Create a custom map domain#

EMCPy’s map domain includes a feature to create a custom dictionary with specified lat and lon inputs to create a specific map domain. This is helpful for users who want to look at a specific domain that is not included in EMCPy.

Custom Africa Domain
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from emcpy.plots import CreatePlot, CreateFigure
from emcpy.plots.map_tools import Domain, MapProjection

def main():
    # Create dictionary with information pertaining to
    # Africa domain
    africa_dict = {
        "extent": (-20, 55, -35, 35),
        "xticks": (-15, 0, 15, 30, 45),
        "yticks": (-30, -15, 0, 15, 30),
        "cenlon": 20.,
        "cenlat": -10.

    # Create plot object and add features
    plot1 = CreatePlot()
    plot1.projection = 'plcarr'
    # Add data as a tuple with 'custom' as domain name
    # and `africa_dict` as dictionary
    plot1.domain = ('custom', africa_dict)
    plot1.add_title(label='Custom Africa Domain', loc='center',

    fig = CreateFigure()
    fig.plot_list = [plot1]

if __name__ == '__main__':

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.060 seconds)

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