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54 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82  subroutine calwxt_bourg_post(im,ista_2l,iend_2u,ista,iend,jm, &
83  & jsta_2l,jend_2u,jsta,jend,lm,lp1, &
84  & iseed,g,pthresh, &
85  & t,q,pmid,pint,lmh,prec,zint,ptype,me)
86  implicit none
87 !
88 ! input:
89  integer,intent(in):: im,jm,jsta_2l,jend_2u,jsta,jend,lm,lp1,iseed,me,&
90  ista_2l,iend_2u,ista,iend
91  real,intent(in):: g,pthresh
92  real,intent(in), dimension(ista_2l:iend_2u,jsta_2l:jend_2u,lm) :: t, q, pmid
93  real,intent(in), dimension(ista_2l:iend_2u,jsta_2l:jend_2u,lp1) :: pint, zint
94  real,intent(in), dimension(ista_2l:iend_2u,jsta_2l:jend_2u) :: lmh, prec
95 !
96 ! output:
97 ! real,intent(out) :: ptype(im,jm)
98  integer,intent(out) :: ptype(ista:iend,jsta:jend)
99 !
100  integer i,j,ifrzl,iwrml,l,lhiwrm,lmhk,jlen
101  real pintk1,areane,tlmhk,areape,pintk2,surfw,area1,dzkl,psfck,r1,r2
102  real rn(im*jm*2)
103  integer :: rn_seed_size
104  integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: rn_seed
105  logical, parameter :: debugprint = .false.
106 !
107 ! initialize weather type array to zero (ie, off).
108 ! we do this since we want ptype to represent the
109 ! instantaneous weather type on return.
110  if (debugprint) then
111  print *,'in calwxtbg, jsta,jend=',jsta,jend,' im=',im
112  print *,'in calwxtbg,me=',me,'iseed=',iseed
113  endif
114 !
115 !$omp parallel do
116  do j=jsta,jend
117  do i=ista,iend
118  ptype(i,j) = 0
119  enddo
120  enddo
121 !
122  jlen = jend - jsta + 1
124  call random_seed(size = rn_seed_size)
125  allocate(rn_seed(rn_seed_size))
126  rn_seed = iseed
127  call random_seed(put = rn_seed)
128  call random_number(rn)
129 !
130 !!$omp parallel do &
131 ! & private(a,lmhk,tlmhk,iwrml,psfck,lhiwrm,pintk1,pintk2,area1, &
132 ! & areape,dzkl,surfw,r1,r2)
133 ! print *,'incalwxtbg, rn',maxval(rn),minval(rn)
135  do j=jsta,jend
136 ! if(me==1)print *,'incalwxtbg, j=',j
137  do i=ista,iend
138  lmhk = min(nint(lmh(i,j)),lm)
139  psfck = pint(i,j,lmhk+1)
140 !
141  if (prec(i,j) <= pthresh) cycle ! skip this point if no precip this time step
143 ! find the depth of the warm layer based at the surface
144 ! this will be the cut off point between computing
145 ! the surface based warm air and the warm air aloft
146 !
147  tlmhk = t(i,j,lmhk) ! lowest layer t
148  iwrml = lmhk + 1
149  if (tlmhk >= 273.15) then
150  do l = lmhk, 2, -1
151  if (t(i,j,l) >= 273.15 .and. t(i,j,l-1) < 273.15 .and. &
152  & iwrml == lmhk+1) iwrml = l
153  end do
154  end if
155 !
156 ! now find the highest above freezing level
157 !
158 ! gsm added 250 mb check to prevent stratospheric warming situations
159 ! from counting as warm layers aloft
160  lhiwrm = lmhk + 1
161  do l = lmhk, 1, -1
162  if (t(i,j,l) >= 273.15 .and. pmid(i,j,l) > 25000.) lhiwrm = l
163  end do
165 ! energy variables
167 ! surfw is the positive energy between ground and the first sub-freezing layer above ground
168 ! areane is the negative energy between ground and the highest layer above ground
169 ! that is above freezing
170 ! areape is the positive energy "aloft" which is the warm energy not based at the ground
171 ! (the total warm energy = surfw + areape)
172 !
173 ! pintk1 is the pressure at the bottom of the layer
174 ! pintk2 is the pressure at the top of the layer
175 ! dzkl is the thickness of the layer
176 ! ifrzl is a flag that tells us if we have hit a below freezing layer
177 !
178  pintk1 = psfck
179  ifrzl = 0
180  areane = 0.0
181  areape = 0.0
182  surfw = 0.0
184  do l = lmhk, 1, -1
185  if (ifrzl == 0.and.t(i,j,l) <= 273.15) ifrzl = 1
186  pintk2 = pint(i,j,l)
187  dzkl = zint(i,j,l)-zint(i,j,l+1)
188  area1 = log(t(i,j,l)/273.15) * g * dzkl
189  if (t(i,j,l) >= 273.15.and. pmid(i,j,l) > 25000.) then
190  if (l < iwrml) areape = areape + area1
191  if (l >= iwrml) surfw = surfw + area1
192  else
193  if (l > lhiwrm) areane = areane + abs(area1)
194  end if
195  pintk1 = pintk2
196  end do
197 !
198 ! decision tree time
199 !
200  if (areape < 2.0) then
201 ! very little or no positive energy aloft, check for
202 ! positive energy just above the surface to determine rain vs. snow
203  if (surfw < 5.6) then
204 ! not enough positive energy just above the surface
205 ! snow = 1
206  ptype(i,j) = 1
207  else if (surfw > 13.2) then
208 ! enough positive energy just above the surface
209 ! rain = 8
210  ptype(i,j) = 8
211  else
212 ! transition zone, assume equally likely rain/snow
213 ! picking a random number, if <=0.5 snow
214  r1 = rn(i+im*(j-1))
215  if (r1 <= 0.5) then
216  ptype(i,j) = 1 ! snow = 1
217  else
218  ptype(i,j) = 8 ! rain = 8
219  end if
220  end if
221 !
222  else
223 ! some positive energy aloft, check for enough negative energy
224 ! to freeze and make ice pellets to determine ip vs. zr
225  if (areane > 66.0+0.66*areape) then
226 ! enough negative area to make ip,
227 ! now need to check if there is enough positive energy
228 ! just above the surface to melt ip to make rain
229  if (surfw < 5.6) then
230 ! not enough energy at the surface to melt ip
231  ptype(i,j) = 2 ! ice pellets = 2
232  else if (surfw > 13.2) then
233 ! enough energy at the surface to melt ip
234  ptype(i,j) = 8 ! rain = 8
235  else
236 ! transition zone, assume equally likely ip/rain
237 ! picking a random number, if <=0.5 ip
238  r1 = rn(i+im*(j-1))
239  if (r1 <= 0.5) then
240  ptype(i,j) = 2 ! ice pellets = 2
241  else
242  ptype(i,j) = 8 ! rain = 8
243  end if
244  end if
245  else if (areane < 46.0+0.66*areape) then
246 ! not enough negative energy to refreeze, check surface temp
247 ! to determine rain vs. zr
248  if (tlmhk < 273.15) then
249  ptype(i,j) = 4 ! freezing rain = 4
250  else
251  ptype(i,j) = 8 ! rain = 8
252  end if
253  else
254 ! transition zone, assume equally likely ip/zr
255 ! picking a random number, if <=0.5 ip
256  r1 = rn(i+im*(j-1))
257  if (r1 <= 0.5) then
258 ! still need to check positive energy
259 ! just above the surface to melt ip vs. rain
260  if (surfw < 5.6) then
261  ptype(i,j) = 2 ! ice pellets = 2
262  else if (surfw > 13.2) then
263  ptype(i,j) = 8 ! rain = 8
264  else
265 ! transition zone, assume equally likely ip/rain
266 ! picking a random number, if <=0.5 ip
267  r2 = rn(i+im*(j-1)+im*jm)
268  if (r2 <= 0.5) then
269  ptype(i,j) = 2 ! ice pellets = 2
270  else
271  ptype(i,j) = 8 ! rain = 8
272  end if
273  end if
274  else
275 ! not enough negative energy to refreeze, check surface temp
276 ! to determine rain vs. zr
277  if (tlmhk < 273.15) then
278  ptype(i,j) = 4 ! freezing rain = 4
279  else
280  ptype(i,j) = 8 ! rain = 8
281  end if
282  end if
283  end if
284  end if
285 ! write(1000+me,*)' finished for i, j, from calbourge me=',me,i,j
286  end do
287 ! write(1000+me,*)' finished for j, from calbourge me=',me,j
288  end do
289 ! write(1000+me,*)' returning from calbourge me=',me
290  return
291  end
subroutine calwxt_bourg_post(im, ista_2l, iend_2u, ista, iend, jm, jsta_2l, jend_2u, jsta, jend, lm, lp1, iseed, g, pthresh, t, q, pmid, pint, lmh, prec, zint, ptype, me)
calwxt_bourg_post Subroutine that calculates precipitation type (Bourgouin).
Definition: CALWXT_BOURG.f:82