Files | |
file | bicubic_interp_mod.F90 [code] |
Bicubic interpolation routines for scalars and vectors. | |
file | bilinear_interp_mod.F90 [code] |
Bilinear interpolation routines for scalars and vectors. | |
file | budget_interp_mod.F90 [code] |
Budget interpolation routines for scalars and vectors. | |
file | earth_radius_mod.F90 [code] |
Determine earth radius and shape. | |
file | gdswzd_c.F90 [code] |
C wrapper for routine gdswzd(). | |
file | gdswzd_mod.F90 [code] |
Driver module for gdswzd routines. | |
file | ip_constants_mod.F90 [code] |
Constants for use in NCEPLIBS-ip. | |
file | ip_equid_cylind_grid_mod.F90 [code] |
Equidistant cylindrical grib decoder and grid coordinate transformations. | |
file | ip_gaussian_grid_mod.F90 [code] |
Gaussian grid coordinate transformations. | |
file | ip_grid_descriptor_mod.F90 [code] |
Users derived type grid descriptor objects to abstract away the raw GRIB1 and GRIB2 grid definitions. | |
file | ip_grid_factory_mod.F90 [code] |
Routines for creating an ip_grid given a Grib descriptor. | |
file | ip_grid_mod.F90 [code] |
Abstract ip_grid type. | |
file | ip_grids_mod.F90 [code] |
Re-export the individual grids. | |
file | ip_interpolators_mod.F90 [code] |
Top-level module to export interpolation routines and constants. | |
file | ip_lambert_conf_grid_mod.F90 [code] |
GDS wizard for lambert conformal conical. | |
file | ip_mercator_grid_mod.F90 [code] |
GDS wizard for mercator cylindrical. | |
file | ip_mod.F90 [code] |
Top-level module for the ip library. | |
file | ip_polar_stereo_grid_mod.F90 [code] |
GDS wizard for polar stereographic azimuthal. | |
file | ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod.F90 [code] |
Rotated equidistant cylindrical GRIB decoder and grid coordinate transformations for Arakawa grid E. | |
file | ip_rot_equid_cylind_grid_mod.F90 [code] |
Rotated equidistant cylindrical GRIB decoder and grid coordinate transformations for Arakawa grids A through D. | |
file | ip_station_points_grid_mod.F90 [code] |
Interpolate gridded data to a series of station points. | |
file | iplib_4.h [code] |
C interface to gdswzd() and gdswzd_grib1() functions for '4' library build. | |
file | iplib_8.h [code] |
C interface to gdswzd() and gdswzd_grib1() functions for '8' library build. | |
file | iplib_d.h [code] |
C interface to gdswzd() and gdswzd_grib1() functions for 'd' library build. | |
file | ipolates.F90 [code] |
Top-level driver for scalar interpolation routine ipolates(). | |
file | ipolatev.F90 [code] |
Top-level driver for vector interpolation routine ipolates. | |
file | ipxetas.F90 [code] |
Expand or contract eta grids using linear interpolation. | |
file | ipxwafs.F90 [code] |
Expand or contract wafs grids. | |
file | ipxwafs2.F90 [code] |
Expand or contract wafs grids using linear interpolation and account for bitmapped data. | |
file | ipxwafs3.F90 [code] |
Expand or contract wafs grids using neighbor interpolation and accout for bitmapped data. | |
file | movect.F90 [code] |
Move a vector along a great circle. | |
file | neighbor_budget_interp_mod.F90 [code] |
Interpolate scalar and vector fields with neighbor budget interpolation. | |
file | neighbor_interp_mod.F90 [code] |
Interpolate scalar and vector fields with neighbor interpolation. | |
file | polfix_mod.F90 [code] |
Make multiple pole scalar values consistent. | |
file | spectral_interp_mod.F90 [code] |
Interpolate spectral. | |