NCEPLIBS-ip 5.2.0
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src Directory Reference


 Bicubic interpolation routines for scalars and vectors.
 Bilinear interpolation routines for scalars and vectors.
 Budget interpolation routines for scalars and vectors.
 Determine earth radius and shape.
 A concatination of the (FFTPACK)[] library code.
 C wrapper for routine gdswzd().
 Driver module for gdswzd routines.
 Constants for use in NCEPLIBS-ip.
 Equidistant cylindrical grib decoder and grid coordinate transformations.
 Gaussian grid coordinate transformations.
 Users derived type grid descriptor objects to abstract away the raw GRIB1 and GRIB2 grid definitions.
 Routines for creating an ip_grid given a Grib descriptor.
 Abstract ip_grid type.
 Re-export the individual grids.
 Top-level module to export interpolation routines and constants.
 GDS wizard for lambert conformal conical.
 GDS wizard for mercator cylindrical.
 Top-level module for the ip library.
 GDS wizard for polar stereographic azimuthal.
 Rotated equidistant cylindrical GRIB decoder and grid coordinate transformations for Arakawa grid E.
 Rotated equidistant cylindrical GRIB decoder and grid coordinate transformations for Arakawa grids A through D.
 Interpolate gridded data to a series of station points.
 C interface to gdswzd() and gdswzd_grib1() functions for '4' library build.
 C interface to gdswzd() and gdswzd_grib1() functions for '8' library build.
 C interface to gdswzd() and gdswzd_grib1() functions for 'd' library build.
 Top-level driver for scalar interpolation routine ipolates().
 Top-level driver for vector interpolation routine ipolates.
 Expand or contract eta grids using linear interpolation.
 Expand or contract wafs grids.
 Expand or contract wafs grids using linear interpolation and account for bitmapped data.
 Expand or contract wafs grids using neighbor interpolation and accout for bitmapped data.
 Move a vector along a great circle.
 Set number of cpus.
 Interpolate scalar and vector fields with neighbor budget interpolation.
 Interpolate scalar and vector fields with neighbor interpolation.
 Make multiple pole scalar values consistent.
 Analyze spectral from Fourier.
 Compute winds from divergence and vorticity.
 Interpolate spectral.
 Compute utility spectral fields.
 Perform multiple fast fourier transforms.
 Perform multiple fast Fourier transforms.
 Perform multiple fast Fourier transforms.
 Compute fourier transform to gridpoints.
 Compute gradient in spectral space.
 Compute x-gradient in Fourier space.
 Compute y-gradient in spectral space.
 Compute laplacian in spectral space.
 Computes cosines of colatitude and Gaussian weights for sets of latitudes.
 Compute Legendre polynomials.
 Pad or truncate a spectral field.
 Synthesize Fourier coefficients from spectral coefficients.
 Perform a simple scalar spherical transform.
 Perform a simple gradient spherical transform.
 Perform simple scalar spherical transforms.
 Perform simple gradient spherical transforms.
 Perform simple vector spherical transforms.
 Perform a simple vector spherical transform.
 Transform spectral scalar to Mercator.
 Transform spectral to Mercator gradients.
 Transform spectral vector to Mercator.
 Transform spectral scalar to polar stereo.
 Transform spectral to polar stereographic gradients.
 Transform spectral vector to polar stereo.
 Transform spectral scalar to station points.
 Transform spectral to station point gradients.
 Transform spectral scalar to station points.
 Transform spectral vector to station points.
 Transform spectral vector to station points.
 Perform a scalar spherical transform.
 Perform a gradient spherical transform.
 Perform a scalar spherical transform.
 Sptranf spectral initialization.
 Sptranf spectral transform.
 Perform a vector spherical transform.
 Perform a vector spherical transform.
 Truncate gridded scalar fields.
 Spectrally truncate to gradients.
 Spectrally interpolate scalars to stations.
 Spectrally interpolate vectors to stations.
 Spectrally truncate to laplacian.
 Spectrally interpolate scalars to Mercator.
 Spectrally interpolate vectors to Mercator.
 Spectrally interpolate scalars to polar stereo.
 Spectrally interpolate vectors to polar stereo.
 Spectrally truncate gridded vector fields.
 Compute divergence and vorticity from winds.
 Compute variance by total wavenumber.
 Get wave-space constants.