NCEPLIBS-w3emc 2.12.0
No Matches
src Directory Reference


 This subroutine converts ascii to ebcdic, or ebcdic to ascii.
 Exit with a return code.
 Write a message to stderr.
 Extract integers from a free-format character string.
 Extracts real numbers from a free-format character string.
 This is the fortran version of gbyte.
 Wrapper for gbytesc() limiting NSKIP and N to 0 and 1.
 This is the fortran version of gbytes.
 Get bytes - unpack bits.
 Compute number of bits and round field.
 Find and unpack a grib message.
 Find and unpacks a grib message.
 Reads and unpacks a grib message.
 Reads and unpacks a grib message.
 Find a grib message.
 Finds and unpacks a grib message.
 Find a grib message.
 Find and unpack a grib message.
 Find a grib message.
 Finds and unpacks a grib message.
 Find a grib message.
 Find and unpack a grib message.
 Find a grib message.
 Find and unpack a grib message.
 Find and unpack a grib message.
 Find a grib message.
 Find and unpack a grib message.
 Finds a grib message.
 Finds a grib message.
 Finds a grib message.
 Read a grib index file and return its contents.
 Read a grib index file and return its index contents.
 The number of bits required to pack a given field.
 Sets decimal scalings defaults for various parameters.
 Monitor wall-clock times, etc.
 Searches a vector for the first element not equal to a target.
 Computes julian day number from year (4 digits), month, and day.
 Test n words starting at l1, l2 for equality, return .true.
 Test two pds (grib product definition section) to see if all equal; otherwise .false.
 Reads and unpacks one report into the unpacked office note 29/124 format.
 This subprogram makes one index record.
 GIven a grid description section (in w3fi63 format), return its size in terms of number of data points.
 Make or break a grid description section.
 Modern random number generator.
 Makes TOC Flag Field Separator Block.
 This Function copies a bit string from a Character*1 variable to an integer variable.
 A Fast and stable sort routine suitable for efficient, multiple-pass sorting on variable length characters, integers, or real numbers.
 Packs grib pds extension 41- for ensemble.
 Unpacks grib pds extension 41- for ensemble.
 Packs and writes a grib message.
 Packs and writes a grib message.
 Packs and writes a grib message.
 Packs and writes a grib message.
 Packs and writes a grib message.
 Packs and writes a grib message.
 Convert IBM370 F.P.
 Convert w3fi63() parms to w3fi72() parms.
 This is the fortran 32 bit version of sbyte().
 Wrapper for sbytesc()
 This is the fortran versions of sbytes().
 Put arbitrary size values into a packed bit string.
 Search for next grib message.
 Make a system call to return various useful parameters.
 Real array to 16 bit packed format.
 Unpack record into IEEE F.P.
 Unpack grib field to grib grid.
 Converts a set of binary numbers to an equivalent set of ascii number fields in core.
 Line builder subroutine.
 Blocker Subroutine.
 Test for match of two strings.
 Translate 'ASCII' field to 'EBCDIC'.
 Constant size binary string packer.
 Constant size binary string unpacker.
 GMT time packer.
 Get parm field from command-line.
 Converts an ncep absolute date and time to another time zone.
 Return a time interval between two dates.
 Returns the integer day of week, the day of year, and julian day given an NCEP absolute date and time.
 Compute lifting condendsation level.
 Compute standard height, temp, and pot temp.
 Compute standard height, temp, and pot temp.
 Compute standard pressure, temp, pot temp.
 Calculation of the lifted index.
 Temperature to saturation vapor pressure.
 Computes coefficients for use in w3fa12.
 Computes legendre polynomials at a given latitude.
 Computes Trig Functions.
 Convert latitude, longitude to i,j.
 COnvert s.
 Convert i,j grid coordinates to lat/lon.
 Latitude, longitude to grid coordinates.
 Grid coordinates to latitude, longitude.
 Lat/lon to pola (i,j) for grib.
 Grid coords to lat/lon for grib.
 Lat/lon to merc (i,j) for grib.
 Merc (i,j) to lat/lon for grib.
 Lat/long pair to compass bearing, gcd.
 Lat/lon to lambert(i,j) for grib.
 Lambert(i,j) to lat/lon for grib.
 Grid U,V wind comps.
 Earth U,V wind components to dir and spd.
 Wind dir and spd to Earth U,V components.
 Grid U-V to Earth U-V in north hem.
 U-V Comps from Earth to north hem grid.
 Determines machine word length in bytes.
 Transfers array from 16 to 64 bit words.
 Transfers default integers to 16 bit ints.
 Find word size, endian, character set.
 NMC octagon boundary finding subroutine.
 NMC Rectangle boundary finding subroutine.
 Cut a 65 x 65 grid to a nmc 1977 point grid.
 Pack id's into office note 84 format.
 Convert label to off.
 Convert office note 85 label to IBM.
 Pack positive differences in least bits.
 Form and pack positive, scaled differences.
 Build 40 char communications prefix.
 Build 80-char on295 queue descriptor.
 Unpack GRIB field to a GRIB grid.
 NMC office note 29 report unpacker.
 NMC office note 29 report packer.
 Office note 29 report blocker.
 BUFR message decoder.
 Convert 25 word array to GRIB pds.
 Convert pds to 25, or 27 word array.
 Computes scaling constants used by grdprt().
 Make array used by GRIB packer for GDS.
 Make a complete GRIB message.
 Construct grib bit map section (BMS).
 Construct Grid Definition Section (GDS).
 GRIB pack data and form bds octets(1-11)
 Convert to ibm370 floating point.
 BUFR Message decoder.
 Convert to second diff array.
 Restore delta packed data to original.
 Generate bufr message.
 BUFR message decoder.
 Build 80-char on 295 grib queue descriptor.
 Nine-point smoother for rectangular grids.
 Nine point smoother/desmoother.
 Print array of data points at lat/lon points.
 Printer contour subroutine.
 NMC title subroutine.
 Printer contour subroutine.
 One-line GRIB titler from pds section.
 Creates the product definition section.
 Convert GRIB PDS edition 1 to O.N.
 Year, month, and day to day of year.
 Updating office note 85 date/time word.
 Number of minutes since jan 1, 1978.
 Year, month, day from julian day number.
 Data field tranformation subroutine.
 Interpolate values in a data field.
 Interpolate precipitation to specific point.
 A point interpolater.
 Convert (145,37) to (65,65) n.
 Convert (145,37) grid to (65,65) n.
 Convert (145,37) to (65,65) s.
 Convert (145,37) grid to (65,65) s.
 Transform gridpoint fld by interpolation.
 Computes 2.5 x 2.5 n.
 Computes 2.5x2.5 n.
 Computes 2.5 x 2.5 s.
 Computes 2.5x2.5 s.
 Fast fourier for 2.5 degree grid.
 Convert (95,91) grid to (3447) grid.
 Convert (95,91) grid to (3447) grid.
 Convert (361,181) grid to (65,65) n.
 Convert (361,91) grid to (65,43) n.
 Convert (361,91) grid to (45,39) n.
 Convert (361,181) grid to (93,68) mercator grid.
 Convert (361,91) grid to (45,39) n.
 Convert (361,91) grid to (51,41) lambert grid.
 Convert (361,91) grid to (49,35) n.
 Convert (361,91) grid to (29,27) mercator grid.
 Convert (361,91) grid to (101,81) lambert grid.
 Computes 2.5 x 2.5 n.
 Convert (361,91) grid to (25,25) mercator grid.
 Convert (361,91) grid to (93,65) lambert grid.
 Convert (361,91) grid to (185,129) lambert grid.
 Convert (361,91) grid to (129,85) n.
 Convert (361,91) grid to (97,69) n.
 Creates wafs 1.25x1.25 thinned grids.
 General interpolator between nmc flds.
 Thicken thinned wafs grib grid 37-44.
 Computes 2.5 x 2.5 n.
 Computes 2.5x2.5 n.
 Computes 2.5 x 2.5 s.
 Computes 2.5x2.5 s.
 Convert (361,181) grid to (65,65) n.
 Return the real kind and integer kind used in w3 lib.
 Return the local date and time.
 Reads 1 ssm/i scan line from bufr d-set.
 Return a date from a time interval and date.
 Make a complete grib message.
 Format a date and time into characters.
 Reduce a time interval to a canonical form.
 Operational job identifier.
 Translates arg line from standard input.
 Decodes single report from bufr messages.
 Return the utc date and time.
 Determine the validity of a date and time.
 4-byte date word unpacker and packer.
 Dummy subroutine.
 Assembler language to move data.
 Stores a constant value into an array.