NCEPLIBS-ip 5.2.0
Bicubic interpolation routines for scalars and vectors. More...
Data Types | |
interface | interpolate_bicubic |
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine | interpolate_bicubic_scalar (ipopt, grid_in, grid_out, mi, mo, km, ibi, li, gi, no, rlat, rlon, ibo, lo, go, iret) |
This subprogram performs bicubic interpolation from any grid to any grid for scalar fields. | |
subroutine | interpolate_bicubic_vector (ipopt, grid_in, grid_out, mi, mo, km, ibi, li, ui, vi, no, rlat, rlon, crot, srot, ibo, lo, uo, vo, iret) |
This subprogram performs bicubic interpolation from any grid to any grid for vector fields. | |
Bicubic interpolation routines for scalars and vectors.
private |
This subprogram performs bicubic interpolation from any grid to any grid for scalar fields.
Bitmaps are now allowed even when invalid points are within the bicubic template provided the minimum weight is reached.
Options allow choices between straight bicubic (ipopt(1)=0) and constrained bicubic (ipopt(1)=1) where the value is confined within the range of the surrounding 16 points.
Another option is the minimum percentage for mask, i.e. percent valid input data required to make output data, (ipopt(2)) which defaults to 50 (if ipopt(2)=-1).
Bilinear used within one grid length of boundaries. Only horizontal interpolation is performed.
The code recognizes the following projections, where for the input and output grids, respectively: as an added bonus the number of output grid points and their latitudes and longitudes are also returned. On the other hand, the output can be a set of station points if igdtnumo<0, in which case the number of points and their latitudes and longitudes must be input. output bitmaps will only be created when the output grid extends outside of the domain of the input grid. the output field is set to 0 where the output bitmap is off.
[in] | ipopt | Interpolation options.
[in] | grid_in | Input grid. |
[in] | grid_out | Output grid. |
[in] | mi | Skip number between input grid fields if km>1 or dimension of input grid fields if km=1. |
[out] | mo | Skip number between output grid fields if km>1 or dimension of output grid fields if km=1. |
[in] | km | Number of fields to interpolate. |
[in] | ibi | Input bitmap flags. |
[in] | li | Input bitmaps (if some ibi(k)=1). |
[in] | gi | Input fields to interpolate. |
[in,out] | no | Number of output points (only if igdtnumo<0). |
[in,out] | rlat | Output latitudes in degrees (if igdtnumo<0). |
[in,out] | rlon | Output longitudes in degrees (if igdtnumo<0). |
[out] | ibo | Output bitmap flags. |
[out] | lo | Output bitmaps (always output). |
[out] | go | Output fields interpolated. |
[out] | iret | Return code.
Definition at line 80 of file bicubic_interp_mod.F90.
private |
This subprogram performs bicubic interpolation from any grid to any grid for vector fields.
Bitmaps are now allowed even when invalid points are within the bicubic template provided the minimum weight is reached.
Options allow choices between straight bicubic (ipopt(1)=0) and constrained bicubic (ipopt(1)=1) where the value is confined within the range of the surrounding 16 points.
Another option is the minimum percentage for mask, i.e. percent valid input data required to make output data, (ipopt(2)) which defaults to 50 (if ipopt(2)=-1).
Bilinear used within one grid length of boundaries. Only horizontal interpolation is performed.
The code recognizes the following projections, where for the input and output grids, respectively: as an added bonus the number of output grid points and their latitudes and longitudes are also returned. On the other hand, the output can be a set of station points if igdtnumo<0, in which case the number of points and their latitudes and longitudes must be input.
Output bitmaps will only be created when the output grid extends outside of the domain of the input grid. the output field is set to 0 where the output bitmap is off.
[in] | ipopt | integer (20) interpolation options
[in] | grid_in | Input grid. |
[in] | grid_out | Output grid. |
[in] | mi | Skip number between input grid fields if km>1 or dimension of input grid fields if km=1. |
[out] | mo | Skip number between output grid fields if km>1 or dimension of output grid fields if km=1. |
[in] | km | Number of fields to interpolate. |
[in] | ibi | Input bitmap flags. |
[in] | li | Input bitmaps (if some ibi(k)=1). |
[in] | ui | Input u-component fields to interpolate. |
[in] | vi | Input v-component fields to interpolate. |
[in,out] | no | Number of output points (only if igdtnumo<0). |
[in,out] | rlat | Output latitudes in degrees (if igdtnumo<0). |
[in,out] | rlon | Output longitudes in degrees (if igdtnumo<0). |
[in,out] | crot | Vector rotation cosines (if igdtnumo<0) ugrid=crot*uearth-srot*vearth. |
[in,out] | srot | Vector rotation sines (if igdtnumo<0) vgrid=srot*uearth+crot*vearth). |
[out] | ibo | Output bitmap flags. |
[out] | lo | Output bitmaps (always output). |
[out] | uo | Output u-component fields interpolated. |
[out] | vo | Output v-component fields interpolated. |
[out] | iret | Return code.
Definition at line 338 of file bicubic_interp_mod.F90.