NCEPLIBS-bufr  12.1.0
src Directory Reference


file  arallocc.c [code]
 Allocate or deallocate C language arrays.
file  arallocf.F90 [code]
 Allocate or deallocate Fortran language arrays.
file  bitmaps.F90 [code]
 Process bitmaps within BUFR messages.
file  blocks.F90 [code]
 Block BUFR messages with IEEE Fortran control words.
file  borts.F90 [code]
 Log one or more error messages and abort application program.
file  bufr_c2f_interface.F90 [code]
 Enable a number of Fortran NCEPLIBS-bufr subprograms to be called from within C.
file  bufr_interface.F90 [code]
 Enable a number of C NCEPLIBS-bufr functions to be called from within Fortran application programs.
file  bufr_interface.h [code]
 Enable a number of NCEPLIBS-bufr subprograms to be called from within C and C++ application programs.
file  bufrlib.F90 [code]
 Enable a number of C NCEPLIBS-bufr functions to be called from within the Fortran part of the library.
file  bufrlib.h [code]
 Enable a number of NCEPLIBS-bufr subprograms to be called from within the C part of the library.
file  cfe.c [code]
 C language interface for processing master Code/Flag table entries.
file  cftbvs.F90 [code]
 Convert between code or flag table values and actual data values.
file  cidecode.F90 [code]
 Decode character strings and integer values.
file  ciencode.F90 [code]
 Encode character strings and integer values.
file  compress.F90 [code]
 Read or write compressed BUFR messages.
file  copydata.F90 [code]
 Copy data between BUFR files or messages.
file  cpmstabs.c [code]
 Copy master Table B and Table D information from Fortran arrays to C arrays within internal memory.
file  cread.c [code]
 C language interface for reading or writing BUFR messages.
file  cread.h [code]
 Declare variables for reading or writing BUFR messages via a C language interface.
file  crwbmg.c [code]
 C language interface for reading or writing BUFR messages.
file  dumpdata.F90 [code]
 Print the contents of a data subset or DX BUFR table.
file  dxtable.F90 [code]
 Read or write DX BUFR table information.
file  errwrt.F90 [code]
 Specify location for logging of error and diagnostic messages.
file  fxy.F90 [code]
 Process FXY values, including converting between character and WMO bit-wise representations.
file  icvidx.c [code]
 Compute a unique 1-dimensional array index from 2-dimensional indices.
file  mastertable.F90 [code]
 Read or write master table information.
file  memmsgs.F90 [code]
 Read and process BUFR messages within internal memory arrays.
file  missing.F90 [code]
 Test for "missing" data values.
file  modules_arrs.F90 [code]
 Declare module arrays.
file  modules_vars.F90 [code]
 Declare and initialize module variables.
file  mstabs.h [code]
 Declare variables for internal storage of master Table B and Table D entries.
file  openbt.F90 [code]
 Specify DX BUFR table file of last resort.
file  openclosebf.F90 [code]
 Open or close a file to the library.
file  readwritemg.F90 [code]
 Read or write a BUFR message.
file  readwritesb.F90 [code]
 Read or write a BUFR data subset.
file  readwriteval.F90 [code]
 Read or write data values within a BUFR data subset.
file  restd.c [code]
 Standardize a local Table D descriptor.
file  s013vals.F90 [code]
 Read and write data values within Sections 0, 1, and 3 of BUFR messages.
file  standard.F90 [code]
 Write WMO-standard BUFR messages.
file  strings.F90 [code]
 Process mnemonic strings.
file  stseq.c [code]
 Store information about a standard Table D descriptor within internal DX BUFR tables.
file  tankrcpt.F90 [code]
 Read and write tank receipt times within BUFR messages.
file  x4884.F90 [code]
 Convert between 4-byte integers and 8-byte integers.