
The following examples show off the functionality of EMCPy. The examples give reference to what can be done with these collection of tools. Please do not hesitate to issue a pull request to add further examples!

Line Plots#

Invert log scale

Invert log scale

Plotting multiple lines on a single plot

Plotting multiple lines on a single plot

Line Plot Options

Line Plot Options

Creating a Skew-T Log-p Plot

Creating a Skew-T Log-p Plot

Scatter Plots#

Creating a Scatter Plot with a Regression Line

Creating a Scatter Plot with a Regression Line

Histogram Plots#

Layered histograms

Layered histograms

Map Plots#

Creating a map plot with no data

Creating a map plot with no data

Plotting 2D scatter data on map plot

Plotting 2D scatter data on map plot

Create a custom map domain

Create a custom map domain

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