NCEPLIBS-g2  3.5.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
53 subroutine gribcreate(cgrib, lcgrib, listsec0, listsec1, ierr)
54  implicit none
56  character(len = 1), intent(inout) :: cgrib(lcgrib)
57  integer, intent(in) :: listsec0(*), listsec1(*)
58  integer, intent(in) :: lcgrib
59  integer, intent(out) :: ierr
61  integer :: i, lensec1, nbits
62  character(len = 4), parameter :: grib = 'GRIB'
63  integer, parameter :: ZERO = 0, one = 1
64  integer, parameter :: mapsec1len = 13
65  integer, parameter :: mapsec1(mapsec1len) = (/ 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 /)
66  integer lensec0, iofst, ibeg
68  interface
69  subroutine g2_sbytec(out, in, iskip, nbits)
70  character*1, intent(inout) :: out(*)
71  integer, intent(in) :: in(*)
72  integer, intent(in) :: iskip, nbits
73  end subroutine g2_sbytec
74  subroutine g2_sbytec1(out, in, iskip, nbits)
75  character*1, intent(inout) :: out(*)
76  integer, intent(in) :: in
77  integer, intent(in) :: iskip, nbits
78  end subroutine g2_sbytec1
79  end interface
81  ierr = 0
83 #ifdef LOGGING
84  print *, 'gribcreate lcgrib ', lcgrib
85 #endif
87  ! Currently handles only GRIB Edition 2.
88  if (listsec0(2) .ne. 2) then
89  print *, 'gribcreate: can only code GRIB edition 2.'
90  ierr = 1
91  return
92  endif
94  ! Pack Section 0 - Indicator Section (except for total length of
95  ! GRIB message).
96  cgrib(1) = grib(1:1) ! Beginning of GRIB message
97  cgrib(2) = grib(2:2)
98  cgrib(3) = grib(3:3)
99  cgrib(4) = grib(4:4)
100  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, zero, 32, 16) ! reserved for future use
101  call g2_sbytec(cgrib, listsec0(1), 48, 8) ! Discipline
102  call g2_sbytec(cgrib, listsec0(2), 56, 8) ! GRIB edition number
103  lensec0 = 16 ! bytes (octets)
105  ! Pack Section 1 - Identification Section.
106  ibeg = lensec0 * 8 ! Calculate offset for beginning of section 1
107  iofst = ibeg + 32 ! leave space for length of section
108  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, one, iofst, 8) ! Store section number ( 1 )
109  iofst = iofst + 8
111  ! Pack up each input value in array listsec1 into the the
112  ! appropriate number of octets, which are specified in corresponding
113  ! entries in array mapsec1.
114  do i = 1, mapsec1len
115  nbits = mapsec1(i) * 8
116  call g2_sbytec(cgrib, listsec1(i), iofst, nbits)
117  iofst = iofst + nbits
118  enddo
120  ! Calculate length of section 1 and store it in octets 1-4 of
121  ! section 1.
122  lensec1 = (iofst - ibeg) / 8
123  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, lensec1, ibeg, 32)
125  ! Put current byte total of message into Section 0.
126  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, zero, 64, 32)
127  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, lensec0 + lensec1, 96, 32)
128 end subroutine gribcreate
196 subroutine addfield(cgrib, lcgrib, ipdsnum, ipdstmpl, ipdstmplen, &
197  coordlist, numcoord, idrsnum, idrstmpl, &
198  idrstmplen, fld, ngrdpts, ibmap, bmap, ierr)
199  use pdstemplates
200  use drstemplates
201  implicit none
203  logical :: match
204  character(len=1), intent(inout) :: cgrib(lcgrib)
205  integer, intent(in) :: ipdsnum, ipdstmpl(*)
206  integer, intent(in) :: idrsnum, numcoord, ipdstmplen, idrstmplen
207  integer, intent(in) :: lcgrib, ngrdpts, ibmap
208  real, intent(in) :: coordlist(numcoord)
209  real(kind = 4) :: coordlist_4(numcoord)
210  real, target, intent(in) :: fld(ngrdpts)
211  integer, intent(out) :: ierr
212  integer, intent(inout) :: idrstmpl(*)
213  logical*1, intent(in) :: bmap(ngrdpts)
215  character(len=4), parameter :: grib='GRIB', c7777='7777'
216  character(len=4):: ctemp
217  character(len=1), allocatable :: cpack(:)
218  real, pointer, dimension(:) :: pfld
219  real(4) :: coordieee(numcoord), re00, tmpre00(1)
220  integer(4) :: ire00, allones
221  integer :: mappds(ipdstmplen), intbmap(ngrdpts), mapdrs(idrstmplen)
222  integer, parameter :: zero=0, one=1, four=4, five=5, six=6, seven=7
223  integer, parameter :: minsize=50000
224  integer iofst, ibeg, lencurr, len, mappdslen, mapdrslen, lpos3
225  integer width, height, ndpts
226  integer lensec3, lensec4, lensec5, lensec6, lensec7
227  logical issec3, needext, isprevbmap
228  integer :: nbits, newlen, nsize, lcpack, left
229  integer :: ibmprev, ilen, ioctet, iscan, isecnum, itemp
230  integer :: i, jj, kk, mm
231  integer :: iret, istat
232  real (kind = 4) :: tmpfld(1)
234  interface
235  subroutine g2_gbytec(in, iout, iskip, nbits)
236  character*1, intent(in) :: in(*)
237  integer, intent(inout) :: iout(*)
238  integer, intent(in) :: iskip, nbits
239  end subroutine g2_gbytec
240  subroutine g2_gbytec1(in, siout, iskip, nbits)
241  character*1, intent(in) :: in(*)
242  integer, intent(inout) :: siout
243  integer, intent(in) :: iskip, nbits
244  end subroutine g2_gbytec1
245  subroutine g2_gbytec81(in, siout, iskip, nbits)
246  character*1, intent(in) :: in(*)
247  integer (kind = 8), intent(inout) :: siout
248  integer, intent(in) :: iskip, nbits
249  integer (kind = 8) :: iout(1)
250  end subroutine g2_gbytec81
251  subroutine g2_sbytec(out, in, iskip, nbits)
252  character*1, intent(inout) :: out(*)
253  integer, intent(in) :: in(*)
254  integer, intent(in) :: iskip, nbits
255  end subroutine g2_sbytec
256  subroutine g2_sbytec1(out, in, iskip, nbits)
257  character*1, intent(inout) :: out(*)
258  integer, intent(in) :: in
259  integer, intent(in) :: iskip, nbits
260  end subroutine g2_sbytec1
261  end interface
263  allones = int(z'FFFFFFFF')
264  ierr = 0
266  ! Check to see if beginning of GRIB message exists.
267  match = .true.
268  do i = 1, 4
269  if (cgrib(i) /= grib(i:i)) then
270  match = .false.
271  endif
272  enddo
273  if (.not. match) then
274  print *, 'addfield: GRIB not found in given message.'
275  print *, 'addfield: Call to routine gribcreate required to initialize GRIB messge.'
276  ierr = 1
277  return
278  endif
280  ! Get current length of GRIB message.
281  call g2_gbytec1(cgrib, lencurr, 96, 32)
283  ! Check to see if GRIB message is already complete.
284  ctemp = cgrib(lencurr-3) // cgrib(lencurr - 2) // cgrib(lencurr - 1) // cgrib(lencurr)
285  if (ctemp .eq. c7777) then
286  print *, 'addfield: GRIB message already complete. Cannot add new section.'
287  ierr = 2
288  return
289  endif
291  ! Loop through all current sections of the GRIB message to find the
292  ! last section number.
293  issec3 = .false.
294  isprevbmap = .false.
295  len = 16 ! length of Section 0
296  do
297  ! Get number and length of next section
298  iofst = len * 8
299  call g2_gbytec1(cgrib, ilen, iofst, 32)
300  iofst = iofst + 32
301  call g2_gbytec1(cgrib, isecnum, iofst, 8)
302  iofst = iofst + 8
304  ! Check if previous Section 3 exists and save location of
305  ! the section 3 in case needed later.
306  if (isecnum .eq. 3) then
307  issec3 = .true.
308  lpos3 = len + 1
309  lensec3 = ilen
310  endif
312  ! Check if a previous defined bitmap exists
313  if (isecnum .eq. 6) then
314  call g2_gbytec1(cgrib, ibmprev, iofst, 8)
315  iofst = iofst + 8
316  if ((ibmprev .ge. 0) .and. (ibmprev .le. 253)) isprevbmap = .true.
317  endif
318  len = len + ilen
320  ! Exit loop if last section reached
321  if (len .eq. lencurr) exit
323  ! If byte count for each section does not match current
324  ! total length, then there is a problem.
325  if (len .gt. lencurr) then
326  print *, 'addfield: Section byte counts don''t add to total.'
327  print *, 'addfield: Sum of section byte counts = ', len
328  print *, 'addfield: Total byte count in Section 0 = ', lencurr
329  ierr = 3
330  return
331  endif
332  enddo
334  ! Sections 4 through 7 can only be added after section 3 or 7.
335  if ((isecnum .ne. 3) .and. (isecnum .ne. 7)) then
336  print *, 'addfield: Sections 4-7 can only be added after Section 3 or 7.'
337  print *, 'addfield: Section ', isecnum, ' was the last found in', &
338  ' given GRIB message.'
339  ierr = 4
340  return
342  ! Sections 4 through 7 can only be added if section 3 was previously defined.
343  elseif (.not. issec3) then
344  print *, 'addfield: Sections 4-7 can only be added if Section', &
345  ' 3 was previously included.'
346  print *, 'addfield: Section 3 was not found in given GRIB message.'
347  print *, 'addfield: Call to routine addgrid required', &
348  ' to specify Grid definition.'
349  ierr = 6
350  return
351  endif
353  ! Add Section 4 - Product Definition Section.
354  ibeg = lencurr * 8 ! Calculate offset for beginning of section 4
355  iofst = ibeg + 32 ! leave space for length of section
356  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, four, iofst, 8) ! Store section number (4)
357  iofst = iofst + 8
358  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, numcoord, iofst, 16) ! Store num of coordinate values
359  iofst = iofst + 16
360  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, ipdsnum, iofst, 16) ! Store Prod Def Template num.
361  iofst = iofst + 16
363  ! Get Product Definition Template.
364  call getpdstemplate(ipdsnum, mappdslen, mappds, needext, iret)
365  if (iret .ne. 0) then
366  ierr = 5
367  return
368  endif
370  ! Extend the Product Definition Template, if necessary.
371  ! The number of values in a specific template may vary
372  ! depending on data specified in the "static" part of the
373  ! template.
374  if (needext) then
375  call extpdstemplate(ipdsnum, ipdstmpl, mappdslen, mappds)
376  endif
378  ! Pack up each input value in array ipdstmpl into the
379  ! the appropriate number of octets, which are specified in
380  ! corresponding entries in array mappds.
381  do i = 1, mappdslen
382  nbits = iabs(mappds(i)) * 8
383  if ((mappds(i) .ge. 0).or.(ipdstmpl(i) .ge. 0)) then
384  call g2_sbytec(cgrib, ipdstmpl(i), iofst, nbits)
385  else
386  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, one, iofst, 1)
387  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, iabs(ipdstmpl(i)), iofst + 1, nbits - 1)
388  endif
389  iofst = iofst+nbits
390  enddo
392  ! Add Optional list of vertical coordinate values
393  ! after the Product Definition Template, if necessary.
394  if (numcoord .ne. 0) then
395  do i = 1, numcoord
396  coordlist_4(i) = real(coordlist(i), 4)
397  end do
398  call mkieee(coordlist_4, coordieee, numcoord)
399  call g2_sbytescr(cgrib, coordieee, iofst, 32, 0, numcoord)
400  iofst = iofst + (32 * numcoord)
401  endif
403  ! Calculate length of section 4 and store it in octets
404  ! 1-4 of section 4.
405  lensec4 = (iofst-ibeg)/8
406  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, lensec4, ibeg, 32)
408  ! Pack Data using appropriate algorithm
410  ! Get Data Representation Template
411  call getdrstemplate(idrsnum, mapdrslen, mapdrs, needext, iret)
412  if (iret .ne. 0) then
413  ierr = 5
414  return
415  endif
417  ! contract data field, removing data at invalid grid points,
418  ! if bit-map is provided with field.
419  if (ibmap .eq. 0 .OR. ibmap .eq. 254) then
420  allocate(pfld(max(2, ngrdpts)))
421  ndpts = 0;
422  do jj = 1, ngrdpts
423  intbmap(jj) = 0
424  if (bmap(jj)) then
425  intbmap(jj) = 1
426  ndpts = ndpts + 1
427  pfld(ndpts) = fld(jj);
428  endif
429  enddo
430  if (ndpts == 0 .and. ngrdpts > 0) then
431  pfld(1) = 0
432  endif
433  else
434  ndpts = ngrdpts;
435  pfld=>fld;
436  endif
437  lcpack = 0
438  nsize = ndpts*4
439  if (nsize .lt. minsize) nsize = minsize
440  allocate(cpack(nsize), stat = istat)
441  if (idrsnum.eq.0) then ! Simple Packing
442  call simpack(pfld, ndpts, idrstmpl, cpack, lcpack)
443  elseif (idrsnum.eq.2.or.idrsnum.eq.3) then ! Complex Packing
444  call cmplxpack(pfld, ndpts, idrsnum, idrstmpl, cpack, lcpack)
445  elseif (idrsnum.eq.50) then ! Sperical Harmonic Simple Packing
446  call simpack(pfld(2), ndpts-1, idrstmpl, cpack, lcpack)
447  tmpfld(1) = real(pfld(1), 4)
448  call mkieee(tmpfld, tmpre00, 1) ! ensure RE(0,0) value is IEEE format
449  re00 = tmpre00(1)
450  ire00 = transfer(re00, ire00)
451  idrstmpl(5) = ire00
452  elseif (idrsnum.eq.51) then ! Sperical Harmonic Complex Packing
453  call getpoly(cgrib(lpos3), lensec3, jj, kk, mm)
454  if ( .AND. .AND. then
455  call specpack(pfld, ndpts, jj, kk, mm, idrstmpl, cpack, lcpack)
456  else
457  print *, 'addfield: Cannot pack DRT 5.51.'
458  ierr=9
459  return
460  endif
462  elseif (idrsnum.eq.40 .OR. idrsnum.eq.40000) then ! JPEG2000 encoding
463  if (ibmap.eq.255) then
464  call getdim(cgrib(lpos3), lensec3, width, height, iscan)
465  if (width.eq.0 .OR. height.eq.0) then
466  width=ndpts
467  height=1
468  elseif (width.eq.allones .OR. height.eq.allones) then
469  width=ndpts
470  height=1
471  elseif (ibits(iscan, 5, 1) .eq. 1) then ! Scanning mode: bit 3
472  itemp=width
473  width=height
474  height=itemp
475  endif
476  else
477  width=ndpts
478  height=1
479  endif
480  if (width<1 .or. height<1) then
481  ! Special case: bitmask off everywhere.
482  write(0, *) 'Warning: bitmask off everywhere.'
483  write(0, *) ' Pretend one point in jpcpack to avoid crash.'
484  width=1
485  height=1
486  endif
487  lcpack=nsize
488  !print *, 'w, h=', width, height
489  call jpcpack(pfld, width, height, idrstmpl, cpack, lcpack)
491  elseif (idrsnum.eq.41 .OR. idrsnum.eq.40010) then ! PNG encoding
492  if (ibmap.eq.255) then
493  call getdim(cgrib(lpos3), lensec3, width, height, iscan)
494  if (width.eq.0 .OR. height.eq.0) then
495  width=ndpts
496  height=1
497  elseif (width.eq.allones .OR. height.eq.allones) then
498  width=ndpts
499  height=1
500  elseif (ibits(iscan, 5, 1) .eq. 1) then ! Scanning mode: bit 3
501  itemp=width
502  width=height
503  height=itemp
504  endif
505  else
506  width=ndpts
507  height=1
508  endif
509  !print *, 'png size ', width, height
510  call pngpack(pfld, width, height, idrstmpl, cpack, lcpack)
511  !print *, 'png packed'
512  else
513  print *, 'addfield: Data Representation Template 5.', idrsnum, &
514  ' not yet implemented.'
515  ierr=7
516  return
517  endif
518  if (ibmap.eq.0 .OR. ibmap.eq.254) then
519  deallocate(pfld)
520  endif
521  if (lcpack .lt. 0) then
522  if (allocated(cpack))deallocate(cpack)
523  ierr=10
524  return
525  endif
527  ! Add Section 5 - Data Representation Section
528  ibeg=iofst ! Calculate offset for beginning of section 5
529  iofst=ibeg + 32 ! leave space for length of section
530  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, five, iofst, 8) ! Store section number (5)
531  iofst=iofst + 8
532  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, ndpts, iofst, 32) ! Store num of actual data points
533  iofst=iofst + 32
534  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, idrsnum, iofst, 16) ! Store Data Repr. Template num.
535  iofst = iofst + 16
537  ! Pack up each input value in array idrstmpl into the
538  ! the appropriate number of octets, which are specified in
539  ! corresponding entries in array mapdrs.
540  do i=1, mapdrslen
541  nbits =iabs(mapdrs(i)) * 8
542  if ((mapdrs(i) .ge. 0) .or. (idrstmpl(i) .ge. 0)) then
543  call g2_sbytec(cgrib, idrstmpl(i), iofst, nbits)
544  else
545  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, one, iofst, 1)
546  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, iabs(idrstmpl(i)), iofst+1, nbits-1)
547  endif
548  iofst = iofst + nbits
549  enddo
551  ! Calculate length of section 5 and store it in octets
552  ! 1-4 of section 5.
553  lensec5 = (iofst - ibeg) / 8
554  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, lensec5, ibeg, 32)
556  ! Add Section 6 - Bit-Map Section.
557  ibeg = iofst ! Calculate offset for beginning of section 6
558  iofst = ibeg + 32 ! leave space for length of section
559  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, six, iofst, 8) ! Store section number (6)
560  iofst=iofst + 8
561  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, ibmap, iofst, 8) ! Store Bit Map indicator
562  iofst = iofst + 8
564  ! Store bitmap, if supplied
565  if (ibmap.eq.0) then
566  call g2_sbytesc(cgrib, intbmap, iofst, 1, 0, ngrdpts) ! Store BitMap
567  iofst=iofst+ngrdpts
568  endif
570  ! If specifying a previously defined bit-map, make sure
571  ! one already exists in the current GRIB message.
572  if ((ibmap.eq.254).and.(.not.isprevbmap)) then
573  print *, 'addfield: Requested previously defined bitmap, ', &
574  ' but one does not exist in the current GRIB message.'
575  ierr=8
576  return
577  endif
579  ! Calculate length of section 6 and store it in octets
580  ! 1-4 of section 6. Pad to end of octect, if necessary.
581  left = 8 - mod(iofst, 8)
582  if (left .ne. 8) then
583  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, zero, iofst, left) ! Pad with zeros to fill Octet
584  iofst = iofst + left
585  endif
586  lensec6 = (iofst - ibeg) / 8
587  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, lensec6, ibeg, 32)
589  ! Add Section 7 - Data Section.
590  ibeg = iofst ! Calculate offset for beginning of section 7
591  iofst = ibeg + 32 ! leave space for length of section
592  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, seven, iofst, 8) ! Store section number (7)
593  iofst = iofst + 8
595  ! Store Packed Binary Data values, if non-constant field
596  if (lcpack .ne. 0) then
597  ioctet = iofst / 8
598  cgrib(ioctet + 1:ioctet + lcpack) = cpack(1:lcpack)
599  iofst = iofst + (8 * lcpack)
600  endif
602  ! Calculate length of section 7 and store it in octets
603  ! 1-4 of section 7.
604  lensec7 = (iofst - ibeg) / 8
605  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, lensec7, ibeg, 32)
607  if (allocated(cpack)) deallocate(cpack)
609  ! Update current byte total of message in Section 0.
610  newlen = lencurr + lensec4 + lensec5 + lensec6 + lensec7
611  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, newlen, 96, 32)
613  return
614 end subroutine addfield
659 subroutine addgrid(cgrib, lcgrib, igds, igdstmpl, igdstmplen, &
660  ideflist, idefnum, ierr)
661  use gridtemplates
662  implicit none
664  character(len = 1), intent(inout) :: cgrib(lcgrib)
665  integer, intent(in) :: igds(*), igdstmpl(*), ideflist(idefnum)
666  integer, intent(in) :: lcgrib, idefnum, igdstmplen
667  integer, intent(out) :: ierr
669  character(len = 4), parameter :: grib = 'GRIB', c7777 = '7777'
670  character(len = 4):: ctemp
671  integer:: mapgrid(igdstmplen)
672  integer, parameter :: ONE = 1, three = 3
673  integer lensec3, iofst, ibeg, lencurr, len, mapgridlen
674  logical needext
675  integer :: i, ilen, iret, isecnum, nbits
677  interface
678  subroutine g2_gbytec(in, iout, iskip, nbits)
679  character*1, intent(in) :: in(*)
680  integer, intent(inout) :: iout(*)
681  integer, intent(in) :: iskip, nbits
682  end subroutine g2_gbytec
683  subroutine g2_gbytec1(in, siout, iskip, nbits)
684  character*1, intent(in) :: in(*)
685  integer, intent(inout) :: siout
686  integer, intent(in) :: iskip, nbits
687  end subroutine g2_gbytec1
688  subroutine g2_gbytec81(in, siout, iskip, nbits)
689  character*1, intent(in) :: in(*)
690  integer (kind = 8), intent(inout) :: siout
691  integer, intent(in) :: iskip, nbits
692  integer (kind = 8) :: iout(1)
693  end subroutine g2_gbytec81
694  subroutine g2_sbytec(out, in, iskip, nbits)
695  character*1, intent(inout) :: out(*)
696  integer, intent(in) :: in(*)
697  integer, intent(in) :: iskip, nbits
698  end subroutine g2_sbytec
699  subroutine g2_sbytec1(out, in, iskip, nbits)
700  character*1, intent(inout) :: out(*)
701  integer, intent(in) :: in
702  integer, intent(in) :: iskip, nbits
703  end subroutine g2_sbytec1
704  end interface
706  ierr = 0
708 #ifdef LOGGING
709  print *, 'addgrid lcgrib ', lcgrib, ' igdstmplen ', igdstmplen, ' idefnum ', idefnum
710 #endif
712  ! Check to see if beginning of GRIB message exists.
713  do i = 1, 4
714  if (cgrib(i) /= grib(i:i)) then
715  print *, 'addgrid: GRIB not found in given message.'
716  print *, 'addgrid: Call to routine gribcreate required', &
717  ' to initialize GRIB messge.'
718 10 format('"', 4a1, '" /= "GRIB"')
719  print 10, cgrib(1:4)
720  ierr = 1
721  return
722  endif
723  enddo
725  ! Get current length of GRIB message.
726  call g2_gbytec1(cgrib, lencurr, 96, 32)
728  ! Check to see if GRIB message is already complete.
729  ctemp = cgrib(lencurr - 3) // cgrib(lencurr - 2) // cgrib(lencurr &
730  - 1) // cgrib(lencurr)
731  if (ctemp .eq. c7777) then
732  print *, 'addgrid: GRIB message already complete. Cannot', &
733  ' add new section.'
734  ierr = 2
735  return
736  endif
738  ! Loop through all current sections of the GRIB message to find the
739  ! last section number.
740  len = 16 ! length of Section 0
741  do
742  ! Get length and section number of next section.
743  iofst = len * 8
744  call g2_gbytec1(cgrib, ilen, iofst, 32)
745  iofst = iofst + 32
746  call g2_gbytec1(cgrib, isecnum, iofst, 8)
747  len = len + ilen
749  ! Exit loop if last section reached.
750  if (len .eq. lencurr) exit
752  ! If byte count for each section doesn't match current
753  ! total length, then there is a problem.
754  if (len .gt. lencurr) then
755  print *, 'addgrid: Section byte counts don''t add to total.'
756  print *, 'addgrid: Sum of section byte counts = ', len
757  print *, 'addgrid: Total byte count in Section 0 = ', lencurr
758  ierr = 3
759  return
760  endif
761  enddo
763  ! Section 3 can only be added after sections 1, 2 and 7.
764  if ((isecnum .ne. 1) .and. (isecnum .ne. 2) .and. &
765  (isecnum .ne. 7)) then
766  print *, 'addgrid: Section 3 can only be added after Section', &
767  ' 1, 2 or 7.'
768  print *, 'addgrid: Section ', isecnum, &
769  ' was the last found in given GRIB message.'
770  ierr = 4
771  return
772  endif
774  ! Add Section 3 - Grid Definition Section.
775  ibeg = lencurr * 8 ! Calculate offset for beginning of section 3
776  iofst = ibeg + 32 ! leave space for length of section
777  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, three, iofst, 8) ! Store section number (3)
778  iofst = iofst + 8
779  call g2_sbytec(cgrib, igds(1), iofst, 8) ! Store source of Grid def.
780  iofst = iofst + 8
781  call g2_sbytec(cgrib, igds(2), iofst, 32) ! Store number of data pts.
782  iofst = iofst + 32
783  call g2_sbytec(cgrib, igds(3), iofst, 8) ! Store number of extra octets.
784  iofst = iofst + 8
785  call g2_sbytec(cgrib, igds(4), iofst, 8) ! Store interp. of extra octets.
786  iofst = iofst + 8
788  ! If Octet 6 is not equal to zero, Grid Definition Template may not
789  ! be supplied.
790  if (igds(1) .eq. 0) then
791  call g2_sbytec(cgrib, igds(5), iofst, 16) ! Store Grid Def Template num.
792  else
793  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, 65535, iofst, 16) ! Store missing value as Grid Def Template num.
794  endif
795  iofst = iofst + 16
797  ! Get Grid Definition Template.
798  if (igds(1) .eq. 0) then
799  call getgridtemplate(igds(5), mapgridlen, mapgrid, needext, &
800  iret)
801  if (iret .ne. 0) then
802  ierr = 5
803  return
804  endif
806  ! Extend the Grid Definition Template, if necessary. The number
807  ! of values in a specific template may vary depending on data
808  ! specified in the "static" part of the template.
809  if (needext) then
810  call extgridtemplate(igds(5), igdstmpl, mapgridlen, &
811  mapgrid)
812  endif
813  else
814  mapgridlen = 0
815  endif
817  ! Pack up each input value in array igdstmpl into the the
818  ! appropriate number of octets, which are specified in corresponding
819  ! entries in array mapgrid.
820  do i = 1, mapgridlen
821  nbits = iabs(mapgrid(i)) * 8
822  if ((mapgrid(i) .ge. 0) .or. (igdstmpl(i) .ge. 0)) then
823  call g2_sbytec(cgrib, igdstmpl(i), iofst, nbits)
824  else
825  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, one, iofst, 1)
826  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, iabs(igdstmpl(i)), iofst + 1, nbits &
827  - 1)
828  endif
829  iofst = iofst + nbits
830  enddo
832  ! If requested, insert optional list of numbers defining number of
833  ! points in each row or column. This is used for non regular grids.
834  if (igds(3) .ne. 0) then
835  nbits = igds(3) * 8
836  call g2_sbytesc(cgrib, ideflist, iofst, nbits, 0, idefnum)
837  iofst = iofst + (nbits * idefnum)
838  endif
840  ! Calculate length of section 3 and store it in octets 1-4 of
841  ! section 3.
842  lensec3 = (iofst - ibeg) / 8
843  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, lensec3, ibeg, 32)
845  ! Update current byte total of message in Section 0.
846  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, lencurr + lensec3, 96, 32)
847 end subroutine addgrid
873 subroutine addlocal(cgrib, lcgrib, csec2, lcsec2, ierr)
874  implicit none
876  character(len = 1), intent(inout) :: cgrib(lcgrib)
877  character(len = 1), intent(in) :: csec2(lcsec2)
878  integer, intent(in) :: lcgrib, lcsec2
879  integer, intent(out) :: ierr
881  character(len = 4), parameter :: grib = 'GRIB', c7777 = '7777'
882  character(len = 4):: ctemp
883  integer, parameter :: two = 2
884  integer :: lensec2, iofst, ibeg, lencurr, len
885  integer :: ilen, isecnum, istart
887  ierr = 0
889  ! Check to see if beginning of GRIB message exists.
890  ctemp = cgrib(1) // cgrib(2) // cgrib(3) // cgrib(4)
891  if (ctemp .ne. grib) then
892  print *, 'addlocal: GRIB not found in given message.'
893  print *, 'addlocal: Call to routine gribcreate required', &
894  ' to initialize GRIB messge.'
895  ierr = 1
896  return
897  endif
899  ! Get current length of GRIB message.
900  call g2_gbytec1(cgrib, lencurr, 96, 32)
902  ! Check to see if GRIB message is already complete
903  ctemp = cgrib(lencurr - 3) // cgrib(lencurr - 2) // cgrib(lencurr - 1) // cgrib(lencurr)
904  if (ctemp .eq. c7777) then
905  print *, 'addlocal: GRIB message already complete. Cannot add new section.'
906  ierr = 2
907  return
908  endif
910  ! Loop through all current sections of the GRIB message to find the
911  ! last section number.
912  len = 16 ! length of Section 0
913  do
914  ! Get section number and length of next section.
915  iofst = len * 8
916  call g2_gbytec1(cgrib, ilen, iofst, 32)
917  iofst = iofst + 32
918  call g2_gbytec1(cgrib, isecnum, iofst, 8)
919  len = len + ilen
920  ! Exit loop if last section reached
921  if (len .eq. lencurr) exit
923  ! If byte count for each section doesn't match current
924  ! total length, then there is a problem.
925  if (len .gt. lencurr) then
926  print *, 'addlocal: Section byte counts don''t add to total.'
927  print *, 'addlocal: Sum of section byte counts = ', len
928  print *, 'addlocal: Total byte count in Section 0 = ', lencurr
929  ierr = 3
930  return
931  endif
932  enddo
934  ! Section 2 can only be added after sections 1 and 7.
935  if ((isecnum .ne. 1) .and. (isecnum .ne. 7)) then
936  print *, 'addlocal: Section 2 can only be added after Section 1 or Section 7.'
937  print *, 'addlocal: Section ', isecnum, ' was the last found in given GRIB message.'
938  ierr = 4
939  return
940  endif
942  ! Add Section 2 - Local Use Section.
943  ibeg = lencurr * 8 ! Calculate offset for beginning of section 2
944  iofst = ibeg + 32 ! leave space for length of section
945  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, two, iofst, 8) ! Store section number (2)
946  istart = lencurr + 5
947  cgrib(istart + 1:istart + lcsec2) = csec2(1:lcsec2)
949  ! Calculate length of section 2 and store it in octets 1-4 of
950  ! section 2.
951  lensec2 = lcsec2 + 5 ! bytes
952  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, lensec2, ibeg, 32)
954  ! Update current byte total of message in Section 0.
955  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, lencurr + lensec2, 96, 32)
957 end subroutine addlocal
979 subroutine gribend(cgrib, lcgrib, lengrib, ierr)
980  implicit none
982  character(len = 1), intent(inout) :: cgrib(lcgrib)
983  integer, intent(in) :: lcgrib
984  integer, intent(out) :: lengrib, ierr
986  integer ilen, isecnum
987  character(len = 4), parameter :: grib = 'GRIB'
988  character(len = 1), parameter :: c7777(4) = (/ '7', '7', '7', '7' /)
989  character(len = 4):: ctemp
990  integer iofst, lencurr, len
992  ierr = 0
994  ! Check to see if beginning of GRIB message exists.
995  ctemp = cgrib(1) // cgrib(2) // cgrib(3) // cgrib(4)
996  if (ctemp .ne. grib) then
997  print *, 'gribend: GRIB not found in given message.'
998  ierr = 1
999  return
1000  endif
1002  ! Get current length of GRIB message.
1003  call g2_gbytec1(cgrib, lencurr, 96, 32)
1005  ! Loop through all current sections of the GRIB message to
1006  ! find the last section number.
1007  len = 16 ! Length of Section 0
1008  do
1009  ! Get number and length of next section.
1010  iofst = len * 8
1011  call g2_gbytec1(cgrib, ilen, iofst, 32)
1012  iofst = iofst + 32
1013  call g2_gbytec1(cgrib, isecnum, iofst, 8)
1014  len = len + ilen
1016  ! Exit loop if last section reached.
1017  if (len .eq. lencurr) exit
1019  ! If byte count for each section doesn't match current total
1020  ! length, then there is a problem.
1021  if (len .gt. lencurr) then
1022  print *, 'gribend: Section byte counts don''t add ' &
1023  ,'to total.'
1024  print *, 'gribend: Sum of section byte counts = ', len
1025  print *, 'gribend: Total byte count in Section 0 = ', &
1026  lencurr
1027  ierr = 3
1028  return
1029  endif
1030  enddo
1032  ! Can only add End Section (Section 8) after Section 7.
1033  if (isecnum .ne. 7) then
1034  print *, 'gribend: Section 8 can only be added after Section 7.'
1035  print *, 'gribend: Section ', isecnum, &
1036  ' was the last found in',' given GRIB message.'
1037  ierr = 4
1038  return
1039  endif
1041  ! Add Section 8 - End Section.
1042  cgrib(lencurr + 1:lencurr + 4) = c7777
1044  ! Update current byte total of message in Section 0.
1045  lengrib = lencurr + 4
1046  call g2_sbytec1(cgrib, lengrib, 96, 32)
1047 end subroutine gribend
subroutine cmplxpack(fld, ndpts, idrsnum, idrstmpl, cpack, lcpack)
Pack up a data field using a complex packing algorithm.
Definition: compack.F90:43
subroutine g2_gbytec(in, iout, iskip, nbits)
Extract one arbitrary size big-endian value (up to 32 bits) from a packed bit string into one element...
Definition: g2bytes.F90:21
subroutine mkieee(a, rieee, num)
Copy an array of real to an array of 32-bit IEEE floating points.
Definition: g2bytes.F90:685
subroutine g2_sbytescr(out, rin, iskip, nbits, nskip, n)
Put real values into a packed bit string in big-endian order.
Definition: g2bytes.F90:368
subroutine g2_sbytec(out, in, iskip, nbits)
Put one arbitrary sized (up to 32 bits) value from an integer array, into a packed bit string,...
Definition: g2bytes.F90:306
subroutine g2_sbytec1(out, in, iskip, nbits)
Put one arbitrary sized (up to 32 bits) values from an integer scalar into a packed bit string,...
Definition: g2bytes.F90:337
subroutine g2_gbytec81(in, siout, iskip, nbits)
Extract one arbitrary size big-endian integer value (up to 64 bits) from a packed bit string into a s...
Definition: g2bytes.F90:209
subroutine g2_gbytec1(in, siout, iskip, nbits)
Extract one arbitrary size big-endian integer value (up to 32 bits) from a packed bit string into a s...
Definition: g2bytes.F90:52
subroutine g2_sbytesc(out, in, iskip, nbits, nskip, n)
Put arbitrary size (up to 32 bits each) integer values into a packed bit string in big-endian order.
Definition: g2bytes.F90:402
subroutine addgrid(cgrib, lcgrib, igds, igdstmpl, igdstmplen, ideflist, idefnum, ierr)
Add a Grid Definition Section (Section 3) to a GRIB2 message.
Definition: g2create.F90:661
subroutine addlocal(cgrib, lcgrib, csec2, lcsec2, ierr)
Add a Local Use Section (Section 2) to a GRIB2 message.
Definition: g2create.F90:874
subroutine gribcreate(cgrib, lcgrib, listsec0, listsec1, ierr)
Initialize a new GRIB2 message and pack GRIB2 sections 0 (Indicator) and 1 (Identification).
Definition: g2create.F90:54
subroutine addfield(cgrib, lcgrib, ipdsnum, ipdstmpl, ipdstmplen, coordlist, numcoord, idrsnum, idrstmpl, idrstmplen, fld, ngrdpts, ibmap, bmap, ierr)
Pack up Sections 4 through 7 for a field and add them to a GRIB2 message.
Definition: g2create.F90:199
subroutine gribend(cgrib, lcgrib, lengrib, ierr)
Finalize a GRIB2 message after all grids and fields have been added.
Definition: g2create.F90:980
subroutine getdim(csec3, lcsec3, width, height, iscan)
Return the dimensions and scanning mode of a grid definition packed in the Grid Definition Section.
Definition: g2get.F90:1192
subroutine getpoly(csec3, lcsec3, jj, kk, mm)
Return the J, K, and M pentagonal resolution parameters specified in a GRIB2 Grid Definition Section ...
Definition: g2get.F90:1419
subroutine jpcpack(fld, width, height, idrstmpl, cpack, lcpack)
Pack a data field into a JPEG2000 code stream as defined in Data Representation Template 5....
Definition: g2jpc.F90:35
subroutine pngpack(fld, width, height, idrstmpl, cpack, lcpack)
Pack a data field into PNG image format, defined in [Data Representation Template 5....
Definition: g2png.F90:34
subroutine simpack(fld, ndpts, idrstmpl, cpack, lcpack)
Pack a data field using a simple packing algorithm.
Definition: g2sim.F90:27
subroutine specpack(fld, ndpts, JJ, KK, MM, idrstmpl, cpack, lcpack)
Pack a spectral data field using the complex packing algorithm for spherical harmonic data as defined...
Definition: g2spec.F90:25
Handles Data Representation Templates used in Section 5.
subroutine getdrstemplate(number, nummap, map, needext, iret)
Return DRS template information for a specified Data Representation Template.
This Fortran module contains info on all the available GRIB2 Grid Definition Templates used in [Secti...
subroutine getgridtemplate(number, nummap, map, needext, iret)
Get the grid template information for a specified Grid Definition Template.
subroutine extgridtemplate(number, list, nummap, map)
Generate the remaining octet map for a given Grid Definition Template, if required.
Information on all GRIB2 Product Definition Templates used in Section 4 - the Product Definition Sect...
subroutine extpdstemplate(number, list, nummap, map)
This subroutine generates the remaining octet map for a given Product Definition Template,...
subroutine getpdstemplate(number, nummap, map, needext, iret)
This subroutine returns PDS template information for a specified Product Definition Template.