NCEPLIBS-bufr  12.1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
18  use iso_c_binding
20  implicit none
22  private
23  public :: open_c, close_c, openbf_c, closbf_c
24  public :: exitbufr_c, bort_c
26  public :: ufbint_c, ufbrep_c, ufbseq_c
27  public :: mtinfo_c, bvers_c, status_c, ibfms_c
30  public :: delete_table_data_c
31  public :: iupbs01_c, imrkopr_c, istdesc_c, ifxy_c
32  public :: igetntbi_c, igettdi_c, stntbi_c
37  integer, allocatable, target, save :: isc_f(:), link_f(:), itp_f(:), jmpb_f(:), irf_f(:)
38  character(len=10), allocatable, target, save :: tag_f(:)
39  character(len=3), allocatable, target, save :: typ_f(:)
41  contains
53  function c_f_string(c_str) result(f_str)
54  character(kind=c_char,len=1), intent(in) :: c_str(*)
55  character(len=:), allocatable :: f_str
56  integer :: nchars
58  nchars = 1
59  do while (c_str(nchars) /= c_null_char)
60  nchars = nchars + 1
61  end do
62  nchars = nchars - 1
64  allocate(character(len=nchars) :: f_str)
65  f_str = transfer(c_str(1:nchars), f_str)
66  end function c_f_string
75  subroutine copy_f_c_str(f_str, c_str, c_str_len)
76  character(len=*), target, intent(in) :: f_str
77  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(inout) :: c_str(*)
78  integer, intent(in) :: c_str_len
79  integer :: max_str_len
81  if (c_str_len /= 0) then
82  max_str_len = c_str_len
83  c_str(1)(1:max_str_len) = f_str(1:max_str_len)
84  c_str(1)(max_str_len:max_str_len) = c_null_char
85  end if
86  end subroutine copy_f_c_str
94  subroutine open_c(lunit, filepath) bind(C, name='open_f')
95  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: lunit
96  character(kind=c_char, len=1) :: filepath
98  open(lunit, file=c_f_string(filepath))
99  end subroutine open_c
106  subroutine close_c(lunit) bind(C, name='close_f')
107  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: lunit
109  close(unit=lunit)
110  end subroutine close_c
122  subroutine openbf_c(bufr_unit, cio, table_file_id) bind(C, name='openbf_f')
123  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: bufr_unit
124  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: cio(*)
125  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: table_file_id
127  call openbf(bufr_unit, c_f_string(cio), table_file_id)
128  end subroutine openbf_c
137  subroutine closbf_c(bufr_unit) bind(C, name='closbf_f')
138  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: bufr_unit
140  call closbf(bufr_unit)
141  end subroutine closbf_c
148  subroutine exitbufr_c() bind(C, name='exitbufr_f')
149  call exitbufr()
150  end subroutine exitbufr_c
166  function ireadmg_c(bufr_unit, c_subset, iddate, subset_str_len) result(ires) bind(C, name='ireadmg_f')
167  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: bufr_unit
168  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(out) :: c_subset(*)
169  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: iddate
170  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: subset_str_len
171  integer(c_int) :: ires
172  character(len=25) :: f_subset
173  integer :: ireadmg
175  ires = ireadmg(bufr_unit, f_subset, iddate)
177  if (ires == 0) then
178  call copy_f_c_str(f_subset, c_subset, int(subset_str_len))
179  end if
180  end function ireadmg_c
192  function ireadsb_c(bufr_unit) result(ires) bind(C, name='ireadsb_f')
193  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: bufr_unit
194  integer(c_int) :: ires
195  integer :: ireadsb
197  ires = ireadsb(bufr_unit)
198  end function ireadsb_c
211  subroutine ufbint_c(bufr_unit, c_data, dim_1, dim_2, iret, table_b_mnemonic) bind(C, name='ufbint_f')
212  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: bufr_unit
213  type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: c_data
214  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: dim_1, dim_2
215  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: iret
216  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: table_b_mnemonic(*)
217  real, pointer :: f_data
219  call c_f_pointer(c_data, f_data)
220  call ufbint(bufr_unit, f_data, dim_1, dim_2, iret, c_f_string(table_b_mnemonic))
221  end subroutine ufbint_c
234  subroutine ufbrep_c(bufr_unit, c_data, dim_1, dim_2, iret, table_b_mnemonic) bind(C, name='ufbrep_f')
235  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: bufr_unit
236  type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: c_data
237  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: dim_1, dim_2
238  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: iret
239  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: table_b_mnemonic(*)
240  real, pointer :: f_data
242  call c_f_pointer(c_data, f_data)
243  call ufbrep(bufr_unit, f_data, dim_1, dim_2, iret, c_f_string(table_b_mnemonic))
244  end subroutine ufbrep_c
255  subroutine mtinfo_c(path, file_unit_1, file_unit_2) bind(C, name='mtinfo_f')
256  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: path(*)
257  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: file_unit_1
258  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: file_unit_2
260  call mtinfo(c_f_string(path), file_unit_1, file_unit_2)
261  end subroutine mtinfo_c
273  subroutine status_c(file_unit, lun, il, im) bind(C, name='status_f')
274  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: file_unit
275  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: lun
276  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: il
277  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: im
279  call status(file_unit, lun, il, im)
280  end subroutine status_c
295  subroutine nemdefs_c(file_unit, mnemonic, unit_c, unit_str_len, desc_c, desc_str_len, iret) &
296  bind(c, name='nemdefs_f')
297  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: file_unit
298  character(kind=c_char,len=1), intent(in) :: mnemonic(*)
299  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(out) :: unit_c(*)
300  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: unit_str_len
301  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(out) :: desc_c(*)
302  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: desc_str_len
303  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: iret
305  character(len=25) :: unit_f
306  character(len=55) :: desc_f
308  ! Get the unit and description strings
309  call nemdefs ( file_unit, c_f_string(mnemonic), desc_f, unit_f, iret)
311  if (iret == 0) then
312  ! Copy the unit Fortran string into the resulting C-style string.
313  call copy_f_c_str(unit_f, unit_c, min(len(unit_f), unit_str_len))
314  ! Copy the descriptor Fortran string into the resulting C-style string.
315  call copy_f_c_str(desc_f, desc_c, min(len(desc_f), desc_str_len))
316  end if
317  end subroutine nemdefs_c
333  subroutine nemspecs_c(file_unit, mnemonic, mnemonic_idx, scale, reference, bits, iret) &
334  bind(c, name='nemspecs_f')
335  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: file_unit
336  character(kind=c_char,len=1), intent(in) :: mnemonic(*)
337  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) ::mnemonic_idx
338  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: scale
339  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: reference
340  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: bits
341  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: iret
343  ! Get the scale, reference and bits
344  call nemspecs(file_unit, c_f_string(mnemonic), mnemonic_idx, scale, reference, bits, iret)
345  end subroutine nemspecs_c
358  subroutine nemtab_c(lun, mnemonic, descriptor, table_type, table_idx) &
359  bind(c, name='nemtab_f')
360  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: lun
361  character(kind=c_char,len=1), intent(in) :: mnemonic(*)
362  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: descriptor
363  character(kind=c_char,len=1), intent(out) :: table_type(*)
364  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: table_idx
366  character(len=1) :: table_type_f
368  call nemtab(lun, c_f_string(mnemonic), descriptor, table_type_f, table_idx)
370  table_type(1)(1:1) = table_type_f(1:1)
371  end subroutine nemtab_c
386  subroutine nemtbb_c(lun, table_idx, unit_str, unit_str_len, scale, reference, bits) &
387  bind(c, name='nemtbb_f')
388  integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: lun
389  integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: table_idx
390  character(kind=c_char,len=1), intent(out) :: unit_str(*)
391  integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: unit_str_len
392  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: scale
393  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: reference
394  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: bits
396  character(len=25) :: unit_str_f
398  ! Get the scale, reference and bits
399  call nemtbb( lun, table_idx, unit_str_f, scale, reference, bits)
400  call copy_f_c_str(unit_str_f, unit_str, min(len(unit_str_f), unit_str_len))
401  end subroutine nemtbb_c
409  subroutine get_isc_c(isc_ptr, isc_size) bind(C, name='get_isc_f')
410  use moda_tables
411  type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: isc_ptr
412  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: isc_size
414  allocate(isc_f(ntab))
415  isc_f(1:ntab) = isc(1:ntab)
416  isc_size = size(isc_f)
417  isc_ptr = c_loc(isc_f(1))
418  end subroutine get_isc_c
426  subroutine get_link_c(link_ptr, link_size) bind(C, name='get_link_f')
427  use moda_tables
428  type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: link_ptr
429  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: link_size
431  allocate(link_f(ntab))
432  link_f(1:ntab) = link(1:ntab)
433  link_size = size(link_f)
434  link_ptr = c_loc(link_f(1))
435  end subroutine get_link_c
443  subroutine get_itp_c(itp_ptr, itp_size) bind(C, name='get_itp_f')
444  use moda_tables
445  type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: itp_ptr
446  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: itp_size
448  allocate(itp_f(ntab))
449  itp_f(1:ntab) = itp(1:ntab)
450  itp_size = size(itp_f)
451  itp_ptr = c_loc(itp_f(1))
452  end subroutine get_itp_c
461  subroutine get_typ_c(typ_ptr, typ_len, mem_size) bind(C, name='get_typ_f')
462  use moda_tables
463  type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: typ_ptr
464  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: typ_len
465  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: mem_size
467  allocate(typ_f(ntab))
468  typ_f(1:ntab) = typ(1:ntab)
469  typ_len = len(typ(1))
470  mem_size = size(typ_f)
471  typ_ptr = c_loc(typ_f(1))
472  end subroutine get_typ_c
481  subroutine get_tag_c(tag_ptr, tag_len, mem_size) bind(C, name='get_tag_f')
482  use moda_tables
483  type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: tag_ptr
484  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: tag_len
485  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: mem_size
487  allocate(tag_f(ntab))
488  tag_f(1:ntab) = tag(1:ntab)
489  tag_len = len(tag(1))
490  mem_size = size(tag_f)
491  tag_ptr = c_loc(tag_f(1))
492  end subroutine get_tag_c
500  subroutine get_jmpb_c(jmpb_ptr, jmpb_size) bind(C, name='get_jmpb_f')
501  use moda_tables
502  type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: jmpb_ptr
503  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: jmpb_size
505  allocate(jmpb_f(ntab))
506  jmpb_f(1:ntab) = jmpb(1:ntab)
507  jmpb_size = size(jmpb_f)
508  jmpb_ptr = c_loc(jmpb_f(1))
509  end subroutine get_jmpb_c
517  subroutine get_irf_c(irf_ptr, irf_size) bind(C, name='get_irf_f')
518  use moda_tables
519  type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: irf_ptr
520  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: irf_size
522  allocate(irf_f(ntab))
523  irf_f(1:ntab) = irf(1:ntab)
524  irf_size = size(irf_f)
525  irf_ptr = c_loc(irf_f(1))
526  end subroutine get_irf_c
534  subroutine get_inode_c(lun, start_node) bind(C, name='get_inode_f')
535  use moda_msgcwd
536  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: lun
537  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: start_node
539  start_node = inode(lun)
540  end subroutine get_inode_c
548  subroutine get_nval_c(lun, num_nodes) bind(C, name='get_nval_f')
549  use moda_usrint
550  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: lun
551  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: num_nodes
553  num_nodes = nval(lun)
554  end subroutine get_nval_c
563  subroutine get_val_c(lun, val_ptr, val_size) bind(C, name='get_val_f')
564  use moda_usrint
565  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: lun
566  type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: val_ptr
567  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: val_size
569  val_size = size(val(:, lun))
570  val_ptr = c_loc(val(1, lun))
571  end subroutine get_val_c
580  subroutine get_inv_c(lun, inv_ptr, inv_size) bind(C, name='get_inv_f')
581  use moda_usrint
582  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: lun
583  type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: inv_ptr
584  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: inv_size
586  inv_size = size(inv(:, lun))
587  inv_ptr = c_loc(inv(1, lun))
588  end subroutine get_inv_c
599  subroutine readlc_c(lunit, str_id, output_str, output_str_len) bind(C, name='readlc_f')
600  use moda_rlccmn
601  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: lunit
602  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: str_id(*)
603  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(out) :: output_str(*)
604  integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: output_str_len
606  character(len=120) :: output_str_f
607  integer :: output_str_len_f
609  call readlc(lunit, output_str_f, c_f_string(str_id))
610  output_str_len_f = len(trim(output_str_f)) + 1 ! add 1 for the null terminator
611  call copy_f_c_str(output_str_f, output_str, min(output_str_len_f, output_str_len))
612  end subroutine readlc_c
617  subroutine delete_table_data_c() bind(C, name='delete_table_data_f')
618  if (allocated(isc_f)) deallocate(isc_f)
619  if (allocated(link_f)) deallocate(link_f)
620  if (allocated(itp_f)) deallocate(itp_f)
621  if (allocated(typ_f)) deallocate(typ_f)
622  if (allocated(tag_f)) deallocate(tag_f)
623  if (allocated(jmpb_f)) deallocate(jmpb_f)
624  if (allocated(irf_f)) deallocate(irf_f)
625  end subroutine delete_table_data_c
639  function iupbs01_c(bufr, mnemonic) result(ires) bind(C, name='iupbs01_f')
640  integer(c_int), intent(in) :: bufr(*)
641  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: mnemonic(*)
642  integer(c_int) :: ires
643  integer :: iupbs01
645  ires = iupbs01(bufr,c_f_string(mnemonic))
646  end function iupbs01_c
658  function igetprm_c(cprmnm) result(ires) bind(C, name='igetprm_f')
659  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: cprmnm(*)
660  integer(c_int) :: ires
661  integer :: igetprm
663  ires = igetprm(c_f_string(cprmnm))
664  end function igetprm_c
676  function isetprm_c(cprmnm,ipval) result(ires) bind(C, name='isetprm_f')
677  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: cprmnm(*)
678  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: ipval
679  integer(c_int) :: ires
680  integer :: isetprm
682  ires = isetprm(c_f_string(cprmnm),ipval)
683  end function isetprm_c
693  subroutine maxout_c(max0) bind(C, name='maxout_f')
694  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: max0
696  call maxout(max0)
697  end subroutine maxout_c
708  function igetmxby_c() result(ires) bind(C, name='igetmxby_f')
709  integer(c_int) :: ires
710  integer :: igetmxby
712  ires = igetmxby()
713  end function igetmxby_c
725  subroutine cadn30_c(idn, adn, adn_str_len) bind(C, name='cadn30_f')
726  integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: idn, adn_str_len
727  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(out) :: adn(*)
728  character(len=8) :: adn_f
730  call cadn30(idn, adn_f)
731  call copy_f_c_str(adn_f, adn, adn_str_len)
732  end subroutine cadn30_c
744  function igetntbi_c(lun, table_type) result(ires) bind(C, name='igetntbi_f')
745  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: lun
746  character(kind=c_char,len=1), intent(in) :: table_type(*)
747  integer(c_int) :: ires
748  integer :: igetntbi
749  character(len=1) :: table_type_f
751  table_type_f(1:1) = table_type(1)(1:1)
753  ires = igetntbi(lun, table_type_f)
754  end function igetntbi_c
765  subroutine elemdx_c(card,lun) bind(C, name='elemdx_f')
766  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: lun
767  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: card(*)
768  character(len=80) :: card_f
769  integer :: ii
771  do ii = 1,80
772  card_f(ii:ii) = card(1)(ii:ii)
773  enddo
774  call elemdx(card_f, lun)
775  end subroutine elemdx_c
789  subroutine numtbd_c(lun,idn,nemo,nemo_str_len,tab,iret) bind(C, name='numtbd_f')
790  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: lun, idn, nemo_str_len
791  character(kind=c_char,len=1), intent(out) :: nemo(*), tab(*)
792  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: iret
794  character(len=9) :: nemo_f
795  character(len=1) :: tab_f
797  call numtbd(lun, idn, nemo_f, tab_f, iret)
799  call copy_f_c_str(nemo_f, nemo, nemo_str_len)
800  tab(1)(1:1) = tab_f(1:1)
801  end subroutine numtbd_c
813  function ifxy_c(cfxy) result(ires) bind(C, name='ifxy_f')
814  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: cfxy(*)
815  integer(c_int) :: ires
816  integer :: ifxy
818  ires = ifxy(c_f_string(cfxy))
819  end function ifxy_c
837  subroutine uptdd_c(id, lun, ient, iret) bind(C, name='uptdd_f')
838  integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: id, lun, ient
839  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: iret
841  call uptdd(id, lun, ient, iret)
842  end subroutine uptdd_c
853  function imrkopr_c(nemo) result(ires) bind(C, name='imrkopr_f')
854  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: nemo(*)
855  integer(c_int) :: ires
856  integer :: imrkopr
858  ires = imrkopr(c_f_string(nemo))
859  end function imrkopr_c
870  function istdesc_c(idn) result(ires) bind(C, name='istdesc_f')
871  integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: idn
872  integer(c_int) :: ires
873  integer :: istdesc
875  ires = istdesc(idn)
876  end function istdesc_c
889  subroutine ufbseq_c(bufr_unit, c_data, dim_1, dim_2, iret, table_d_mnemonic) bind(C, name='ufbseq_f')
890  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: bufr_unit
891  type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: c_data
892  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: dim_1, dim_2
893  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: iret
894  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: table_d_mnemonic(*)
895  real, pointer :: f_data
897  call c_f_pointer(c_data, f_data)
898  call ufbseq(bufr_unit, f_data, dim_1, dim_2, iret, c_f_string(table_d_mnemonic))
899  end subroutine ufbseq_c
915  function ireadns_c(bufr_unit, c_subset, iddate, subset_str_len) result(ires) bind(C, name='ireadns_f')
916  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: bufr_unit
917  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(out) :: c_subset(*)
918  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: iddate
919  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: subset_str_len
920  integer(c_int) :: ires
921  character(len=25) :: f_subset
922  integer :: ireadns
924  ires = ireadns(bufr_unit, f_subset, iddate)
926  if (ires == 0) then
927  call copy_f_c_str(f_subset, c_subset, subset_str_len)
928  end if
929  end function ireadns_c
940  function ibfms_c(r8val) result(ires) bind(C, name='ibfms_f')
941  real(c_double), intent(in), value :: r8val
942  integer(c_int) :: ires
943  integer :: ibfms
945  ires = ibfms(r8val)
946  end function ibfms_c
957  subroutine strnum_c(str,num,iret) bind(C, name='strnum_f')
958  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: str(*)
959  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: num, iret
961  call strnum(c_f_string(str), num, iret)
962  end subroutine strnum_c
975  subroutine stntbi_c(n,lun,numb,nemo,celsq) bind(C, name='stntbi_f')
976  integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: n, lun
977  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: numb(*), nemo(*), celsq(*)
978  character(len=6) :: numb_f
979  character(len=8) :: nemo_f
980  character(len=55) :: celsq_f
981  integer :: ii
983  do ii = 1,6
984  numb_f(ii:ii) = numb(1)(ii:ii)
985  enddo
986  do ii = 1,8
987  nemo_f(ii:ii) = nemo(1)(ii:ii)
988  enddo
989  do ii = 1,55
990  celsq_f(ii:ii) = celsq(1)(ii:ii)
991  enddo
992  call stntbi(n, lun, numb_f, nemo_f, celsq_f)
993  end subroutine stntbi_c
1005  function igettdi_c(iflag) result(ires) bind(C, name='igettdi_f')
1006  integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: iflag
1007  integer(c_int) :: ires
1008  integer :: igettdi
1010  ires = igettdi(iflag)
1011  end function igettdi_c
1025  subroutine pktdd_c(id, lun, idn, iret) bind(C, name='pktdd_f')
1026  integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: id, lun, idn
1027  integer(c_int), intent(out) :: iret
1029  call pktdd(id, lun, idn, iret)
1030  end subroutine pktdd_c
1039  subroutine bort_c(errstr) bind(C, name='bort_f')
1040  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: errstr(*)
1042  call bort(c_f_string(errstr))
1043  end subroutine bort_c
1055  subroutine openmb_c(bufr_unit, c_subset, iddate) bind(C, name='openmb_f')
1056  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: bufr_unit, iddate
1057  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: c_subset(*)
1059  call openmb(bufr_unit, c_f_string(c_subset), iddate)
1060  end subroutine openmb_c
1070  subroutine bvers_c(cverstr, cverstr_len) bind(C, name='bvers_f')
1071  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(out) :: cverstr(*)
1072  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: cverstr_len
1073  character(len=10) :: f_cverstr
1075  call bvers(f_cverstr)
1076  call copy_f_c_str(f_cverstr, cverstr, cverstr_len)
1077  end subroutine bvers_c
1087  subroutine cmpmsg_c(cf) bind(C, name='cmpmsg_f')
1088  character(kind=c_char, len=1), intent(in) :: cf(*)
1090  call cmpmsg(c_f_string(cf))
1091  end subroutine cmpmsg_c
1093 end module bufr_c2f_interface
integer function igetprm(cprmnm)
Return the current value of a parameter used for allocating one or more internal arrays within the NC...
Definition: arallocf.F90:1114
subroutine exitbufr
Free all dynamically-allocated memory, close all logical units that are open within the NCEPLIBS-bufr...
Definition: arallocf.F90:901
recursive integer function isetprm(cprmnm, ipval)
Set a specified parameter to a specified value for use in dynamically allocating one or more internal...
Definition: arallocf.F90:980
integer function imrkopr(nemo)
Check whether a specified mnemonic is a Table C marker operator.
Definition: bitmaps.F90:354
subroutine bort(str)
Log an error message, then abort the application program.
Definition: borts.F90:15
subroutine cmpmsg(cf)
Specify whether BUFR messages output by future calls to message-writing subroutines and subset-writin...
Definition: compress.F90:33
subroutine elemdx(card, lun)
Decode the scale factor, reference value, bit width and units (i.e., the "elements") from a Table B m...
Definition: dxtable.F90:516
subroutine nemtbb(lun, itab, unit, iscl, iref, ibit)
Get information about a Table B descriptor from the internal DX BUFR tables.
Definition: dxtable.F90:1278
subroutine stntbi(n, lun, numb, nemo, celsq)
Store a new entry within internal BUFR Table B or D.
Definition: dxtable.F90:1621
subroutine pktdd(id, lun, idn, iret)
Store information about a child mnemonic within the internal BUFR Table D.
Definition: dxtable.F90:1666
recursive subroutine nemdefs(lunit, nemo, celem, cunit, iret)
Get the element name and units associated with a Table B descriptor.
Definition: dxtable.F90:1446
integer function igetntbi(lun, ctb)
Get the next available index for storing an entry within a specified internal DX BUFR table.
Definition: dxtable.F90:1153
subroutine uptdd(id, lun, ient, iret)
Get the WMO bit-wise representation of the FXY value corresponding to a child mnemonic in a Table D s...
Definition: dxtable.F90:1741
subroutine nemtab(lun, nemo, idn, tab, iret)
Get information about a descriptor, based on a mnemonic.
Definition: fxy.F90:432
subroutine cadn30(idn, adn)
Convert an FXY value from its WMO bit-wise representation to its 6 character representation.
Definition: fxy.F90:65
subroutine numtbd(lun, idn, nemo, tab, iret)
Get information about a Table B or Table D descriptor, based on the WMO bit-wise representation of an...
Definition: fxy.F90:290
integer function ifxy(adsc)
Convert an FXY value from its 6 character representation to its WMO bit-wise representation.
Definition: fxy.F90:152
integer function igettdi(iflag)
Depending on the value of the input flag, either return the next usable scratch Table D index for the...
recursive subroutine mtinfo(cmtdir, lunmt1, lunmt2)
Specify the directory location and Fortran logical unit numbers to be used when reading master BUFR t...
Definition: mastertable.F90:35
subroutine bvers(cverstr)
Get the version number of the NCEPLIBS-bufr software.
Definition: misc.F90:384
recursive subroutine strnum(str, num, iret)
Decode an integer from a character string.
Definition: misc.F90:177
integer function ibfms(r8val)
Check whether a real*8 data value returned from a previous call to any of the NCEPLIBS-bufr values-re...
Definition: missing.F90:25
Wrap Fortran NCEPLIBS-bufr subprograms and variables so they can be called from within C.
subroutine, public get_isc_c(isc_ptr, isc_size)
Get copy of the moda_tables ISC array.
subroutine, public open_c(lunit, filepath)
Open a Fortran file from a C program.
integer(c_int) function, public ifxy_c(cfxy)
Convert an FXY value from its 6 character representation to its WMO bit-wise representation.
subroutine, public get_nval_c(lun, num_nodes)
Get the number of values in the current subset.
subroutine, public stntbi_c(n, lun, numb, nemo, celsq)
Store a new entry within the internal BUFR Table B or D.
subroutine, public status_c(file_unit, lun, il, im)
Check whether a file is connected to the library.
integer(c_int) function, public ireadmg_c(bufr_unit, c_subset, iddate, subset_str_len)
Read the next message from a BUFR file.
integer(c_int) function, public igetprm_c(cprmnm)
Get the current value of a parameter.
subroutine, public closbf_c(bufr_unit)
Close a previously opened file and disconnect it from the library.
subroutine, public close_c(lunit)
Close a Fortran file from a C program.
integer(c_int) function, public ibfms_c(r8val)
Test whether a data value is "missing".
subroutine, public ufbint_c(bufr_unit, c_data, dim_1, dim_2, iret, table_b_mnemonic)
Read/write one or more data values from/to a data subset.
subroutine, public mtinfo_c(path, file_unit_1, file_unit_2)
Specify location of master BUFR tables on local file system.
integer(c_int) function, public igetntbi_c(lun, table_type)
Get the next index for storing an entry within an internal DX BUFR table.
subroutine, public ufbrep_c(bufr_unit, c_data, dim_1, dim_2, iret, table_b_mnemonic)
Read/write one or more data values from/to a data subset.
integer(c_int) function, public iupbs01_c(bufr, mnemonic)
Read a data value from Section 0 or Section 1 of a BUFR message.
subroutine, public nemspecs_c(file_unit, mnemonic, mnemonic_idx, scale, reference, bits, iret)
Get the scale factor, reference value and bit width associated with a specified occurrence of a Table...
subroutine, public exitbufr_c()
Reset the library.
integer(c_int) function, public igettdi_c(iflag)
Get the next usable Table D index for the current master table, or reset the index.
subroutine, public get_inv_c(lun, inv_ptr, inv_size)
Get pointer to the moda_usrint INV array.
subroutine, public get_tag_c(tag_ptr, tag_len, mem_size)
Get copy of the moda_tables TAG array.
subroutine, public cadn30_c(idn, adn, adn_str_len)
Convert an FXY value from its WMO bit-wise representation to its six-character representation.
subroutine, public openbf_c(bufr_unit, cio, table_file_id)
Connect a new file to the library, or initialize the library, or change verbosity associated with alr...
subroutine, public bort_c(errstr)
Log one error message and abort application program.
integer(c_int) function, public istdesc_c(idn)
Check whether a descriptor is WMO-standard.
subroutine, public nemdefs_c(file_unit, mnemonic, unit_c, unit_str_len, desc_c, desc_str_len, iret)
Get the element name and units associated with a Table B mnemonic.
subroutine, public get_typ_c(typ_ptr, typ_len, mem_size)
Get copy of the moda_tables TYP array.
integer(c_int) function, public ireadns_c(bufr_unit, c_subset, iddate, subset_str_len)
Read the next data subset from a BUFR file.
subroutine, public pktdd_c(id, lun, idn, iret)
Store information about a child mnemonic within the internal arrays.
subroutine, public elemdx_c(card, lun)
Decode the scale factor, reference value, bit width, and units from a Table B mnemonic definition.
subroutine, public uptdd_c(id, lun, ient, iret)
Get the WMO bit-wise representation of the FXY value corresponding to a child mnemonic of a Table D s...
integer(c_int) function, public imrkopr_c(nemo)
Check whether a specified mnemonic is a Table C marker operator.
subroutine, public maxout_c(max0)
Define a customized maximum length for output BUFR messages.
subroutine, public get_jmpb_c(jmpb_ptr, jmpb_size)
Get copy of the moda_tables JMPB array.
subroutine, public openmb_c(bufr_unit, c_subset, iddate)
Open a new message for output in a BUFR file that was previously opened for writing.
subroutine, public get_inode_c(lun, start_node)
Get the bufr node idx for the start node of the subset.
subroutine, public delete_table_data_c()
Deletes the copies of the moda_tables arrays.
subroutine, public numtbd_c(lun, idn, nemo, nemo_str_len, tab, iret)
Search for a Table B or Table D descriptor within the internal DX BUFR tables.
subroutine, public nemtab_c(lun, mnemonic, descriptor, table_type, table_idx)
Get information about a descriptor.
integer(c_int) function, public ireadsb_c(bufr_unit)
Read the next data subset from a BUFR message.
subroutine, public get_link_c(link_ptr, link_size)
Get copy of the moda_tables LINK array.
subroutine, public readlc_c(lunit, str_id, output_str, output_str_len)
Function used to get long strings from the BUFR file.
integer(c_int) function, public isetprm_c(cprmnm, ipval)
Define a customized parameter value for dynamic allocation.
subroutine, public bvers_c(cverstr, cverstr_len)
Get the version number of the NCEPLIBS-bufr software.
subroutine, public get_itp_c(itp_ptr, itp_size)
Get copy of the moda_tables ITP array.
subroutine, public nemtbb_c(lun, table_idx, unit_str, unit_str_len, scale, reference, bits)
Get information about a Table B descriptor.
subroutine, public ufbseq_c(bufr_unit, c_data, dim_1, dim_2, iret, table_d_mnemonic)
Read/write an entire sequence of data values from/to a data subset.
integer(c_int) function, public igetmxby_c()
Get the maximum length of a BUFR message that can be written to an output file.
subroutine, public get_irf_c(irf_ptr, irf_size)
Get copy of the moda_tables IRF array.
subroutine, public get_val_c(lun, val_ptr, val_size)
Get pointer to the moda_usrint VAL array.
subroutine, public strnum_c(str, num, iret)
Decode an integer from a character string.
Declare arrays used to store information about the current BUFR message that is in the process of bei...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable inode
Table A mnemonic for type of BUFR message.
Declare arrays and variables needed to store information about long character strings (greater than 8...
Declare arrays and variables used to store the internal jump/link table.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable irf
Reference values corresponding to tag and typ:
integer, dimension(:), allocatable isc
Scale factors corresponding to tag and typ:
character *3, dimension(:), allocatable typ
Type indicators corresponding to tag:
integer, dimension(:), allocatable jmpb
Jump backward indices corresponding to tag and typ:
character *10, dimension(:), allocatable tag
Mnemonics in the jump/link table.
integer ntab
Number of entries in the jump/link table.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable itp
Integer type values corresponding to typ:
integer, dimension(:), allocatable link
Link indices corresponding to tag, typ and jmpb:
Declare arrays used to store data values and associated metadata for the current BUFR data subset in ...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable nval
Number of data values in BUFR data subset.
real *8, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target val
Data values.
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target inv
Inventory pointer which links each data value to its corresponding node in the internal jump/link tab...
recursive subroutine closbf(lunit)
Close the connection between logical unit lunit and the NCEPLIBS-bufr software.
recursive subroutine openbf(lunit, io, lundx)
Connect a new file to the NCEPLIBS-bufr software for input or output operations, or initialize the li...
recursive subroutine status(lunit, lun, il, im)
Check whether a specified Fortran logical unit number is currently connected to the NCEPLIBS-bufr sof...
recursive subroutine maxout(maxo)
Specify the maximum length of a BUFR message that can be written to any output file by the NCEPLIBS-b...
recursive subroutine openmb(lunit, subset, jdate)
Open and initialize a new BUFR message within internal arrays, for eventual output to logical unit lu...
integer function igetmxby()
Get the maximum length of a BUFR message that can be written to an output file by the NCEPLIBS-bufr s...
recursive integer function ireadmg(lunit, subset, idate)
Call subroutine readmg() and pass back its return code as the function value.
recursive integer function ireadns(lunit, subset, idate)
Call subroutine readns() and pass back its return code as the function value.
recursive integer function ireadsb(lunit)
Call subroutine readsb() and pass back its return code as the function value.
recursive subroutine ufbseq(lunin, usr, i1, i2, iret, str)
Read or write an entire sequence of data values from or to a data subset.
recursive subroutine ufbint(lunin, usr, i1, i2, iret, str)
Read or write one or more data values from or to a data subset.
recursive subroutine readlc(lunit, chr, str)
Read a long character string (greater than 8 bytes) from a data subset.
recursive subroutine ufbrep(lunin, usr, i1, i2, iret, str)
Read or write one or more data values from or to a data subset.
recursive integer function iupbs01(mbay, s01mnem)
Read a specified value from within Section 0 or Section 1 of a BUFR message.
Definition: s013vals.F90:247
integer function istdesc(idn)
Given the WMO bit-wise representation of an FXY value for a descriptor, check whether the descriptor ...
Definition: standard.F90:298