UPP (develop)
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CTLBLK.f File Reference

CTLBLK sets default parameters that are used throughout the UPP code. More...

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Data Types

type  ctlblk_mod::field_info


real, dimension(komaxctlblk_mod::alsl
 Altitude above sea level _____?
logical ctlblk_mod::aqf_on
 Turn on Air Quality Forecasting (CMAQ-based).
real ctlblk_mod::ardlw
 Longwave flux accumulation array.
real ctlblk_mod::ardsw
 Shortwave flux accumulation array.
real ctlblk_mod::asrfc
 Surface flux array.
real ctlblk_mod::avcnvc
 Counter for summing latent heating from convection.
real ctlblk_mod::avrain
 Counter for summing latent heating from grid microphysics.
real, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::buff
 Used in the many variables' gather; note that scattering has been replaced with subdomain reads when the fields to be post-processed are read in.
real, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::bufs
 Unused/no longer supported; replaced by rbufs.
integer ctlblk_mod::cfld
logical ctlblk_mod::d2d_chem
 Turn on option to process the 2D aerosol/chemical tracers.
logical ctlblk_mod::d3d_on
 Turn on option to use dynamic 3D fields from GFS.
integer ctlblk_mod::datahandle
 Handle (or reference) to the data being processed.
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::datapd
character(len=19) ctlblk_mod::datestr
 Time stamp being processed (e.g., 2022-08-02_19:00:00).
real ctlblk_mod::dt
 Model time step in seconds.
real ctlblk_mod::dtq2
 Model physics time step in seconds.
character(len=256) ctlblk_mod::filename
 Name of input dynamics file; name of full 3-D model output file.
character(len=256) ctlblk_mod::filenameaer
 Name of GFS aersol file.
character(len=256) ctlblk_mod::filenamed3d
 No longer used/supported.
character(len=256) ctlblk_mod::filenameflat
 Input configuration text file defining the requested fields.
character(len=256) ctlblk_mod::filenameflux
 Name of input physics file; name of 2-D model output file with physics and surface fields.
logical ctlblk_mod::first
 No longer used/supported.
type(field_info), dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::fld_info
character(len=8) ctlblk_mod::fullmodelname
 No longer used/supported.
logical ctlblk_mod::gccpp_on
 Turn on option to process the aerosol/chemical tracers related output from UFS-Chem (CCPP-Chem) model.
real *8 ctlblk_mod::gdsdegr
 Convert degrees to gradians ?
logical ctlblk_mod::global
 Flag indicating global model run (if false then regional)
logical ctlblk_mod::gocart_on
 Logicals to turn on/off different post-processing packages/output depending on model output.
character(5) ctlblk_mod::grib
 Grib type (Note that UPP only supports Grib2 currently).
logical ctlblk_mod::gtg_on
 Turn on GTG (Graphical Turbulence Guidance)
real, dimension(nfdctlblk_mod::htfd
 The fixed flight level heights available for output (gpm).
logical ctlblk_mod::hyb_sigp
 Turn on option to use hybrid sigma pressure levels.
integer ctlblk_mod::ibsize
 Defines the size of the buffer used in mpi_scatter and mpi_gather.
integer ctlblk_mod::ibsum
 No longer supported.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::ibufs
 The buffer used for scatters of the integer coordinate array to each MPI rank.
integer, dimension(0:1023) ctlblk_mod::icnt
 Used for gathers and scatters.
integer, dimension(0:1023) ctlblk_mod::icnt2
 The number of data items to gather from each MPI rank; it is a NUM_PROCS array.
integer ctlblk_mod::icount_calmict
integer ctlblk_mod::icu_physics
 Cumulus physics option in the model run.
integer, dimension(5) ctlblk_mod::idat
 Array storing input month, day, year, hour, min of file being processed (parsed from DateStr)
integer ctlblk_mod::idn
 MPI rank containing the last latitude before jsta.
integer, dimension(0:1023) ctlblk_mod::idsp
 Displacement in the array to be scattered where the portion of the array to be scattered to each MPI rank begins.
integer, dimension(0:1023) ctlblk_mod::idsp2
 Displacement in the array to be gathered where the portion of the array to be gathered from each MPI rank begins.
integer ctlblk_mod::iend
 End longitude on a task subdomain.
integer ctlblk_mod::iend_2u
 End longitude +2 of the subdomain.
integer ctlblk_mod::iend_m
 Ending longitude loop index in subdomain for halo depth 1.
integer ctlblk_mod::iend_m2
 Second longitude after end longitude for halo depth 2 (not used as of 6/22).
integer, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::iexa
 Array of i end bounds for the subdomain loop on each MPI rank.
integer ctlblk_mod::ifhr
 Forecast hour (lead time).
real, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::ifi_flight_levels
 Flight levels in feet, provided by libIFI.
integer ctlblk_mod::ifi_nflight = 0
 Number of flight levels.
integer ctlblk_mod::ifmin
 Forecast minute.
integer ctlblk_mod::ihrst
 Hour of file being processed (parsed from DateStr).
integer ctlblk_mod::ileft
 MPI rank containing the last longitude before ista.
integer ctlblk_mod::ileftb
 MPI rank containing the last longitude before ista but for cyclic boundary conditions where "last" at the beginning is the other end of the domain (apparently unused and replaced with local calculation).
integer ctlblk_mod::im
 Full longitude domain.
integer ctlblk_mod::im_jm
 The product of IM and JM, which defines the number of points in the full post domain.
integer ctlblk_mod::imin
 Minute of file being processed (parsed from DateStr).
integer ctlblk_mod::imp_physics
 Microphysics option used in the model run.
character(len=20) ctlblk_mod::ioform
 Input file format.
integer ctlblk_mod::iright
 MPI rank containing the first longitude after iend.
integer ctlblk_mod::irightb
 MPI rank containing the first longitude after iend but for cyclic boundary conditions where "first" at the beginning is the other end of the domain (apparently unused and replaced with local calculation).
integer ctlblk_mod::isec
 Seconds of file being processed (not parsed from DateStr, hard-coded set to 0).
integer ctlblk_mod::isf_surface_physics
 Surface physics scheme option in model run.
integer ctlblk_mod::ista
 Start longitude latitude on a task subdomain.
integer ctlblk_mod::ista_2l
 Start longitude -2 of the subdomain.
integer ctlblk_mod::ista_m
 Beginning longitude loop index in subdomain for halo depth 1.
integer ctlblk_mod::ista_m2
 Second longitude before begin longitude for halo depth 2 (not used as of 6/22).
integer, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::isxa
 Array of i start bounds for the subdomain loop on each MPI rank.
real ctlblk_mod::itprec =-1
 Precipitation bucket time.
integer ctlblk_mod::iup
 MPI rank containing the first latitude after jend.
integer ctlblk_mod::ivegsrc
 Flag for vegetation classification source (0=USGS, 1=IGBP, 2=UMD)
integer ctlblk_mod::ivend_2u
 Defines the right most boundary for the subdomain used on each MPI rank.
integer ctlblk_mod::jend
 End latitude on a task subdomain.
integer ctlblk_mod::jend_2u
 End latitude +2 of the subdomain.
integer ctlblk_mod::jend_m
 Ending latitude loop index in subdomain for halo depth 1.
integer ctlblk_mod::jend_m2
 Second latitude above end latitude of subdomain for halo depth 2 (in NGMFLD.f).
integer, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::jexa
 Array of j end bounds for the subdomain loop on each MPI rank.
integer ctlblk_mod::jm
 Full latitude domain.
integer ctlblk_mod::jsta
 Start latitude on a task subdomain.
integer ctlblk_mod::jsta_2l
 Start latitude -2 of the subdomain.
integer ctlblk_mod::jsta_m
 Beginning latitude loop index in subdomain for halo depth 1.
integer ctlblk_mod::jsta_m2
 Second latitude below begin latitude of subdomain for halo depth 2 (in NGMFLD.f).
integer, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::jsxa
 Array of j start bounds for the subdomain loop on each MPI rank.
integer ctlblk_mod::jvend_2u
 Defines the upper boundary for the subdomain used on each MPI rank.
integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::komax =70
 At-rest earth pressure coefficient maximum.
integer ctlblk_mod::lm
 Number of vertical levels.
integer ctlblk_mod::lm1
integer ctlblk_mod::lp1
integer ctlblk_mod::lsm
 Land surface model ?
integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::lsmdef =46
 Default number of pressure levels.
integer ctlblk_mod::lsmp1
integer ctlblk_mod::me
 MPI rank.
logical ctlblk_mod::method_blsn
 Turn on blowing snow effect on visibility diagnostic.
character(len=4) ctlblk_mod::modelname
 Model name used by UPP internally (e.g., FV3R for LAM, GFS for GFS, NCAR for WRF).
integer ctlblk_mod::mpi_comm_comp
 An MPI communicator defining the subgroup of MPI ranks used to compute post-processed product fields; all current post implementations use all of the ranks so this again supports an unexploited development path in the code.
integer ctlblk_mod::mpi_comm_inter
 An MPI communicator defining a subgroup of the MPI ranks used for asynchronous I/O; asynchronous writes are not in active development.
logical ctlblk_mod::nasa_on
 Turn on option to process the aerosol/chemical tracers related output from UFS-Aerosols model (NASA GOCART).
integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_bc = 2
 black carbon
integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_du = 5
integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_nh4 = 1
integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_no3 = 3
integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_oc = 2
 organic carbon
integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_sm = 1
integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_ss = 5
 sea salt
integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_su = 1
integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbnd =6
 Default number of ETA boundary layers.
integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nfd =20
 Default number of flight level heights in geopotential meters.
integer ctlblk_mod::novegtype
 Number of vegetation types based on vegetation classification.
integer ctlblk_mod::nphs
 Physics time step.
integer ctlblk_mod::nprec
 Number of precipitation buckets.
integer ctlblk_mod::npset
integer ctlblk_mod::nsoil
 Number of model soil levels (dependent on the land surface model used).
integer ctlblk_mod::ntlfld
integer ctlblk_mod::num_procs
 The number of MPI ranks available to the post processor.
integer ctlblk_mod::num_servers
 An optional variable to support asynchronous writes of post-processed fields; one if there is more than one total MPI task - otherwise zero; note that the asynchronous write code is not in active development or used.
integer ctlblk_mod::numx
 The number of i regions in a 2D decomposition; Each i row is distibuted to numx ranks; numx=1 is the special case of a 1D decomposition in Y only.
real ctlblk_mod::pdtop
 Pressure thickness requested by CMAQ.
real, dimension(nbndctlblk_mod::petabnd
 The fixed ETA levels available for output.
real ctlblk_mod::prec_acc_dt
 Time interval for accumulated precipitation.
real ctlblk_mod::prec_acc_dt1
 Alternate time interval for accumulated precipitation used primarily w/RAP/HRRR.
real ctlblk_mod::pt
 Model top requested by CMAQ.
real ctlblk_mod::pt_tbl
real ctlblk_mod::pthresh
 Threshold for precipitation (used to check if there is precipitation, mainly in ptype routines).
real, parameter ctlblk_mod::qmin = 1.E-15
 A minimum specific humidity value.
real, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::rbufs
 The buffer used for scatters of the real coordinate array to each MPI rank; analagous to buff in the state variable scatter.
logical ctlblk_mod::rdaod
 Turn on option to process the AOD from GFS scheme.
logical ctlblk_mod::restrt
 Indicates whether it is a restart run.
logical ctlblk_mod::run
 No longer used/supported.
real, dimension(3) ctlblk_mod::sdat
 Array of month, day, year of restart run.
real, dimension(nbndctlblk_mod::sigbnd
 The fixed sigma levels available for output.
logical ctlblk_mod::sigma
 No longer used/supported.
logical ctlblk_mod::slrutah_on
 Calculate snow to liquid ratio (SLR) using method from University of Utah.
logical ctlblk_mod::smflag
 Smoothing flag for isobaric output.
real, dimension(komaxctlblk_mod::spl
 Specified pressure levels.
real, dimension(lsmdefctlblk_mod::spldef = (/200.,500.,700.,1000.,2000.,3000. ,5000.,7000.,7500.,10000.,12500.,15000.,17500.,20000.,22500. ,25000.,27500.,30000.,32500.,35000.,37500.,40000.,42500.,45000. ,47500.,50000.,52500.,55000.,57500.,60000.,62500.,65000. ,67500.,70000.,72500.,75000.,77500.,80000.,82500.,85000. ,87500.,90000.,92500.,95000.,97500.,100000./)
 SPLDEF !< The fixed pressure levels available for output (Pa).
real ctlblk_mod::spval
 Special value.
character(len=4) ctlblk_mod::submodelname
 Name of submodel for output differing from parent domain; used to treat a subset of model output in a special way; typically used only for outputting RTMA-specific fields now; previously used with HWRF and NMM to identify and process moving nests.
real ctlblk_mod::tclod
 Number of hours in cloud fraction average.
real ctlblk_mod::td3d
real ctlblk_mod::theat
 Number of hours in latent heating bucket.
real ctlblk_mod::tmaxmin
real ctlblk_mod::tprec
 Number of hours in precipitation bucket.
real ctlblk_mod::trdlw
 Number of hours in long wave buckets.
real ctlblk_mod::trdsw
 Number of hours in shortwave buckets.
real ctlblk_mod::tsrfc
 Number of hours in surface flux buckets.
character(len=4) ctlblk_mod::vtimeunits
 Valid time units.
integer ctlblk_mod::idtad
 No longer used/supported.
integer ctlblk_mod::imdlty
 No longer used/supported.
integer ctlblk_mod::iout
 No longer used/supported.
integer ctlblk_mod::list
 No longer used/supported.
integer ctlblk_mod::nbc
 No longer used/supported.
integer ctlblk_mod::nboco
 No longer used/supported.
integer ctlblk_mod::ncp
 No longer used/supported.
integer ctlblk_mod::nddamp
 No longer used/supported.
integer ctlblk_mod::nfcst
 No longer used/supported.
integer ctlblk_mod::nradl
 No longer used/supported.
integer ctlblk_mod::nrads
 No longer used/supported.
integer ctlblk_mod::nshde
 No longer used/supported.
integer ctlblk_mod::ntstm
 No longer used/supported.
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::ibcoords
 Arrays that store the coordinates of their elements; used to validate communications; when scattered or otherwise dispersed, the receiving ranks check that the values of the arrays match the I and J indices of the receiver.
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::icoords
 Arrays that store the coordinates of their elements; used to validate communications; when scattered or otherwise dispersed, the receiving ranks check that the values of the arrays match the I and J indices of the receiver.
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::rbcoords
 Arrays that store the coordinates of their elements; used to validate communications; when scattered or otherwise dispersed, the receiving ranks check that the values of the arrays match the I and J indices of the receiver.
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::rcoords
 Arrays that store the coordinates of their elements; used to validate communications; when scattered or otherwise dispersed, the receiving ranks check that the values of the arrays match the I and J indices of the receiver.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::calrad_wcloud_tim =0.
 Time to execute named routine; note that ETAFLD2 and ETA2P refer to MDLFLD and MDL2P routines respectively.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::cldrad_tim =0.
 Time to execute named routine; note that ETAFLD2 and ETA2P refer to MDLFLD and MDL2P routines respectively.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::eta2p_tim =0.
 Time to execute named routine; note that ETAFLD2 and ETA2P refer to MDLFLD and MDL2P routines respectively.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::etafld2_tim =0.
 Time to execute named routine; note that ETAFLD2 and ETA2P refer to MDLFLD and MDL2P routines respectively.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::fixed_tim =0.
 Time to execute named routine; note that ETAFLD2 and ETA2P refer to MDLFLD and MDL2P routines respectively.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::mdl2agl_tim =0.
 Time to execute named routine; note that ETAFLD2 and ETA2P refer to MDLFLD and MDL2P routines respectively.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::mdl2sigma_tim =0.
 Time to execute named routine; note that ETAFLD2 and ETA2P refer to MDLFLD and MDL2P routines respectively.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::mdl2std_tim =0.
 Time to execute named routine; note that ETAFLD2 and ETA2P refer to MDLFLD and MDL2P routines respectively.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::mdl2thandpv_tim =0.
 Time to execute named routine; note that ETAFLD2 and ETA2P refer to MDLFLD and MDL2P routines respectively.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::miscln_tim =0.
 Time to execute named routine; note that ETAFLD2 and ETA2P refer to MDLFLD and MDL2P routines respectively.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::readxml_tim =0.
 Time to execute named routine; note that ETAFLD2 and ETA2P refer to MDLFLD and MDL2P routines respectively.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::run_ifi_tim =0.
 Time to execute named routine; note that ETAFLD2 and ETA2P refer to MDLFLD and MDL2P routines respectively.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::surfce2_tim =0.
 Time to execute named routine; note that ETAFLD2 and ETA2P refer to MDLFLD and MDL2P routines respectively.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::time_e2out =0.
 Initialized as 0, but never used.
real(kind=8) ctlblk_mod::time_output =0.
 Initialized as 0, but never used.

Detailed Description

CTLBLK sets default parameters that are used throughout the UPP code.

This module replaces CTLBLK.comm; all the comm block is removed.

Program history log:

Date Programmer Comments
2011-02 Jun Wang ADD variables for grib2
2022-09-22 Li(Kate) Zhang Add option for NASA GOCART as "nasa_on", add NBIN for NO3 and NH4
2022-11-08 Kai Wang Replace aqfcmaq_on with aqf_on
2023-01-24 Sam Trahan IFI flight levels, runtime of IFI, and record of the bucket time
2023-03-21 Jesse Meng Add slrutah_on option to use U Utah SLR
2023-04-04 Li(Kate Zhang) Add namelist optoin for CCPP-Chem (UFS-Chem) and 2D diag. output (d2d_chem) for GEFS-Aerosols and CCPP-Chem model.
2023-04-17 Eric James Adding 160 and 320 m above ground to HTFD for RRFS output.
2023-08-16 Yali Mao Add gtg_on logical option
2023-11-24 Eric James Add method_blsn logical option

Definition in file CTLBLK.f.

Variable Documentation

◆ alsl

real, dimension(komax) ctlblk_mod::alsl

Altitude above sea level _____?

Definition at line 116 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ aqf_on

logical ctlblk_mod::aqf_on

Turn on Air Quality Forecasting (CMAQ-based).

Definition at line 73 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ardlw

real ctlblk_mod::ardlw

Longwave flux accumulation array.

Definition at line 194 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ardsw

real ctlblk_mod::ardsw

Shortwave flux accumulation array.

Definition at line 193 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ asrfc

real ctlblk_mod::asrfc

Surface flux array.

Definition at line 195 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ avcnvc

real ctlblk_mod::avcnvc

Counter for summing latent heating from convection.

Definition at line 111 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ avrain

real ctlblk_mod::avrain

Counter for summing latent heating from grid microphysics.

Definition at line 110 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ buff

real, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::buff

Used in the many variables' gather; note that scattering has been replaced with subdomain reads when the fields to be post-processed are read in.

Definition at line 183 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ bufs

real, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::bufs

Unused/no longer supported; replaced by rbufs.

Definition at line 182 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ cfld

integer ctlblk_mod::cfld


Definition at line 59 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ d2d_chem

logical ctlblk_mod::d2d_chem

Turn on option to process the 2D aerosol/chemical tracers.

Definition at line 72 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ d3d_on

logical ctlblk_mod::d3d_on

Turn on option to use dynamic 3D fields from GFS.

Definition at line 69 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ datahandle

integer ctlblk_mod::datahandle

Handle (or reference) to the data being processed.

Definition at line 93 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ datapd

real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::datapd


Definition at line 63 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ datestr

character(len=19) ctlblk_mod::datestr

Time stamp being processed (e.g., 2022-08-02_19:00:00).

Definition at line 50 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ dt

real ctlblk_mod::dt

Model time step in seconds.

Definition at line 108 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ dtq2

real ctlblk_mod::dtq2

Model physics time step in seconds.

Definition at line 112 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ filename

character(len=256) ctlblk_mod::filename

Name of input dynamics file; name of full 3-D model output file.

Definition at line 45 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ filenameaer

character(len=256) ctlblk_mod::filenameaer

Name of GFS aersol file.

Definition at line 48 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ filenamed3d

character(len=256) ctlblk_mod::filenamed3d

No longer used/supported.

(Name of file containing dynamic 3D fields from GFS.)

Definition at line 47 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ filenameflat

character(len=256) ctlblk_mod::filenameflat

Input configuration text file defining the requested fields.

Definition at line 49 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ filenameflux

character(len=256) ctlblk_mod::filenameflux

Name of input physics file; name of 2-D model output file with physics and surface fields.

Definition at line 46 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ first

logical ctlblk_mod::first

No longer used/supported.

Definition at line 80 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ fld_info

type(field_info), dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::fld_info


Definition at line 58 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ fullmodelname

character(len=8) ctlblk_mod::fullmodelname

No longer used/supported.

Definition at line 53 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ gccpp_on

logical ctlblk_mod::gccpp_on

Turn on option to process the aerosol/chemical tracers related output from UFS-Chem (CCPP-Chem) model.

Definition at line 67 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ gdsdegr

real*8 ctlblk_mod::gdsdegr

Convert degrees to gradians ?

Definition at line 62 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ global

logical ctlblk_mod::global

Flag indicating global model run (if false then regional)

Definition at line 82 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ gocart_on

logical ctlblk_mod::gocart_on

Logicals to turn on/off different post-processing packages/output depending on model output.

Turn on option to process the aerosol/chemical tracers related output from GEFS-Aerosols model (GOCART).

Definition at line 66 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ grib

character(5) ctlblk_mod::grib

Grib type (Note that UPP only supports Grib2 currently).

Definition at line 57 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ gtg_on

logical ctlblk_mod::gtg_on

Turn on GTG (Graphical Turbulence Guidance)

Definition at line 75 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ htfd

real, dimension(nfd) ctlblk_mod::htfd

The fixed flight level heights available for output (gpm).

Definition at line 231 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ hyb_sigp

logical ctlblk_mod::hyb_sigp

Turn on option to use hybrid sigma pressure levels.

Definition at line 70 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ibsize

integer ctlblk_mod::ibsize

Defines the size of the buffer used in mpi_scatter and mpi_gather.

It is necessary because the post-processed variables are not contiguous in the 2D ista_2l:iend_2u,jsta_2l:jsta_2u arrays, so they have to be stored in a contigous buffer and that buffer is what is scattered or gathered.

Definition at line 165 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ibsum

integer ctlblk_mod::ibsum

No longer supported.

Definition at line 166 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ibufs

integer, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::ibufs

The buffer used for scatters of the integer coordinate array to each MPI rank.

Definition at line 189 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ icnt

integer, dimension(0:1023) ctlblk_mod::icnt

Used for gathers and scatters.

The number of data items to scatter to each MPI rank; it is a NUM_PROCS array.

Definition at line 141 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ icnt2

integer, dimension(0:1023) ctlblk_mod::icnt2

The number of data items to gather from each MPI rank; it is a NUM_PROCS array.

Definition at line 143 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ icount_calmict

integer ctlblk_mod::icount_calmict


Definition at line 97 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ icu_physics

integer ctlblk_mod::icu_physics

Cumulus physics option in the model run.

Definition at line 91 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ idat

integer, dimension(5) ctlblk_mod::idat

Array storing input month, day, year, hour, min of file being processed (parsed from DateStr)

Definition at line 85 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ idn

integer ctlblk_mod::idn

MPI rank containing the last latitude before jsta.

Definition at line 138 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ idsp

integer, dimension(0:1023) ctlblk_mod::idsp

Displacement in the array to be scattered where the portion of the array to be scattered to each MPI rank begins.

Definition at line 142 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ idsp2

integer, dimension(0:1023) ctlblk_mod::idsp2

Displacement in the array to be gathered where the portion of the array to be gathered from each MPI rank begins.

Definition at line 144 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ iend

integer ctlblk_mod::iend

End longitude on a task subdomain.

Definition at line 128 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ iend_2u

integer ctlblk_mod::iend_2u

End longitude +2 of the subdomain.

Definition at line 149 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ iend_m

integer ctlblk_mod::iend_m

Ending longitude loop index in subdomain for halo depth 1.

Definition at line 134 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ iend_m2

integer ctlblk_mod::iend_m2

Second longitude after end longitude for halo depth 2 (not used as of 6/22).

Definition at line 136 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ iexa

integer, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::iexa

Array of i end bounds for the subdomain loop on each MPI rank.

Definition at line 185 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ifhr

integer ctlblk_mod::ifhr

Forecast hour (lead time).

Definition at line 87 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ifi_flight_levels

real, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::ifi_flight_levels

Flight levels in feet, provided by libIFI.

Definition at line 257 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ifi_nflight

integer ctlblk_mod::ifi_nflight = 0

Number of flight levels.

Definition at line 256 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ifmin

integer ctlblk_mod::ifmin

Forecast minute.

Definition at line 89 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ihrst

integer ctlblk_mod::ihrst

Hour of file being processed (parsed from DateStr).

Definition at line 86 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ileft

integer ctlblk_mod::ileft

MPI rank containing the last longitude before ista.

Definition at line 161 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ileftb

integer ctlblk_mod::ileftb

MPI rank containing the last longitude before ista but for cyclic boundary conditions where "last" at the beginning is the other end of the domain (apparently unused and replaced with local calculation).

Definition at line 163 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ im

integer ctlblk_mod::im

Full longitude domain.

Definition at line 154 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ im_jm

integer ctlblk_mod::im_jm

The product of IM and JM, which defines the number of points in the full post domain.

Definition at line 160 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ imin

integer ctlblk_mod::imin

Minute of file being processed (parsed from DateStr).

Definition at line 88 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ imp_physics

integer ctlblk_mod::imp_physics

Microphysics option used in the model run.

Definition at line 90 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ioform

character(len=20) ctlblk_mod::ioform

Input file format.

Definition at line 54 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ iright

integer ctlblk_mod::iright

MPI rank containing the first longitude after iend.

Definition at line 162 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ irightb

integer ctlblk_mod::irightb

MPI rank containing the first longitude after iend but for cyclic boundary conditions where "first" at the beginning is the other end of the domain (apparently unused and replaced with local calculation).

Definition at line 164 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ isec

integer ctlblk_mod::isec

Seconds of file being processed (not parsed from DateStr, hard-coded set to 0).

Definition at line 96 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ isf_surface_physics

integer ctlblk_mod::isf_surface_physics

Surface physics scheme option in model run.

Definition at line 92 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ista

integer ctlblk_mod::ista

Start longitude latitude on a task subdomain.

Definition at line 127 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ista_2l

integer ctlblk_mod::ista_2l

Start longitude -2 of the subdomain.

Definition at line 148 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ista_m

integer ctlblk_mod::ista_m

Beginning longitude loop index in subdomain for halo depth 1.

Definition at line 133 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ista_m2

integer ctlblk_mod::ista_m2

Second longitude before begin longitude for halo depth 2 (not used as of 6/22).

Definition at line 135 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ isxa

integer, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::isxa

Array of i start bounds for the subdomain loop on each MPI rank.

Definition at line 184 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ itprec

real ctlblk_mod::itprec =-1

Precipitation bucket time.

Definition at line 254 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ iup

integer ctlblk_mod::iup

MPI rank containing the first latitude after jend.

Definition at line 137 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ivegsrc

integer ctlblk_mod::ivegsrc

Flag for vegetation classification source (0=USGS, 1=IGBP, 2=UMD)

Definition at line 98 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ivend_2u

integer ctlblk_mod::ivend_2u

Defines the right most boundary for the subdomain used on each MPI rank.

Includes information from neighboring ranks (halos).

Definition at line 150 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ jend

integer ctlblk_mod::jend

End latitude on a task subdomain.

Definition at line 126 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ jend_2u

integer ctlblk_mod::jend_2u

End latitude +2 of the subdomain.

Definition at line 146 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ jend_m

integer ctlblk_mod::jend_m

Ending latitude loop index in subdomain for halo depth 1.

Definition at line 130 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ jend_m2

integer ctlblk_mod::jend_m2

Second latitude above end latitude of subdomain for halo depth 2 (in NGMFLD.f).

Definition at line 132 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ jexa

integer, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::jexa

Array of j end bounds for the subdomain loop on each MPI rank.

Definition at line 187 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ jm

integer ctlblk_mod::jm

Full latitude domain.

Definition at line 155 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ jsta

integer ctlblk_mod::jsta

Start latitude on a task subdomain.

Definition at line 125 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ jsta_2l

integer ctlblk_mod::jsta_2l

Start latitude -2 of the subdomain.

Definition at line 145 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ jsta_m

integer ctlblk_mod::jsta_m

Beginning latitude loop index in subdomain for halo depth 1.

Definition at line 129 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ jsta_m2

integer ctlblk_mod::jsta_m2

Second latitude below begin latitude of subdomain for halo depth 2 (in NGMFLD.f).

Definition at line 131 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ jsxa

integer, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::jsxa

Array of j start bounds for the subdomain loop on each MPI rank.

Definition at line 186 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ jvend_2u

integer ctlblk_mod::jvend_2u

Defines the upper boundary for the subdomain used on each MPI rank.

Includes information from neighboring ranks (halos).

Definition at line 147 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ komax

integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::komax =70

At-rest earth pressure coefficient maximum.

Definition at line 37 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ lm

integer ctlblk_mod::lm

Number of vertical levels.

Definition at line 156 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ lm1

integer ctlblk_mod::lm1


Definition at line 159 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ lp1

integer ctlblk_mod::lp1


Definition at line 158 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ lsm

integer ctlblk_mod::lsm

Land surface model ?

Definition at line 168 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ lsmdef

integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::lsmdef =46

Default number of pressure levels.

Definition at line 38 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ lsmp1

integer ctlblk_mod::lsmp1


Definition at line 169 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ me

integer ctlblk_mod::me

MPI rank.

Definition at line 124 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ method_blsn

logical ctlblk_mod::method_blsn

Turn on blowing snow effect on visibility diagnostic.

Definition at line 76 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ modelname

character(len=4) ctlblk_mod::modelname

Model name used by UPP internally (e.g., FV3R for LAM, GFS for GFS, NCAR for WRF).

Definition at line 51 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ mpi_comm_comp

integer ctlblk_mod::mpi_comm_comp

An MPI communicator defining the subgroup of MPI ranks used to compute post-processed product fields; all current post implementations use all of the ranks so this again supports an unexploited development path in the code.

Definition at line 153 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ mpi_comm_inter

integer ctlblk_mod::mpi_comm_inter

An MPI communicator defining a subgroup of the MPI ranks used for asynchronous I/O; asynchronous writes are not in active development.

Definition at line 152 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ nasa_on

logical ctlblk_mod::nasa_on

Turn on option to process the aerosol/chemical tracers related output from UFS-Aerosols model (NASA GOCART).

Definition at line 68 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ nbin_bc

integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_bc = 2

black carbon

Definition at line 239 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ nbin_du

integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_du = 5


Definition at line 236 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ nbin_nh4

integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_nh4 = 1


Definition at line 242 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ nbin_no3

integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_no3 = 3


Definition at line 241 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ nbin_oc

integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_oc = 2

organic carbon

Definition at line 238 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ nbin_sm

integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_sm = 1


Definition at line 243 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ nbin_ss

integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_ss = 5

sea salt

Definition at line 237 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ nbin_su

integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbin_su = 1


Definition at line 240 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ nbnd

integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nbnd =6

Default number of ETA boundary layers.

Definition at line 40 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ nfd

integer, parameter ctlblk_mod::nfd =20

Default number of flight level heights in geopotential meters.

Definition at line 39 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ novegtype

integer ctlblk_mod::novegtype

Number of vegetation types based on vegetation classification.

Definition at line 43 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ nphs

integer ctlblk_mod::nphs

Physics time step.

Definition at line 95 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ nprec

integer ctlblk_mod::nprec

Number of precipitation buckets.

Definition at line 94 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ npset

integer ctlblk_mod::npset


Definition at line 61 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ nsoil

integer ctlblk_mod::nsoil

Number of model soil levels (dependent on the land surface model used).

Definition at line 157 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ ntlfld

integer ctlblk_mod::ntlfld


Definition at line 60 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ num_procs

integer ctlblk_mod::num_procs

The number of MPI ranks available to the post processor.

Definition at line 123 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ num_servers

integer ctlblk_mod::num_servers

An optional variable to support asynchronous writes of post-processed fields; one if there is more than one total MPI task - otherwise zero; note that the asynchronous write code is not in active development or used.

Definition at line 151 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ numx

integer ctlblk_mod::numx

The number of i regions in a 2D decomposition; Each i row is distibuted to numx ranks; numx=1 is the special case of a 1D decomposition in Y only.

Definition at line 188 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ pdtop

real ctlblk_mod::pdtop

Pressure thickness requested by CMAQ.

Definition at line 114 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ petabnd

real, dimension(nbnd) ctlblk_mod::petabnd

The fixed ETA levels available for output.

Definition at line 232 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ prec_acc_dt

real ctlblk_mod::prec_acc_dt

Time interval for accumulated precipitation.

Definition at line 117 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ prec_acc_dt1

real ctlblk_mod::prec_acc_dt1

Alternate time interval for accumulated precipitation used primarily w/RAP/HRRR.

Definition at line 119 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ pt

real ctlblk_mod::pt

Model top requested by CMAQ.

Definition at line 113 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ pt_tbl

real ctlblk_mod::pt_tbl


Definition at line 118 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ pthresh

real ctlblk_mod::pthresh

Threshold for precipitation (used to check if there is precipitation, mainly in ptype routines).

Definition at line 205 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ qmin

real, parameter ctlblk_mod::qmin = 1.E-15

A minimum specific humidity value.

Definition at line 41 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ rbufs

real, dimension(:), allocatable ctlblk_mod::rbufs

The buffer used for scatters of the real coordinate array to each MPI rank; analagous to buff in the state variable scatter.

Definition at line 190 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ rdaod

logical ctlblk_mod::rdaod

Turn on option to process the AOD from GFS scheme.

Definition at line 71 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ restrt

logical ctlblk_mod::restrt

Indicates whether it is a restart run.

Definition at line 81 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ run

logical ctlblk_mod::run

No longer used/supported.

Definition at line 79 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ sdat

real, dimension(3) ctlblk_mod::sdat

Array of month, day, year of restart run.

Definition at line 109 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ sigbnd

real, dimension(nbnd) ctlblk_mod::sigbnd

The fixed sigma levels available for output.

Definition at line 233 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ sigma

logical ctlblk_mod::sigma

No longer used/supported.

Definition at line 78 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ slrutah_on

logical ctlblk_mod::slrutah_on

Calculate snow to liquid ratio (SLR) using method from University of Utah.

Definition at line 74 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ smflag

logical ctlblk_mod::smflag

Smoothing flag for isobaric output.

Definition at line 83 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ spl

real, dimension(komax) ctlblk_mod::spl

Specified pressure levels.

Definition at line 115 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ spldef

real, dimension(lsmdef) ctlblk_mod::spldef = (/200.,500.,700.,1000.,2000.,3000. ,5000.,7000.,7500.,10000.,12500.,15000.,17500.,20000.,22500. ,25000.,27500.,30000.,32500.,35000.,37500.,40000.,42500.,45000. ,47500.,50000.,52500.,55000.,57500.,60000.,62500.,65000. ,67500.,70000.,72500.,75000.,77500.,80000.,82500.,85000. ,87500.,90000.,92500.,95000.,97500.,100000./)

SPLDEF !< The fixed pressure levels available for output (Pa).

Definition at line 223 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ spval

real ctlblk_mod::spval

Special value.

Definition at line 120 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ submodelname

character(len=4) ctlblk_mod::submodelname

Name of submodel for output differing from parent domain; used to treat a subset of model output in a special way; typically used only for outputting RTMA-specific fields now; previously used with HWRF and NMM to identify and process moving nests.

Definition at line 52 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ tclod

real ctlblk_mod::tclod

Number of hours in cloud fraction average.

Definition at line 199 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ td3d

real ctlblk_mod::td3d


Definition at line 203 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ theat

real ctlblk_mod::theat

Number of hours in latent heating bucket.

Definition at line 200 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ tmaxmin

real ctlblk_mod::tmaxmin


Definition at line 202 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ tprec

real ctlblk_mod::tprec

Number of hours in precipitation bucket.

Definition at line 201 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ trdlw

real ctlblk_mod::trdlw

Number of hours in long wave buckets.

Definition at line 197 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ trdsw

real ctlblk_mod::trdsw

Number of hours in shortwave buckets.

Definition at line 198 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ tsrfc

real ctlblk_mod::tsrfc

Number of hours in surface flux buckets.

Definition at line 196 of file CTLBLK.f.

◆ vtimeunits

character(len=4) ctlblk_mod::vtimeunits

Valid time units.

Definition at line 55 of file CTLBLK.f.