponding new reference value in nrv applies. More...
character *8, dimension(:), allocatable moda_sc3bfr::tamnem
 Table A mnemonic most recently read from each internal I/O stream index, if isc3 = 1 for that stream. More...
character *10, dimension(:), allocatable moda_ivttmp::ttmp
 tag array elements for new sections of a growing subset buffer. More...
character *3, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tables::typ
 Type indicators corresponding to tag: More...
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target moda_usrint::val
 Data values. More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable moda_tables::vali
 Initialized data values corresponding to typ: More...
real *8, dimension(:), allocatable moda_ivttmp::vtmp
 val array elements for new sections of a growing subset buffer. More...
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable moda_usrtmp::vutmp
 val array elements for new sections of a growing subset buffer. More...
logical moda_comprx::writ1
 Write-out flag. More...
logical, dimension(:), allocatable moda_xtab::xtab
 Tracking index for each internal I/O stream index. More...

Detailed Description

Declare module arrays.

J. Ator

Definition in file modules_arrs.F90.