NCEPLIBS-ip  5.1.0
ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod.F90 File Reference

Rotated equidistant cylindrical GRIB decoder and grid coordinate transformations for Arakawa grid E. More...

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Data Types

type  ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid


module  ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod
 Rotated equidistant cylindrical GRIB decoder and grid coordinate transformations for Arakawa grid E.


subroutine ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::gdswzd_rot_equid_cylind_egrid (self, IOPT, NPTS, FILL, XPTS, YPTS, RLON, RLAT, NRET, CROT, SROT, XLON, XLAT, YLON, YLAT, AREA)
 Calculates Earth coordinates (iopt = 1) or grid coorindates (iopt = -1) for rotated equidistant cylindrical grids. More...
subroutine ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::init_grib1 (self, g1_desc)
 Initializes a rotated equidistant cylindrical grid given a grib1_descriptor object. More...
subroutine ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::init_grib2 (self, g2_desc)
 Initializes a rotated equidistant cylindrical grid given a grib2_descriptor object. More...
subroutine ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::rot_equid_cylind_egrid_error (IOPT, FILL, RLAT, RLON, XPTS, YPTS, NPTS)
 Error handler. More...
subroutine ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::rot_equid_cylind_egrid_grid_area (FILL, AREA)
 Computes the grid box area for a rotated equidistant cylindrical grid. More...
subroutine ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::rot_equid_cylind_egrid_map_jacob (FILL, RLON, XLON, XLAT, YLON, YLAT)
 Computes the map jacobians for a rotated equidistant cylindrical grid. More...
subroutine ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::rot_equid_cylind_egrid_vect_rot (RLON, CROT, SROT)
 Computes the vector rotation sines and cosines for a rotated equidistant cylindrical grid. More...


real(kind=kd) ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::clat
 Cosine of the latitude. More...
real(kind=kd) ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::clat0
 Local copy of clat0. More...
real(kind=kd) ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::clatr
 Cosine of the rotated latitude. More...
real(kind=kd) ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::clon
 Cosine of the difference between rlon and rlon0. More...
real(kind=kd) ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::dlats
 Local copy of dlats. More...
real(kind=kd) ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::dlons
 Local copy of dlons. More...
integer ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::irot
 Local copy of irot. More...
integer, parameter ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::kd = real64
 Kind of reals. More...
real(kind=kd) ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::rerth
 Radius of the Earth. More...
real(kind=kd) ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::rlon0
 Local copy of rlon0. More...
real(kind=kd) ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::slat
 Sine of the latitude. More...
real(kind=kd) ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::slat0
 Local copy of slat0. More...
real(kind=kd) ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod::slatr
 Sine of the rotated latitude. More...

Detailed Description

Rotated equidistant cylindrical GRIB decoder and grid coordinate transformations for Arakawa grid E.

Mark Iredell, George Gayno, Kyle Gerheiser
July 2021

Definition in file ip_rot_equid_cylind_egrid_mod.F90.