► src | |
aea.f | This subroutine converts ascii to ebcdic, or ebcdic to ascii |
errexit.f | Exit with a return code |
errmsg.f | Write a message to stderr |
fparsei.f | Extract integers from a free-format character string |
fparser.f | Extracts real numbers from a free-format character string |
gbyte.f | This is the fortran version of gbyte |
gbytec.f | Wrapper for gbytesc() limiting NSKIP and N to 0 and 1 |
gbytes.f | This is the fortran version of gbytes |
gbytesc.f | Get bytes - unpack bits |
getbit.f | Compute number of bits and round field |
getgb.f | Find and unpack a grib message |
getgb1.f | Find and unpacks a grib message |
getgb1r.f | Reads and unpacks a grib message |
getgb1re.f | Reads and unpacks a grib message |
getgb1s.f | Find a grib message |
getgbe.f | Finds and unpacks a grib message |
getgbeh.f | Find a grib message |
getgbem.f | Find and unpack a grib message |
getgbemh.f | Find a grib message |
getgbemn.f | Finds and unpacks a grib message |
getgbemp.f | Find a grib message |
getgbens.f | Find and unpack a grib message |
getgbep.f | Find a grib message |
getgbex.f | Find and unpack a grib message |
getgbexm.f | Find and unpack a grib message |
getgbh.f | Find a grib message |
getgbm.f | Find and unpack a grib message |
getgbmh.f | Finds a grib message |
getgbmp.f | Finds a grib message |
getgbp.f | Finds a grib message |
getgi.f | Read a grib index file and return its contents |
getgir.f | Read a grib index file and return its index contents |
gtbits.f | The number of bits required to pack a given field |
idsdef.f | Sets decimal scalings defaults for various parameters |
instrument.f | Monitor wall-clock times, etc |
isrchne.f | Searches a vector for the first element not equal to a target |
iw3jdn.f | Computes julian day number from year (4 digits), month, and day |
iw3mat.f | Test n words starting at l1, l2 for equality, return .true |
iw3pds.f | Test two pds (grib product definition section) to see if all equal; otherwise .false |
iw3unp29.f | Reads and unpacks one report into the unpacked office note 29/124 format |
ixgb.f | This subprogram makes one index record |
lengds.f | GIven a grid description section (in w3fi63 format), return its size in terms of number of data points |
makgds.f90 | Make or break a grid description section |
mersenne_twister.f | Modern random number generator |
mkfldsep.f | Makes TOC Flag Field Separator Block |
mova2i.f | This Function copies a bit string from a Character*1 variable to an integer variable |
orders.f | A Fast and stable sort routine suitable for efficient, multiple-pass sorting on variable length characters, integers, or real numbers |
pdsens.f | Packs grib pds extension 41- for ensemble |
pdseup.f | Unpacks grib pds extension 41- for ensemble |
putgb.f | Packs and writes a grib message |
putgbe.f | Packs and writes a grib message |
putgben.f | Packs and writes a grib message |
putgbens.f | Packs and writes a grib message |
putgbex.f | Packs and writes a grib message |
putgbn.f | Packs and writes a grib message |
q9ie32.f | Convert IBM370 F.P |
r63w72.f | Convert w3fi63() parms to w3fi72() parms |
sbyte.f | This is the fortran 32 bit version of sbyte() |
sbytec.f | Wrapper for sbytesc() |
sbytes.f | This is the fortran versions of sbytes() |
sbytesc.f | Put arbitrary size values into a packed bit string |
skgb.f | Search for next grib message |
summary.c | Make a system call to return various useful parameters |
w3ai00.f | Real array to 16 bit packed format |
w3ai01.f | Unpack record into IEEE F.P |
w3ai08.f | Unpack grib field to grib grid |
w3ai15.f | Converts a set of binary numbers to an equivalent set of ascii number fields in core |
w3ai18.f | Line builder subroutine |
w3ai19.f | Blocker Subroutine |
w3ai24.f | Test for match of two strings |
w3ai38.f | EBCDIC to ASCII |
w3ai39.f | Translate 'ASCII' field to 'EBCDIC' |
w3ai40.f | Constant size binary string packer |
w3ai41.f | Constant size binary string unpacker |
w3aq15.f | GMT time packer |
w3as00.f | Get parm field from command-line |
w3ctzdat.f | Converts an ncep absolute date and time to another time zone |
w3difdat.f | Return a time interval between two dates |
w3doxdat.f | Returns the integer day of week, the day of year, and julian day given an NCEP absolute date and time |
w3fa01.f | Compute lifting condendsation level |
w3fa03.f | Compute standard height, temp, and pot temp |
w3fa03v.f | Compute standard height, temp, and pot temp |
w3fa04.f | Compute standard pressure, temp, pot temp |
w3fa06.f | Calculation of the lifted index |
w3fa09.f | Temperature to saturation vapor pressure |
w3fa11.f | Computes coefficients for use in w3fa12 |
w3fa12.f | Computes legendre polynomials at a given latitude |
w3fa13.f | Computes Trig Functions |
w3fb00.f | Convert latitude, longitude to i,j |
w3fb02.f | COnvert s |
w3fb03.f | Convert i,j grid coordinates to lat/lon |
w3fb04.f | Latitude, longitude to grid coordinates |
w3fb05.f | Grid coordinates to latitude, longitude |
w3fb06.f | Lat/lon to pola (i,j) for grib |
w3fb07.f | Grid coords to lat/lon for grib |
w3fb08.f | Lat/lon to merc (i,j) for grib |
w3fb09.f | Merc (i,j) to lat/lon for grib |
w3fb10.f | Lat/long pair to compass bearing, gcd |
w3fb11.f | Lat/lon to lambert(i,j) for grib |
w3fb12.f | Lambert(i,j) to lat/lon for grib |
w3fc02.f | Grid U,V wind comps |
w3fc05.f | Earth U,V wind components to dir and spd |
w3fc06.f | Wind dir and spd to Earth U,V components |
w3fc07.f | Grid U-V to Earth U-V in north hem |
w3fc08.f | U-V Comps from Earth to north hem grid |
w3fi01.f | Determines machine word length in bytes |
w3fi02.f | Transfers array from 16 to 64 bit words |
w3fi03.f | Transfers default integers to 16 bit ints |
w3fi04.f | Find word size, endian, character set |
w3fi18.f | NMC octagon boundary finding subroutine |
w3fi19.f | NMC Rectangle boundary finding subroutine |
w3fi20.f | Cut a 65 x 65 grid to a nmc 1977 point grid |
w3fi32.f | Pack id's into office note 84 format |
w3fi47.f | Convert label to off |
w3fi48.f | Convert office note 85 label to IBM |
w3fi58.f | Pack positive differences in least bits |
w3fi59.f | Form and pack positive, scaled differences |
w3fi61.f | Build 40 char communications prefix |
w3fi62.f | Build 80-char on295 queue descriptor |
w3fi63.f | Unpack GRIB field to a GRIB grid |
w3fi64.f | NMC office note 29 report unpacker |
w3fi65.f | NMC office note 29 report packer |
w3fi66.f | Office note 29 report blocker |
w3fi67.f | BUFR message decoder |
w3fi68.f | Convert 25 word array to GRIB pds |
w3fi69.f | Convert pds to 25, or 27 word array |
w3fi70.f | Computes scaling constants used by grdprt() |
w3fi71.f | Make array used by GRIB packer for GDS |
w3fi72.f | Make a complete GRIB message |
w3fi73.f | Construct grib bit map section (BMS) |
w3fi74.f | Construct Grid Definition Section (GDS) |
w3fi75.f | GRIB pack data and form bds octets(1-11) |
w3fi76.f | Convert to ibm370 floating point |
w3fi78.f | BUFR Message decoder |
w3fi82.f | Convert to second diff array |
w3fi83.f | Restore delta packed data to original |
w3fi85.f | Generate bufr message |
w3fi88.f | BUFR message decoder |
w3fi92.f | Build 80-char on 295 grib queue descriptor |
w3fm07.f | Nine-point smoother for rectangular grids |
w3fm08.f | Nine point smoother/desmoother |
w3fp04.f | Print array of data points at lat/lon points |
w3fp05.f | Printer contour subroutine |
w3fp06.f | NMC title subroutine |
w3fp10.f | Printer contour subroutine |
w3fp11.f | One-line GRIB titler from pds section |
w3fp12.f | Creates the product definition section |
w3fp13.f | Convert GRIB PDS edition 1 to O.N |
w3fs13.f | Year, month, and day to day of year |
w3fs15.f | Updating office note 85 date/time word |
w3fs21.f | Number of minutes since jan 1, 1978 |
w3fs26.f | Year, month, day from julian day number |
w3ft00.f | Data field tranformation subroutine |
w3ft01.f | Interpolate values in a data field |
w3ft02.f | Interpolate precipitation to specific point |
w3ft03.f | A point interpolater |
w3ft05.f | Convert (145,37) to (65,65) n |
w3ft05v.f | Convert (145,37) grid to (65,65) n |
w3ft06.f | Convert (145,37) to (65,65) s |
w3ft06v.f | Convert (145,37) grid to (65,65) s |
w3ft07.f | Transform gridpoint fld by interpolation |
w3ft08.f | Computes 2.5 x 2.5 n |
w3ft09.f | Computes 2.5x2.5 n |
w3ft10.f | Computes 2.5 x 2.5 s |
w3ft11.f | Computes 2.5x2.5 s |
w3ft12.f | Fast fourier for 2.5 degree grid |
w3ft16.f | Convert (95,91) grid to (3447) grid |
w3ft17.f | Convert (95,91) grid to (3447) grid |
w3ft201.f | Convert (361,181) grid to (65,65) n |
w3ft202.f | Convert (361,91) grid to (65,43) n |
w3ft203.f | Convert (361,91) grid to (45,39) n |
w3ft204.f | Convert (361,181) grid to (93,68) mercator grid |
w3ft205.f | Convert (361,91) grid to (45,39) n |
w3ft206.f | Convert (361,91) grid to (51,41) lambert grid |
w3ft207.f | Convert (361,91) grid to (49,35) n |
w3ft208.f | Convert (361,91) grid to (29,27) mercator grid |
w3ft209.f | Convert (361,91) grid to (101,81) lambert grid |
w3ft21.f | Computes 2.5 x 2.5 n |
w3ft210.f | Convert (361,91) grid to (25,25) mercator grid |
w3ft211.f | Convert (361,91) grid to (93,65) lambert grid |
w3ft212.f | Convert (361,91) grid to (185,129) lambert grid |
w3ft213.f | Convert (361,91) grid to (129,85) n |
w3ft214.f | Convert (361,91) grid to (97,69) n |
w3ft26.f | Creates wafs 1.25x1.25 thinned grids |
w3ft32.f | General interpolator between nmc flds |
w3ft33.f | Thicken thinned wafs grib grid 37-44 |
w3ft38.f | Computes 2.5 x 2.5 n |
w3ft39.f | Computes 2.5x2.5 n |
w3ft40.f | Computes 2.5 x 2.5 s |
w3ft41.f | Computes 2.5x2.5 s |
w3ft43v.f | Convert (361,181) grid to (65,65) n |
w3kind.f | Return the real kind and integer kind used in w3 lib |
w3locdat.f | Return the local date and time |
w3log.f | |
w3miscan.f | Reads 1 ssm/i scan line from bufr d-set |
w3movdat.f | Return a date from a time interval and date |
w3nogds.f | Make a complete grib message |
w3pradat.f | Format a date and time into characters |
w3reddat.f | Reduce a time interval to a canonical form |
w3tagb.f | Operational job identifier |
w3trnarg.f | Translates arg line from standard input |
w3unpk77.f | Decodes single report from bufr messages |
w3utcdat.f | Return the utc date and time |
w3valdat.f | Determine the validity of a date and time |
w3ymdh4.f | 4-byte date word unpacker and packer |
xdopen.f | Dummy subroutine |
xmovex.f | Assembler language to move data |
xstore.f | Stores a constant value into an array |