NCEPLIBS-ip  4.3.0
bicubic_interp_mod.F90 File Reference

Bicubic interpolation routines for scalars and vectors. More...

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Data Types

interface  bicubic_interp_mod::interpolate_bicubic


module  bicubic_interp_mod
 Bicubic interpolation routines for scalars and vectors.


subroutine bicubic_interp_mod::interpolate_bicubic_scalar (IPOPT, grid_in, grid_out, MI, MO, KM, IBI, LI, GI, NO, RLAT, RLON, IBO, LO, GO, IRET)
 This subprogram performs bicubic interpolation from any grid to any grid for scalar fields. More...
subroutine bicubic_interp_mod::interpolate_bicubic_vector (ipopt, grid_in, grid_out, mi, mo, km, ibi, li, ui, vi, no, rlat, rlon, crot, srot, ibo, lo, uo, vo, iret)
 This subprogram performs bicubic interpolation from any grid to any grid for vector fields. More...

Detailed Description

Bicubic interpolation routines for scalars and vectors.

Mark Iredell, Kyle Gerheiser, Eric Engle

Definition in file bicubic_interp_mod.F90.