NCEPLIBS-sfcio  1.4.0
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sfcio_module.f File Reference

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Data Types

type  sfcio_module::sfcio_data
type  sfcio_module::sfcio_dbta
type  sfcio_module::sfcio_head
interface  sfcio_module::sfcio_srohdc


subroutine, public sfcio_module::sfcio_aldata (head, data, iret)
subroutine, public sfcio_module::sfcio_aldbta (head, dbta, iret)
subroutine, public sfcio_module::sfcio_alhead (head, iret, latb, lsoil)
subroutine, public sfcio_module::sfcio_axdata (data, iret)
subroutine, public sfcio_module::sfcio_axdbta (dbta, iret)
subroutine, public sfcio_module::sfcio_sclose (lu, iret)
subroutine, public sfcio_module::sfcio_srdata (lu, head, data, iret)
subroutine, public sfcio_module::sfcio_srdbta (lu, head, dbta, iret)
subroutine, public sfcio_module::sfcio_srhead (lu, head, iret)
subroutine, public sfcio_module::sfcio_sropen (lu, cfname, iret)
subroutine, public sfcio_module::sfcio_swdata (lu, head, data, iret)
subroutine, public sfcio_module::sfcio_swdbta (lu, head, dbta, iret)
subroutine, public sfcio_module::sfcio_swhead (lu, head, iret)
subroutine, public sfcio_module::sfcio_swopen (lu, cfname, iret)


real(sfcio_dblekind), parameter, public sfcio_module::sfcio_dblefill =sfcio_realfill
integer, parameter, public sfcio_module::sfcio_dblekind =8
integer, parameter, public sfcio_module::sfcio_intkind =4
integer, parameter, public sfcio_module::sfcio_lhead1 =32
real(sfcio_realkind), parameter, public sfcio_module::sfcio_realfill =-9999.
integer, parameter, public sfcio_module::sfcio_realkind =4

Detailed Description

API for global spectral surface file I/O.


This module provides an Application Program Interface for performing I/O on the surface restart file of the global spectral model. Functions include opening, reading, writing, and closing as well as allocating and deallocating data buffers used in the transfers. The I/O performed here is sequential. The transfers are limited to header records or data records.

Public Variables:

  • sfcio_lhead1 Integer parameter length of first header record (=32)
  • sfcio_intkind Integer parameter kind or length of passed integers (=4)
  • sfcio_realkind Integer parameter kind or length of passed reals (=4)
  • sfcio_dblekind Integer parameter kind or length of passed longreals (=8)
  • sfcio_realfill Real(sfcio_realkind) fill value (=-9999.)
  • sfcio_dblefill Real(sfcio_dblekind) fill value (=-9999.)

     Public Defined Types:
       sfcio_head        Surface file header information
         clabsfc           Character(sfcio_lhead1) ON85 label
         fhour             Real(sfcio_realkind) forecast hour
         idate             Integer(sfcio_intkind)(4) initial date
                           (hour, month, day, 4-digit year)
         latb              Integer(sfcio_intkind) latitudes
         lonb              Integer(sfcio_intkind) longitudes
         ivs               Integer(sfcio_intkind) version number
         lsoil             Integer(sfcio_intkind) soil levels
         irealf            Integer(sigio_intkind) floating point flag
                           (=1 for 4-byte ieee, =2 for 8-byte ieee)
         lpl               Integer(sfcio_intkind)(latb/2) lons per lat
         zsoil             Real(sfcio_realkind) soil depths (meter)
       sfcio_data        Surface file data fields
         tsea              Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           surface temperature in K
         smc               Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:,:) pointer to lonb*latb*lsoil
                           soil volumetric water content in fraction
         sheleg            Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           snow depth in m
         stc               Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:,:) pointer to lonb*latb*lsoil
                           soil temperature in K
         tg3               Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           deep soil temperature in K
         zorl              Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           roughness in cm
         cv                Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           convective cloud cover in fraction
         cvb               Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           convective cloud bottom in kpa
         cvt               Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           convective cloud top in kpa
         alvsf             Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           albedo for visible scattered in fraction
         alvwf             Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           albedo for visible beam in fraction
         alnsf             Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           albedo for near-IR scattered in fraction
         alnwf             Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           albedo for near-IR beam in fraction
         slmsk             Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           sea-land-ice mask (0-sea, 1-land, 2-ice)
         vfrac             Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           vegetation fraction in fraction
         canopy            Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           canopy water in m
         f10m              Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           10-meter wind speed over lowest model wind speed
         t2m               Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           2-meter temperature in K
         q2m               Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           2-meter specific humidity in kg/kg
         vtype             Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           vegetation type in integer 1-13
         stype             Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           soil type in integer 1-9
         facsf             Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in fraction
         facwf             Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in fraction
         uustar            Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in xxx
         ffmm              Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in xxx
         ffhh              Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in xxx
         hice              Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in xxx
         fice              Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in xxx
         tisfc             Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in xxx
         tprcp             Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in xxx
         srflag            Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in xxx
         snwdph            Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in xxx
         slc               Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:,:) pointer to lonb*latb*lsoil
                           xxx in xxx
         shdmin            Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in xxx
         shdmax            Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in xxx
         slope             Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in xxx
         snoalb            Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           xxx in xxx
         orog              Real(sfcio_realkind)(:,:) pointer to lonb*latb
                           orography in m
       sfcio_dbta        Surface file longreal data fields
 Public Subprograms:
   sfcio_sropen      Open surface file for sequential reading
     lu                Integer(sfcio_intkind) input logical unit
     cfname            Character(*) input filename
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   sfcio_swopen      Open surface file for sequential writing
     lu                Integer(sfcio_intkind) input logical unit
     cfname            Character(*) input filename
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   sfcio_sclose      Close surface file for sequential I/O
     lu                Integer(sfcio_intkind) input logical unit
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   sfcio_srhead      Read header information with sequential I/O
     lu                Integer(sfcio_intkind) input logical unit
     head              Type(sfcio_head) output header information
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   sfcio_swhead      Write header information with sequential I/O
     lu                Integer(sfcio_intkind) input logical unit
     head              Type(sfcio_head) input header information
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   sfcio_alhead      Allocate head allocatables
     head              Type(sfcio_head) input/output header information
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
     latb              Integer(sfcio_intkind) optional latitudes
     lsoil             Integer(sfcio_intkind) optional soil levels
   sfcio_aldata      Allocate data fields
     head              Type(sfcio_head) input header information
     data              Type(sfcio_data) output data fields
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   sfcio_axdata      Deallocate data fields
     data              Type(sfcio_data) output data fields
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   sfcio_srdata      Read data fields with sequential I/O
     lu                Integer(sfcio_intkind) input logical unit
     head              Type(sfcio_head) input header information
     data              Type(sfcio_data) output data fields
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   sfcio_swdata      Write data fields with sequential I/O
     lu                Integer(sfcio_intkind) input logical unit
     head              Type(sfcio_head) input header information
     data              Type(sfcio_data) input data fields
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   sfcio_srohdc      Open, read header & data and close with sequential I/O
     lu                Integer(sfcio_intkind) input logical unit
     cfname            Character(*) input filename
     head              Type(sfcio_head) output header information
     data              Type(sfcio_data) output data fields
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   sfcio_swohdc      Open, write header & data and close with sequential I/O
     lu                Integer(sfcio_intkind) input logical unit
     cfname            Character(*) input filename
     head              Type(sfcio_head) input header information
     data              Type(sfcio_data) input data fields
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   sfcio_aldbta      Allocate longreal data fields
     head              Type(sfcio_head) input header information
     dbta              Type(sfcio_dbta) output longreal data fields
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   sfcio_axdbta      Deallocate longreal data fields
     dbta              Type(sfcio_dbta) output longreal data fields
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   sfcio_srdbta      Read longreal data fields with sequential I/O
     lu                Integer(sfcio_intkind) input logical unit
     head              Type(sfcio_head) input header information
     dbta              Type(sfcio_dbta) output longreal data fields
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   sfcio_swdbta      Write longreal data fields with sequential I/O
     lu                Integer(sfcio_intkind) input logical unit
     head              Type(sfcio_head) input header information
     dbta              Type(sfcio_dbta) input longreal data fields
     iret              Integer(sfcio_intkind) output return code
   (1) Here's the supported surface file formats.
       For ivs=199802 (read-only):
         ON85 label (32 bytes)
         Header information record containing
           fhour, idate, lonb, latb, ivs (8 4-byte words)
         tsea (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         smc (lonb*latb*lsoil 4-byte words)
         sheleg (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         stc (lonb*latb*lsoil 4-byte words)
         tg3 (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         zorl (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         cv (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         cvb (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         cvt (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         alvsf,alvwf,alnsf,alnwf (lonb*latb*4 4-byte words)
         slmsk (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         vfrac (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         canopy (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         f10m (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         vtype (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         stype (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         facsf,facwf (lonb*latb*2 4-byte words)
         uustar (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         ffmm (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         ffhh (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
       For ivs=200004:
         ON85 label (32 bytes)
         Header information record containing
           fhour, idate, lonb, latb, ivs, lpl (8+latb/2 4-byte words)
         tsea (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         smc (lonb*latb*lsoil 4-byte words)
         sheleg (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         stc (lonb*latb*lsoil 4-byte words)
         tg3 (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         zorl (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         cv (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         cvb (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         cvt (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         alvsf,alvwf,alnsf,alnwf (lonb*latb*4 4-byte words)
         slmsk (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         vfrac (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         canopy (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         f10m (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         vtype (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         stype (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         facsf,facwf (lonb*latb*2 4-byte words)
         uustar (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         ffmm (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         ffhh (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
       For ivs=200412 (read-only):
         ON85 label (32 bytes)
         Header information record containing
           fhour, idate, lonb, latb, ivs, lpl (8+latb/2 4-byte words)
         tsea (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         smc (lonb*latb*lsoil 4-byte words)
         sheleg (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         stc (lonb*latb*lsoil 4-byte words)
         tg3 (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         zorl (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         cv (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         cvb (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         cvt (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         alvsf,alvwf,alnsf,alnwf (lonb*latb*4 4-byte words)
         slmsk (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         vfrac (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         canopy (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         f10m (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         vtype (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         stype (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         facsf,facwf (lonb*latb*2 4-byte words)
         uustar (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         ffmm (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         ffhh (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         hice (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         fice (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         tisfc (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         tprcp (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         srflag (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         snwdph (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         slc (lonb*latb*lsoil 4-byte words)
         shdmin (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         shdmax (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         slope (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
         snoalb (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
       For ivs=200501:
         Label containing
           'GFS ','SFC ',ivs,nhead,ndata,reserved(3) (8 4-byte words)
         Header records
           lhead(nhead),ldata(ndata) (nhead+ndata 4-byte words)
           fhour, idate(4), lonb, latb, lsoil  (8 4-byte words)
           lpl  (latb/2 4-byte words)
           zsoil  (lsoil 4-byte words)
         Data records
           slmsk (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           orog (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           tsea (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           sheleg (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           tg3 (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           zorl (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           alvsf (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           alvwf (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           alnsf (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           alnwf (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           vfrac (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           canopy (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           f10m (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           vtype (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           stype (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           facsf (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           facwf (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           uustar (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           ffmm (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           ffhh (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           hice (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           fice (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           tprcp (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           srflag (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           snwdph (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           shdmin (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           shdmax (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           slope (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           snoalb (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           lsoil stc (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           lsoil smc (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           lsoil slc (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
       For ivs=200509:
         Label containing
           'GFS ','SFC ',ivs,nhead,ndata,reserved(3) (8 4-byte words)
         Header records
           lhead(nhead),ldata(ndata) (nhead+ndata 4-byte words)
           fhour, idate(4), lonb, latb, lsoil, irealf,
             reserved(16)  (25 4-byte words)
           lpl  (latb/2 4-byte words)
           zsoil  (lsoil 4-byte words)
         Data records
           slmsk (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           orog (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           tsea (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           sheleg (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           tg3 (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           zorl (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           alvsf (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           alvwf (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           alnsf (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           alnwf (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           vfrac (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           canopy (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           f10m (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           t2m (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           q2m (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           vtype (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           stype (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           facsf (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           facwf (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           uustar (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           ffmm (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           ffhh (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           hice (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           fice (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           tisfc (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           tprcp (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           srflag (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           snwdph (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           shdmin (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           shdmax (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           slope (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           snoalb (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           lsoil stc (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           lsoil smc (lonb*latb 4-byte words)
           lsoil slc (lonb*latb 4-byte words)

(2) Possible return codes:

  • 0 Successful call
  • -1 Open or close I/O error
  • -2 Header record I/O error or unrecognized version
  • -3 Allocation or deallocation error
  • -4 Data record I/O error
  • -5 Insufficient data dimensions allocated

Examples: (1) Read the entire surface file 'sfcf24' and print out the northernmost surface temperature at greenwich.

use sfcio_module
type(sfcio_head):: head
type(sfcio_data):: data
call sfcio_srohdc(11,'sfcf24',head,data,iret)
print '(f8.2)',data%tsea(1,1)

Definition in file sfcio_module.f.

Definition: sfcio_module.f:502