NCEPLIBS-g2tmpl  1.12.0
grib2_all_tables_module.F90 File Reference

Define the variables in the derived data type discipline. More...

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

type  grib2_all_tables_module::fixed_surface_types
type  grib2_all_tables_module::gen_proc
type  grib2_all_tables_module::local_table_vers_no
type  grib2_all_tables_module::order_of_sptdiff_vals
type  grib2_all_tables_module::origin_centers
type  grib2_all_tables_module::prod_status
type  grib2_all_tables_module::sigreftime
type  grib2_all_tables_module::statistical_processing_types
type  grib2_all_tables_module::subcenters
type  grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_aerosol
type  grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_cluster
type  grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_compression
type  grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_data
type  grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_derive_fcst
type  grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_ens_fcst
type  grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_gen_proc
type  grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_intervals
type  grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_orig_field_vals
type  grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_packingmethod
type  grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_precip
type  grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_prob
type  grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_time_intervals
type  grib2_all_tables_module::unit_of_time_range
type  grib2_all_tables_module::version_no


module  grib2_all_tables_module
 Define the variables in the derived data type discipline provided in Section 0.


subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::g2sec0 (idisc, listsec0)
 This subroutine returns the section 0 list for a given discipline value. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::g2sec1 (origin_key, subcen_key, vers_key, lvers_key, sigreftime_key, refyear_val, refmon_val, refday_val, refhour_val, refmin_val, refsec_val, prodstatus_key, typeofdata_key, listsec1)
 This subroutine returns the section 1 list for given keys. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::g2sec4_temp0 (icatg, iparm, typ_gen_proc_key, gen_proc_or_mod_key, hrs_obs_cutoff, min_obs_cutoff, unit_of_time_key, fcst_time, lvl_type1, scale_fac1, scaled_val1, lvl_type2, scale_fac2, scaled_val2, ipdstmpl0)
 This subroutine returns the Grib2 Section 4 Template 4.0 list for given keys PDT 4.0 - Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::g2sec4_temp44 (icatg, iparm, aer_type, typ_intvl_size, scale_fac1_size, scale_val1_size, scale_fac2_size, scale_val2_size, typ_gen_proc_key, gen_proc_or_mod_key, hrs_obs_cutoff, min_obs_cutoff, unit_of_time_key, fcst_time, lvl_type1, scale_fac1, scaled_val1, lvl_type2, scale_fac2, scaled_val2, ipdstmpl44)
 This subroutine returns the Grib2 Section 4 Template 4.44 list for given keys PDT 4.44 - Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for aerosol. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::g2sec4_temp46 (icatg, iparm, aer_type, typ_intvl_size, scale_fac1_size, scale_val1_size, scale_fac2_size, scale_val2_size, typ_gen_proc_key, gen_proc_or_mod_key, hrs_obs_cutoff, min_obs_cutoff, unit_of_time_key, fcst_time, lvl_type1, scale_fac1, scaled_val1, lvl_type2, scale_fac2, scaled_val2, year_intvl, mon_intvl, day_intvl, hour_intvl, min_intvl, sec_intvl, num_time_range, stat_miss_val, type_of_stat_proc, type_of_time_inc, stat_unit_time_key, leng_time_range_stat, stat_unit_time_key_succ, time_inc_betwn_succ_fld, ipdstmpl46)
 Returns the GRIB2 Section 4 Template 4.0 list. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::g2sec4_temp48 (icatg, iparm, aer_type, typ_intvl_size, scale_fac1_size, scale_val1_size, scale_fac2_size, scale_val2_size, typ_intvl_wavelength, scale_fac1_wavelength, scale_val1_wavelength, scale_fac2_wavelength, scale_val2_wavelength, typ_gen_proc_key, gen_proc_or_mod_key, hrs_obs_cutoff, min_obs_cutoff, unit_of_time_key, fcst_time, lvl_type1, scale_fac1, scaled_val1, lvl_type2, scale_fac2, scaled_val2, ipdstmpl48)
 This subroutine returns the Grib2 Section 4 Template 4.0 list for given keys PDT 4.48 - Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for aerosol. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::g2sec4_temp8 (icatg, iparm, typ_gen_proc_key, gen_proc_or_mod_key, hrs_obs_cutoff, min_obs_cutoff, unit_of_time_key, fcst_time, lvl_type1, scale_fac1, scaled_val1, lvl_type2, scale_fac2, scaled_val2, year_intvl, mon_intvl, day_intvl, hour_intvl, min_intvl, sec_intvl, num_time_range, stat_miss_val, type_of_stat_proc, type_of_time_inc, stat_unit_time_key, leng_time_range_stat, stat_unit_time_key_succ, time_inc_betwn_succ_fld, ipdstmpl8)
 This subroutine returns the Grib2 Section 4 Template 4.8 list for given keys PDT 4.8 - Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::g2sec4_temp9 (icatg, iparm, typ_gen_proc_key, gen_proc_or_mod_key, hrs_obs_cutoff, min_obs_cutoff, unit_of_time_key, fcst_time, lvl_type1, scale_fac1, scaled_val1, lvl_type2, scale_fac2, scaled_val2, prob_num, tot_num_prob, type_of_prob, scale_fac_lower_limit, scale_val_lower_limit, scale_fac_upper_limit, scale_val_upper_limit, year_intvl, mon_intvl, day_intvl, hour_intvl, min_intvl, sec_intvl, num_time_range, stat_miss_val, type_of_stat_proc, type_of_time_inc, stat_unit_time_key, leng_time_range_stat, stat_unit_time_key_succ, time_inc_betwn_succ_fld, ipdstmpl9)
 Returns the GRIB2 Section 4 Template 4.9 list for given keys PDT 4.9 - Probability forecasts at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::g2sec5_temp0 (dec_scale_fac, bin_scale_fac, tlnumbits, ifield5)
 This subroutine returns the section 5 list array for a given decimal scale factor (D) and type of original field values (Table 5.1) value from GRIB2 - GRID Template 5.0 Grid point data - simple packing. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::g2sec5_temp2 (dec_scale_fac, bin_scale_fac, ifield5)
 This subroutine returns the section 5 list array with a given binary, and decimal scale factor from GRIB2 - GRID Template 5.2 Grid point data - complex packing. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::g2sec5_temp3 (dec_scale_fac, bin_scale_fac, order_of_sptdiff, ifield5)
 This subroutine returns the section 5 list array with a given binary, and decimal scale factor from GRIB2 - GRID Template 5.3 Grid point data - complex packing with spatial difference. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::g2sec5_temp40 (dec_scale_fac, bin_scale_fac, tlnumbits, type_of_compression, ifield5)
 This subroutine returns the section 5 list array for a given decimal scale factor (D), type of original field value (Table 5.40) and type of compression used from GRIB2 - GRID Template 5.40 Grid point data - JPEG 2000 Code Stream Format. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_fixedsurfacetypes (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 - Fixed Surface Types and Units value for a given short key name based on Table 4.5 of Section 4, Octets 23 and 29. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_loctabversno (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 local table version number for a given short key name based on Table 1.1. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_on388genproc (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB1 - PDS Ocet6 data value (Generating process or model) from originating center 7 (USNWS NCEP) for a given short key name based on ON388 - Table A. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_on388origincenters (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB1 - PDS Ocet5 GRIB2 - Section 1, Octet 6-7 National/International Originating Centers value for a given short key name based on ON388 - Table 0. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_ordofspcdiffvals (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 - Table 5.6 Order of spatial differencing for a given short key name based on GRIB2 - Table 5.6 default is 1st order spatial differencing. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_prodstatus (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 production status of data value for a given short key name based on Table 1.3. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_sec5packingmethod (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 template number for a given short key name based on GRIB2 -. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_sigreftime (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 significant reference time value for a given short key name based on Table 1.2. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_statprocesstypes (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 - Type of statistica processing value for a given short key name based on Table 4.10 of Section 4 Octets 47 (template 8) 60 (temp 9), 48 (temp 10), 50 (temp 11), 49 (temp 12), 81 (temp 13), 77 (temp 14), 27 (temp 1001), 25 (temp 1002) and 39 (temp 1101) More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_subcenters (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 subcenters value for a given short key name based on Table C. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_typeofaerosol (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 - Type of aerosol value for a given short key name based on Table 4.233 of Section 4 Octets 12-13 (template 44), 12-13 (temp 45), 12-13 (temp 46), 13-14 (temp 47), 12-13 (temp 48) More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_typeofcluster (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 type of clustering method for a given short key name based on Table 4.8. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_typeofcompression (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 - Table 5.40 Type of compression for a given short key name based on GRIB2 - Table 5.40. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_typeofdata (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 type of data value for a given short key name based on Table 1.4. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_typeofderivefcst (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 type of derive forecast value for a given short key name based on Table 4.7. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_typeofensfcst (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 type of ensemble forecast value for a given short key name based on Table 4.6. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_typeofgenproc (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 - Type of Generating Process value for a given short key name based on Table 4.3 of Section 4, Octet 12. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_typeofintervals (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 - Type of intervals value for a given short key name based on Table 4.91 of Section 4 Octets 14 (template 44) 14 (temp 45), 14 (temp 46), 15 (temp 47), 14 and 25 (temp 48) More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_typeoforigfieldvals (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 - Table 5.1 Type of Original Field Values for a given short key name based on GRIB2 - Table 5.1. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_typeofprecip (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 type of precipitation for a given short key name based on Table 4.201. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_typeofprob (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 type of probability for a given short key name based on Table 4.9. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_typeoftimeintervals (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 - Type of time intervals value for a given short key name based on Table 4.11 of Section 4 Octets 48 (template 8) 61 (temp 9), 49 (temp 10), 51 (temp 11), 50 (temp 12), 82 (temp 13), 78 (tem p 14), 28 (temp 1001), and 40 (temp 1101) More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_unitoftimerange (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 - Indicator of unit of time range value for a given short key name based on Table 4.4 of Section 4, Octet 18. More...
subroutine grib2_all_tables_module::get_g2_versionno (key, value, ierr)
 This subroutine returns the corresponding GRIB2 version number for a given short key name based on Table 1.0. More...


integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxfixedsurfacetypes =200
 Max fixed surface types. More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxgenproc =250
 maxgenproc More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxlocver =20
 maxlocver More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxordofsptdiff =50
 maxordofsptdiff More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxorigincenters =500
 maxorigincenters More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxprodstatus =17
 maxprodstatus More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxreftime =15
 maxreftime More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxstatprocesstypes =50
 maxstatprocesstypes More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxsubcen =100
 maxsubcen More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxtypeofaerosol =200
 maxtypeofaerosol More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxtypeofcluster =100
 maxtypeofcluster More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxtypeofcompression =50
 maxtypeofcompression More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxtypeofdata =100
 maxtypeofdata More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxtypeofderivefcst =100
 maxtypeofderivefcst More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxtypeofensfcst =100
 maxtypeofensfcst More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxtypeofgenproc =100
 maxtypeofgenproc More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxtypeofintvls =50
 maxtypeofintvls More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxtypeoforigfieldval =15
 maxtypeoforigfieldval More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxtypeofpackingmethod =50
 maxtypeofpackingmethod More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxtypeofprecip =100
 maxtypeofprecip More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxtypeofprob =100
 maxtypeofprob More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxtypeoftimeintvls =50
 maxtypeoftimeintvls More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxunitoftimerange =30
 maxunitoftimerange More...
integer, parameter grib2_all_tables_module::maxver =100
 maxver More...
type(origin_centers), dimension(maxorigincenters) grib2_all_tables_module::on388_table0
 ON388 Table. More...
type(gen_proc), dimension(maxgenproc) grib2_all_tables_module::on388_tablea
 ON 388 Table A. More...
type(version_no), dimension(maxver) grib2_all_tables_module::table1_0
 Table 1 0. More...
type(local_table_vers_no), dimension(maxlocver) grib2_all_tables_module::table1_1
 Table 1 1. More...
type(sigreftime), dimension(maxreftime) grib2_all_tables_module::table1_2
 Table 1 2. More...
type(prod_status), dimension(maxprodstatus) grib2_all_tables_module::table1_3
 Table 1 3. More...
type(type_of_data), dimension(maxtypeofdata) grib2_all_tables_module::table1_4
 table1_4 More...
type(statistical_processing_types), dimension(maxstatprocesstypes) grib2_all_tables_module::table4_10
 table4_10 More...
type(type_of_time_intervals), dimension(maxtypeoftimeintvls) grib2_all_tables_module::table4_11
 table4_11 More...
type(type_of_precip), dimension(maxtypeofprecip) grib2_all_tables_module::table4_201
 table4_201 More...
type(type_of_aerosol), dimension(maxtypeofaerosol) grib2_all_tables_module::table4_233
 table4_233 More...
type(type_of_gen_proc), dimension(maxtypeofgenproc) grib2_all_tables_module::table4_3
 table4_3 More...
type(unit_of_time_range), dimension(maxunitoftimerange) grib2_all_tables_module::table4_4
 table4_4 More...
type(fixed_surface_types), dimension(maxfixedsurfacetypes) grib2_all_tables_module::table4_5
 table4_5 More...
type(type_of_ens_fcst), dimension(maxtypeofensfcst) grib2_all_tables_module::table4_6
 table4_6 More...
type(type_of_derive_fcst), dimension(maxtypeofderivefcst) grib2_all_tables_module::table4_7
 table4_7 More...
type(type_of_cluster), dimension(maxtypeofcluster) grib2_all_tables_module::table4_8
 table4_8 More...
type(type_of_prob), dimension(maxtypeofprob) grib2_all_tables_module::table4_9
 table4_9 More...
type(type_of_intervals), dimension(maxtypeofintvls) grib2_all_tables_module::table4_91
 table4_91 More...
type(type_of_packingmethod), dimension(maxtypeofpackingmethod) grib2_all_tables_module::table5_0
 table5_0 More...
type(type_of_orig_field_vals), dimension(maxtypeoforigfieldval) grib2_all_tables_module::table5_1
 table5_1 More...
type(type_of_compression), dimension(maxtypeofcompression) grib2_all_tables_module::table5_40
 table5_40 More...
type(order_of_sptdiff_vals), dimension(maxordofsptdiff) grib2_all_tables_module::table5_6
 table5_6 More...
type(subcenters), dimension(maxsubcen) grib2_all_tables_module::tablec
 tablec More...

Detailed Description

Define the variables in the derived data type discipline.

Jun Wang

Definition in file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Type Documentation

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::fixed_surface_types

type grib2_all_tables_module::fixed_surface_types

Definition at line 297 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=80) fixedsurfacetypeskey
integer fixedsurfacetypesval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::gen_proc

type grib2_all_tables_module::gen_proc

Definition at line 1050 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=30) genprockey
integer genprocval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::local_table_vers_no

type grib2_all_tables_module::local_table_vers_no

Definition at line 148 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=20) locverskey
integer locversval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::order_of_sptdiff_vals

type grib2_all_tables_module::order_of_sptdiff_vals

Definition at line 775 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=50) ordofsptdiffkey
integer ordofsptdiffvals

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::origin_centers

type grib2_all_tables_module::origin_centers

Definition at line 819 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=50) origincenterskey
integer origincentersval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::prod_status

type grib2_all_tables_module::prod_status

Definition at line 182 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=20) prodstatuskey
integer prodstatusval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::sigreftime

type grib2_all_tables_module::sigreftime

Definition at line 165 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=20) sigrefkey
integer sigrefval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::statistical_processing_types

type grib2_all_tables_module::statistical_processing_types

Definition at line 505 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=80) statprocesstypeskey
integer statprocesstypesval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::subcenters

type grib2_all_tables_module::subcenters

Definition at line 77 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=20) subcenkey
integer subcenval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_aerosol

type grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_aerosol

Definition at line 615 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=80) typeofaerosolkey
integer typeofaerosolval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_cluster

type grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_cluster

Definition at line 472 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=80) typeofclusterkey
integer typeofclusterval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_compression

type grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_compression

Definition at line 787 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=50) typeofcompressionkey
integer typeofcompressionvals

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_data

type grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_data

Definition at line 205 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=20) typeofdatakey
integer typeofdataval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_derive_fcst

type grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_derive_fcst

Definition at line 434 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=50) typeofderivefcstkey
integer typeofderivefcstval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_ens_fcst

type grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_ens_fcst

Definition at line 418 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=50) typeofensfcstkey
integer typeofensfcstval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_gen_proc

type grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_gen_proc

Definition at line 226 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=30) typeofgenprockey
integer typeofgenprocval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_intervals

type grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_intervals

Definition at line 568 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=80) typeofintervalskey
integer typeofintervalsval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_orig_field_vals

type grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_orig_field_vals

Definition at line 753 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
integer typeoforigfieldvals
character(len=50) typeoforigfieldvalskey

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_packingmethod

type grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_packingmethod

Definition at line 799 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=50) packingmethodkey
integer packingmethodvals

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_precip

type grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_precip

Definition at line 592 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=80) typeofprecipkey
integer typeofprecipval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_prob

type grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_prob

Definition at line 486 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=80) typeofprobkey
integer typeofprobval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_time_intervals

type grib2_all_tables_module::type_of_time_intervals

Definition at line 548 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=80) typeoftimeintervalskey
integer typeoftimeintervalsval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::unit_of_time_range

type grib2_all_tables_module::unit_of_time_range

Definition at line 274 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=30) unitoftimerangekey
integer unitoftimerangeval

◆ grib2_all_tables_module::version_no

type grib2_all_tables_module::version_no

Definition at line 108 of file grib2_all_tables_module.F90.

Data Fields
character(len=20) verskey
integer versval