NCEPLIBS-bufr  12.1.0
dxtable.F90 File Reference

Read or write DX BUFR table information. More...

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subroutine dxinit (lun, ioi)
 Clear out the internal arrays (in module moda_tababd) holding the DX BUFR table, then optionally initialize the table with apriori Table B and D entries. More...
subroutine dxmini (mbay, mbyt, mb4, mba, mbb, mbd)
 Initialize a DX BUFR tables (dictionary) message, writing all the preliminary information into Sections 0, 1, 3, 4. More...
subroutine elemdx (card, lun)
 Decode the scale factor, reference value, bit width and units (i.e., the "elements") from a Table B mnemonic definition card that was previously read from a user-supplied DX BUFR table file in character format by subroutine rdusdx(). More...
integer function idxmsg (mesg)
 Check whether a BUFR message contains DX BUFR tables information that was generated by the NCEPLIBS-bufr software. More...
integer function igetntbi (lun, ctb)
 Get the next available index for storing an entry within a specified internal DX BUFR table. More...
recursive subroutine nemdefs (lunit, nemo, celem, cunit, iret)
 Get the element name and units associated with a Table B descriptor. More...
subroutine nemtba (lun, nemo, mtyp, msbt, inod)
 Get information about a Table A descriptor from the internal DX BUFR tables. More...
subroutine nemtbax (lun, nemo, mtyp, msbt, inod)
 Get information about a Table A descriptor from the internal DX BUFR tables. More...
subroutine nemtbb (lun, itab, unit, iscl, iref, ibit)
 Get information about a Table B descriptor from the internal DX BUFR tables. More...
subroutine nemtbd (lun, itab, nseq, nems, irps, knts)
 Get information about a Table D descriptor from the internal DX BUFR tables. More...
subroutine nenubd (nemo, numb, lun)
 Confirm that a mnemonic and FXY value haven't already been defined. More...
subroutine pktdd (id, lun, idn, iret)
 Store information about a child mnemonic within the internal BUFR Table D. More...
subroutine rdbfdx (lunit, lun)
 Beginning at the current file pointer location within lunit, read a complete DX BUFR table into internal memory arrays in module moda_tababd. More...
subroutine rdusdx (lundx, lun)
 Read and parse a file containing a user-supplied DX BUFR table in character format, then store this information into internal arrays in module moda_tababd. More...
subroutine readdx (lunit, lun, lundx)
 Initialize modules moda_tababd and moda_msgcwd with DX BUFR (dictionary) tables. More...
subroutine rsvfvm (nem1, nem2)
 Process a "following value" mnemonic. More...
subroutine seqsdx (card, lun)
 Decode the Table D sequence information from a mnemonic definition card that was previously read from a user-supplied DX BUFR table in character format by subroutine rdusdx(), then add this information to the already-existing entry for that mnemonic within the internal BUFR Table D arrays in module moda_tababd. More...
subroutine stbfdx (lun, mesg)
 Copy a DX BUFR tables message into the internal memory arrays in module moda_tababd. More...
subroutine stntbi (n, lun, numb, nemo, celsq)
 Store a new entry within internal BUFR Table B or D. More...
subroutine stntbia (n, lun, numb, nemo, celsq)
 Store a new entry within internal BUFR Table A. More...
subroutine uptdd (id, lun, ient, iret)
 Get the WMO bit-wise representation of the FXY value corresponding to a child mnemonic in a Table D sequence. More...
recursive subroutine wrdxtb (lundx, lunot)
 Generate one or more BUFR messages from the DX BUFR tables information associated with a given BUFR file, then write out those messages to the same or possibly a different BUFR file. More...
subroutine writdx (lunit, lun, lundx)
 Write DX BUFR table (dictionary) messages to the beginning of an output BUFR file in lunit. More...

Detailed Description

Read or write DX BUFR table information.


Definition in file dxtable.F90.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ dxinit()

subroutine dxinit ( integer, intent(in)  lun,
integer, intent(in)  ioi 

Clear out the internal arrays (in module moda_tababd) holding the DX BUFR table, then optionally initialize the table with apriori Table B and D entries.

lun- File ID
ioi- Switch:
  • 0 do not initialize the table with apriori Table B and D entries
  • else initialize the table with apriori Table B and D entries

Definition at line 605 of file dxtable.F90.

References moda_tababd::idnb, moda_tababd::idnd, moda_tababd::mtab, moda_tababd::ntba, moda_tababd::ntbb, moda_tababd::ntbd, pktdd(), moda_tababd::taba, moda_tababd::tabb, and moda_tababd::tabd.

Referenced by cpbfdx(), rdbfdx(), rdmemm(), rdusdx(), readerme(), and reads3().

◆ dxmini()

subroutine dxmini ( integer, dimension(*), intent(out)  mbay,
integer, intent(out)  mbyt,
integer, intent(out)  mb4,
integer, intent(out)  mba,
integer, intent(out)  mbb,
integer, intent(out)  mbd 

Initialize a DX BUFR tables (dictionary) message, writing all the preliminary information into Sections 0, 1, 3, 4.

Subroutine wrdxtb() will be called later to add this information into the message.

mbay- BUFR message
mbyt- Length (in bytes) of mbay
mb4- Byte number in message of first byte in Section 4
mba- Byte number in message of fourth byte in Section 4
mbb- Byte number in message of fifth byte in Section 4
mbd- Byte number in message of sixth byte in Section 4

Definition at line 696 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort(), pkb(), and pkc().

Referenced by wrdxtb().

◆ elemdx()

subroutine elemdx ( character*80, intent(in)  card,
integer, intent(in)  lun 

Decode the scale factor, reference value, bit width and units (i.e., the "elements") from a Table B mnemonic definition card that was previously read from a user-supplied DX BUFR table file in character format by subroutine rdusdx().

These decoded values are then added to the already-existing entry for that mnemonic within the internal BUFR Table B array tabb(*,lun) in module moda_tababd.

card- Mnemonic definition card that was read from a user-supplied DX BUFR table
lun- File ID

Definition at line 515 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort2(), capit(), jstnum(), nemtab(), and moda_tababd::tabb.

Referenced by bufr_c2f_interface::elemdx_c(), and rdusdx().

◆ idxmsg()

integer function idxmsg ( integer, dimension(*), intent(in)  mesg)

Check whether a BUFR message contains DX BUFR tables information that was generated by the NCEPLIBS-bufr software.

mesg- BUFR message
idxmsg - Flag indicating whether mesg contains DX BUFR tables information:
  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
J. Ator

Definition at line 1122 of file dxtable.F90.

References iupbs01().

Referenced by datebf(), dumpbf(), mesgbc(), mesgbf(), readerme(), readmg(), and ufbmem().

◆ igetntbi()

integer function igetntbi ( integer, intent(in)  lun,
character, intent(in)  ctb 

Get the next available index for storing an entry within a specified internal DX BUFR table.

lun- File ID
ctb- Type of internal DX BUFR table for which to return the next available index:
  • 'A' = Table A
  • 'B' = Table B
  • 'D' = Table D
igetntbi - Next available index for storing an entry within ctb
J. Ator

Definition at line 1152 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort(), moda_tababd::ntba, moda_tababd::ntbb, and moda_tababd::ntbd.

Referenced by bufr_c2f_interface::igetntbi_c().

◆ nemdefs()

recursive subroutine nemdefs ( integer, intent(in)  lunit,
character*(*), intent(in)  nemo,
character*(*), intent(out)  celem,
character*(*), intent(out)  cunit,
integer, intent(out)  iret 

Get the element name and units associated with a Table B descriptor.

Given a Table B mnemonic defined in the DX BUFR Tables associated with a BUFR file (or in the master BUFR tables, if the file was opened in subroutine openbf() with io = 'SEC3'), this subroutine returns the element name and units associated with that mnemonic.

lunit- Fortran logical unit number for BUFR file
nemo- Mnemonic for Table B descriptor
celem- Element name associated with nemo
cunit- Units associated with nemo
iret- Return code
  • 0 normal return
  • -1 nemo could not be found, or some other error occurred

Logical unit lunit should have already been opened for input or output operations via a previous call to subroutine openbf().

J. Ator

Definition at line 1445 of file dxtable.F90.

References nemtab(), status(), moda_tababd::tabb, x48(), and x84().

Referenced by bufr_c2f_interface::nemdefs_c().

◆ nemtba()

subroutine nemtba ( integer, intent(in)  lun,
character*(*), intent(in)  nemo,
integer, intent(out)  mtyp,
integer, intent(out)  msbt,
integer, intent(out)  inod 

Get information about a Table A descriptor from the internal DX BUFR tables.

This subroutine is similar to subroutine nemtbax(), except that it calls subroutine bort() if the descriptor is not found in Table A, whereas nemtbax() will return an inod value of 0 in such cases.

lun- File ID associated with DX BUFR tables
nemo- Mnemonic for Table A descriptor
mtyp- Message type corresponding to nemo
msbt- Message subtype corresponding to nemo
inod- Positional index of nemo within internal Table A, if found
J. Woollen

Definition at line 1246 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort(), and nemtbax().

Referenced by cmsgini(), copymg(), cpymem(), lcmgdf(), msgini(), openmb(), and openmg().

◆ nemtbax()

subroutine nemtbax ( integer, intent(in)  lun,
character*(*), intent(in)  nemo,
integer, intent(out)  mtyp,
integer, intent(out)  msbt,
integer, intent(out)  inod 

Get information about a Table A descriptor from the internal DX BUFR tables.

This subroutine is similar to subroutine nemtba(), except it returns an inod value of 0 if the descriptor is not found in Table A, whereas nemtba() will call subroutine bort() in such cases.

lun- File ID associated with DX BUFR tables
nemo- Mnemonic for Table A descriptor
mtyp- Message type corresponding to nemo
msbt- Message subtype corresponding to nemo
inod- Positional index of nemo within internal Table A, if found
  • 0 = nemo not found within internal Table A
J. Woollen

Definition at line 1196 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort(), moda_tababd::idna, moda_tababd::mtab, moda_tababd::ntba, and moda_tababd::taba.

Referenced by cktaba(), iok2cpy(), nemtba(), and stndrd().

◆ nemtbb()

subroutine nemtbb ( integer, intent(in)  lun,
integer, intent(in)  itab,
character*24, intent(out)  unit,
integer, intent(out)  iscl,
integer, intent(out)  iref,
integer, intent(out)  ibit 

Get information about a Table B descriptor from the internal DX BUFR tables.

lun- File ID
itab- Positional index of descriptor within internal Table B
unit- Units of descriptor
iscl- Scale factor of descriptor
iref- Reference value of descriptor
ibit- Bit width of descriptor
J. Woollen

Definition at line 1277 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort(), moda_tababd::idnb, moda_tababd::ntbb, strnum(), and moda_tababd::tabb.

Referenced by chekstab(), bufr_c2f_interface::nemtbb_c(), and tabent().

◆ nemtbd()

subroutine nemtbd ( integer, intent(in)  lun,
integer, intent(in)  itab,
integer, intent(out)  nseq,
character*8, dimension(*), intent(out)  nems,
integer, dimension(*), intent(out)  irps,
integer, dimension(*), intent(out)  knts 

Get information about a Table D descriptor from the internal DX BUFR tables.

lun- File ID associated with DX BUFR tables
itab- Positional index of descriptor within internal Table D
nseq- Number of child mnemonics for descriptor
nems- Child mnemonics
irps- Array of values corresponding to nems
  • 5, if corresponding nems value is a Table D mnemonic using 1-bit delayed replication
  • 4, if corresponding nems value is a Table D mnemonic using 8-bit delayed (stack) replication
  • 3, if corresponding nems value is a Table D mnemonic using 8-bit delayed replication
  • 2, if corresponding nems value is a Table D mnemonic using 16-bit delayed replication
  • 1, if corresponding nems value is a Table D mnemonic using regular (non-delayed) replication
  • 0, otherwise
knts- Array of values corresponding to nems
  • Number of replications, if corresponding nems value is a Table D mnemonic using regular (non-delayed) replication
  • 0, otherwise
  • This subroutine does not recursively resolve any child mnemonics which may themselves be Table D mnemonics. Instead, this subroutine only returns the list of mnemonics which are direct children of the descriptor referenced by itab. This information should have already been stored into internal arrays via previous calls to subroutine pktdd().
J. Woollen

Definition at line 1345 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort(), moda_tababd::idnd, moda_tababd::ntbd, numtab(), rsvfvm(), moda_tababd::tabd, and uptdd().

Referenced by chekstab(), dxdump(), getabdb(), and tabsub().

◆ nenubd()

subroutine nenubd ( character, intent(in)  nemo,
character, intent(in)  numb,
integer, intent(in)  lun 

Confirm that a mnemonic and FXY value haven't already been defined.

Check a mnemonic and FXY value pair that were read from a user-supplied BUFR DX dictionary table in character format, in order to confirm that neither value has already been defined within internal BUFR table B or D (in module moda_tababd) for the given lun. If either value has already been defined for this lun, then an appropriate call is made to subroutine bort().

nemo- Mnemonic
numb- FXY value associated with nemo
lun- File ID
J. Woollen

Definition at line 1513 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort(), moda_tababd::ntbb, moda_tababd::ntbd, moda_tababd::tabb, and moda_tababd::tabd.

Referenced by stbfdx(), and stntbi().

◆ pktdd()

subroutine pktdd ( integer, intent(in)  id,
integer, intent(in)  lun,
integer, intent(in)  idn,
integer, intent(out)  iret 

Store information about a child mnemonic within the internal BUFR Table D.

Store information about a child mnemonic within the internal BUFR table D entry (in module moda_tababd) for a table D sequence (parent) mnemonic when the child mnemonic is contained within the sequence represented by the parent mnemonic (as determined within seqsdx()).

id- Positional index of parent mnemonic within internal BUFR table D array tabd(*,*)
lun- File ID
idn- WMO bit-wise representation of FXY value corresponding to child mnemonic
  • 0 = Delete all information about all child mnemonics from within tabd(id,lun)
iret- Total number of child mnemonics stored thus far (including idn) for the parent mnemonic given by tabd(id,lun)
  • 0 = Information was cleared from tabd(id,lun) because input idn value was 0
  • -1 = Bad counter value or maximum number of child mnemonics already stored for this parent mnemonic

Definition at line 1665 of file dxtable.F90.

References errwrt(), ipkm(), and moda_tababd::tabd.

Referenced by dxinit(), bufr_c2f_interface::pktdd_c(), seqsdx(), and stbfdx().

◆ rdbfdx()

subroutine rdbfdx ( integer, intent(in)  lunit,
integer, intent(in)  lun 

Beginning at the current file pointer location within lunit, read a complete DX BUFR table into internal memory arrays in module moda_tababd.

A DX BUFR table consists of one or more consecutive DX BUFR messages.

This subroutine performs a function similar to rdusdx(), except that rdusdx() reads from a file containing a user-supplied DX BUFR table in character format. See rdusdx() for a description of the arrays that are filled in module moda_tababd.

This subroutine performs a function similar to cpdxmm(), except that cpdxmm() writes to the internal memory arrays in module moda_msgmem, for use with a file of BUFR messages that is being read and stored into internal memory via subroutine ufbmem().

lunit- Fortran logical unit number for BUFR file
lun- File ID associated with lunit

Definition at line 120 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort(), dxinit(), errwrt(), makestab(), moda_mgwa::mgwa, rdmsgw(), and stbfdx().

Referenced by posapx(), readdx(), and readmg().

◆ rdusdx()

subroutine rdusdx ( integer, intent(in)  lundx,
integer, intent(in)  lun 

Read and parse a file containing a user-supplied DX BUFR table in character format, then store this information into internal arrays in module moda_tababd.

This subroutine performs a function similar to subroutine rdbfdx(), except that rdbfdx() reads the DX BUFR table directly from messages at the beginning of an input BUFR file.

lundx- Fortran logical unit number for user-supplied DX BUFR table in character format
lun- File ID

Definition at line 196 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort2(), dxinit(), elemdx(), moda_tababd::idna, makestab(), seqsdx(), stntbi(), and stntbia().

Referenced by cktaba(), and readdx().

◆ readdx()

subroutine readdx ( integer, intent(in)  lunit,
integer, intent(in)  lun,
integer, intent(in)  lundx 

Initialize modules moda_tababd and moda_msgcwd with DX BUFR (dictionary) tables.

These tables are needed to read, write, initialize or append a BUFR file.

The modules are initialized from either:

  1. an external, user-supplied BUFR dictionary table file (i.e., a BUFR mnemonic table), or
  2. the BUFR file indicated by lunit, or
  3. another currently opened BUFR file.

If the modules are initialized by the BUFR file indicated by lunit, then it must have been opened for input processing and positioned at a dictionary table message somewhere in the file.

Once initialzed, the dictionary arrays are associated with the BUFR file indicated by lunit, until the file is closed with closbf().

lunit- Fortran logical unit number for BUFR file being read, written, initialized or appended
lun- file ID associated with LUNIT
lundx- Fortran logical unit number containing dictionary table information to be used in reading/writing from/to lunit (depending on the case); may be set equal to lunit if dictionary table information is already embedded in lunit (but only if lunit is being read)

Definition at line 28 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort(), cpbfdx(), errwrt(), makestab(), rdbfdx(), rdusdx(), and status().

Referenced by openbf(), and writdx().

◆ rsvfvm()

subroutine rsvfvm ( character*8, intent(inout)  nem1,
character*8, intent(in)  nem2 

Process a "following value" mnemonic.

Step through the "following value" mnemonic nem1 and, for each "." character encountered (except for the initial one), overwrite it with the next corresponding character from nem2.

For example:

     if, on input:    nem1 = ".DTH...."
                      nem2 = "MXTM    "
     then, on output: nem1 = ".DTHMXTM"
nem1- Mnemonic
  • on input, a "following value" mnemonic
  • on output, a copy of input nem1 with all "." characters (except the initial one) overwritten with corresponding characters from nem2
nem2- Mnemonic immediately following nem1 within DX BUFR table

Definition at line 1794 of file dxtable.F90.

Referenced by nemtbd(), and seqsdx().

◆ seqsdx()

subroutine seqsdx ( character*80, intent(in)  card,
integer, intent(in)  lun 

Decode the Table D sequence information from a mnemonic definition card that was previously read from a user-supplied DX BUFR table in character format by subroutine rdusdx(), then add this information to the already-existing entry for that mnemonic within the internal BUFR Table D arrays in module moda_tababd.

card- Mnemonic definition card that was read from a user-supplied DX BUFR table
lun- File ID

Definition at line 332 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort2(), nemtab(), numtab(), parstr(), pktdd(), rsvfvm(), and strnum().

Referenced by rdusdx().

◆ stbfdx()

subroutine stbfdx ( integer, intent(in)  lun,
integer, dimension(*), intent(in)  mesg 

Copy a DX BUFR tables message into the internal memory arrays in module moda_tababd.

lun- File ID
mesg- DX BUFR tables message
J. Ator

Definition at line 989 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort(), capit(), getlens(), moda_tababd::idnb, moda_tababd::idnd, nenubd(), moda_tababd::ntbb, moda_tababd::ntbd, pktdd(), stntbia(), moda_tababd::taba, moda_tababd::tabb, moda_tababd::tabd, and upc().

Referenced by rdbfdx(), rdmemm(), and readerme().

◆ stntbi()

subroutine stntbi ( integer, intent(in)  n,
integer, intent(in)  lun,
character*(*), intent(in)  numb,
character*(*), intent(in)  nemo,
character*(*), intent(in)  celsq 

Store a new entry within internal BUFR Table B or D.

n- Storage index into internal Table B or D
lun- File ID
numb- FXY number for new Table B or D entry
nemo- Mnemonic corresponding to numb
celsq- Element or sequence description corresponding to numb

Definition at line 1620 of file dxtable.F90.

References moda_tababd::idnb, moda_tababd::idnd, nenubd(), moda_tababd::ntbb, moda_tababd::ntbd, moda_tababd::tabb, and moda_tababd::tabd.

Referenced by rdusdx(), and bufr_c2f_interface::stntbi_c().

◆ stntbia()

subroutine stntbia ( integer, intent(in)  n,
integer, intent(in)  lun,
character*(*), intent(in)  numb,
character*(*), intent(in)  nemo,
character*(*), intent(in)  celsq 

Store a new entry within internal BUFR Table A.

n- Storage index into internal Table A
lun- File ID
numb- FXY number for new Table A entry
nemo- Mnemonic corresponding to numb
celsq- Sequence description corresponding to numb

Definition at line 1559 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort(), moda_tababd::idna, moda_tababd::ntba, and moda_tababd::taba.

Referenced by rdusdx(), reads3(), and stbfdx().

◆ uptdd()

subroutine uptdd ( integer, intent(in)  id,
integer, intent(in)  lun,
integer, intent(in)  ient,
integer, intent(out)  iret 

Get the WMO bit-wise representation of the FXY value corresponding to a child mnemonic in a Table D sequence.

For a description of the WMO bit-wise representation of the FXY value, see ifxy().

id- Positional index of parent mnemonic within internal BUFR Table D array tabd
lun- File ID
ient- Ordinal indicator of child mnemonic to return from within tabd(id,lun) sequence
  • 0 = Return a count of the total number of child mnemonics within the sequence
iret- Return value:
  • WMO bit-wise representation of FXY value corresponding to (ient)th child mnemonic, if input ient was > 0
  • Total number of child mnemonics, if input ient was 0
J. Woollen

Definition at line 1740 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort(), and moda_tababd::tabd.

Referenced by nemtbd(), and bufr_c2f_interface::uptdd_c().

◆ wrdxtb()

recursive subroutine wrdxtb ( integer, intent(in)  lundx,
integer, intent(in)  lunot 

Generate one or more BUFR messages from the DX BUFR tables information associated with a given BUFR file, then write out those messages to the same or possibly a different BUFR file.

Logical units lundx and lunot should have already been opened via previous calls to subroutine openbf(), and in particular logical unit lunot must have been opened for output operations. lundx and lunot may be the same if it is desired to append to lunot with DX BUFR messages generated from its own internal tables.

lundx- Fortran logical unit number associated with DX BUFR table information to be written out
lunot- Fortran logical unit number of BUFR file to which messages are to be written
J. Ator

Definition at line 849 of file dxtable.F90.

References adn30(), bort(), cpbfdx(), dxmini(), getlens(), iupb(), iupm(), moda_mgwa::mgwa, msgfull(), msgwrt(), moda_tababd::ntba, moda_tababd::ntbb, moda_tababd::ntbd, pkb(), pkc(), status(), moda_tababd::taba, moda_tababd::tabb, moda_tababd::tabd, and x84().

Referenced by apxdx(), makestab(), and writdx().

◆ writdx()

subroutine writdx ( integer, intent(in)  lunit,
integer, intent(in)  lun,
integer, intent(in)  lundx 

Write DX BUFR table (dictionary) messages to the beginning of an output BUFR file in lunit.

The table messages are read from arrays in internal memory (module moda_tababd). An initial call to subroutine readdx() generates these internal arrays.

lunit- Fortran logical unit number for BUFR file being written.
lun- File ID of open BUFR file.
lundx- Fortran logical unit number containing dictionary table information to be used (by readdx()) to create internal tables written to lunit; if set equal to lunit, this subroutine calls bort().

Definition at line 811 of file dxtable.F90.

References bort(), readdx(), and wrdxtb().

Referenced by openbf().