NCEPLIBS-bufr  12.0.0
src Directory Reference


file  adn30.f [code]
 Convert a WMO bit-wise representation of an FXY value to a character string of length 5 or 6.
file  arallocc.c [code]
 Dynamically allocate C language arrays.
file  arallocf.f [code]
 Dynamically allocate Fortran language arrays.
file  ardllocc.c [code]
 Free all dynamically-allocated memory within internal C language arrays.
file  ardllocf.f [code]
 Free all dynamically-allocated memory within internal Fortran language arrays.
file  atrcpt.f [code]
 Add a tank receipt time to a BUFR message.
file  blocks.f [code]
 Encapsulate a BUFR message with IEEE Fortran control words.
file  bort.f [code]
 Log one error message and abort application program.
file  bort2.f [code]
 Log two error messages and abort application program.
file  bort_exit.c [code]
 Abort the application program.
file  bufr_c2f_interface.F90 [code]
 Enable a number of Fortran NCEPLIBS-bufr subprograms to be called from within C.
file  bufr_interface.F90 [code]
 Enable a number of C NCEPLIBS-bufr functions to be called from within Fortran application programs.
file  bufr_interface.h [code]
 Enable a number of NCEPLIBS-bufr subprograms to be called from within C and C++ application programs.
file  bufrlib.F90 [code]
 Enable a number of C NCEPLIBS-bufr functions to be called from within the Fortran part of the library.
file  cadn30.f [code]
 Convert an FXY value from its WMO bit-wise representation to its six-character representation.
file  capit.f [code]
 Capitalize a character string.
file  cfe.c [code]
 C language interface for processing master Code/Flag table entries.
file  chekstab.f [code]
 Check that an internal BUFR table representation is self-consistent and fully defined.
file  cktaba.f [code]
 Parse the Table A mnemonic and date out of Section 1 of a BUFR message.
file  closbf.f [code]
 Close a previously opened file and disconnect it from the NCEPLIBS-bufr software.
file  closmg.f [code]
 Close and write the current message to a BUFR file that was previously opened for writing.
file  cmpmsg.f [code]
 Specify the use of compression when writing BUFR messages.
file  cmsgini.f [code]
 Initialize a new compressed BUFR message for output.
file  cnved4.f [code]
 Convert a BUFR edition 3 message to BUFR edition 4.
file  codflg.f [code]
 Specify inclusion of code and flag tables when reading master BUFR tables.
file  conwin.f [code]
 Search consecutive subset buffer segments for an element identified in the user string as a conditional node.
file  copybf.f [code]
 Copy an entire BUFR file.
file  copymg.f [code]
 Copy a BUFR message from one file to another.
file  copysb.f [code]
 Copy a BUFR data subset.
file  cpbfdx.f [code]
 Copy DX BUFR table information within internal memory.
file  cpdxmm.f [code]
 Read embedded DX BUFR table into internal arrays.
file  cpmstabs.c [code]
 Copy master Table B and Table D information from Fortran arrays to C arrays within internal memory.
file  cpymem.f [code]
 Copy a BUFR message.
file  cpyupd.f [code]
 Copy a BUFR data subset.
file  cread.c [code]
 C language interface for reading or writing BUFR messages.
file  cread.h [code]
 Declare variables for reading or writing BUFR messages via a C language interface.
file  crwbmg.c [code]
 C language interface for reading or writing BUFR messages.
file  datebf.f [code]
 Read the Section 1 date-time from the first data message of a BUFR file.
file  datelen.f [code]
 Specify format of Section 1 date-time when reading BUFR messages.
file  digit.f [code]
 Check whether the characters in a string are all numeric.
file  drfini.f [code]
 Initialize replication factors for delayed replication sequences.
file  drstpl.f [code]
 Search for a specified mnemonic within unexpanded sequences of the internal jump/link table.
file  dumpbf.f [code]
 Read the Section 1 date-time from the first two "dummy" messages of an NCEP dump file.
file  dxdump.f [code]
 Print the contents of a DX BUFR table.
file  dxinit.f [code]
 Initialize the internal arrays which contain the DX BUFR table.
file  dxmini.f [code]
 Initialize a DX BUFR tables message.
file  elemdx.f [code]
 Decode the scale factor, reference value, bit width, and units from a Table B mnemonic definition.
file  errwrt.f [code]
 Specify location for logging of error and diagnostic messages.
file  exitbufr.f [code]
 Reset the NCEPLIBS-bufr software for potential dynamic reallocation of memory.
file  fortran_close.F90 [code]
 Close a Fortran file on the local system.
file  fortran_open.F90 [code]
 Open a Fortran file on the local system.
file  fstag.f [code]
 Search for a specified occurrence of a specified mnemonic within a data subset definition, starting from a specified location.
file  getabdb.f [code]
 Get Table B and Table D information from the internal DX BUFR tables.
file  getbmiss.f [code]
 Get the current placeholder value for "missing" data.
file  getcfmng.f [code]
 Decode the meaning of a numerical value from a code or flag table.
file  getlens.f [code]
 Read the section lengths of a BUFR message.
file  getntbe.f [code]
 Read the first line of the next entry from a master table B, table D or Code/Flag table file.
file  gets1loc.f [code]
 Get the location of a specified value within Section 1 of a BUFR message.
file  gettagpr.f [code]
 Get the parent for a specified occurrence of a Table B or Table D mnemonic.
file  gettagre.f [code]
 Check whether a Table B mnemonic references another Table B mnemonic via an internal bitmap.
file  gettbh.f [code]
 Read the header lines from a master table B, table D or Code/Flag table.
file  getvalnb.f [code]
 Read one data value from a data subset.
file  getwin.f [code]
 Look for a window containing a specified node within the internal jump/link table.
file  hold4wlc.f [code]
 Write a long character string (greater than 8 bytes) to a data subset.
file  i4dy.f [code]
 Convert a date-time with a 2-digit year to a date-time with a 4-digit year.
file  ibfms.f [code]
 Test whether a real*8 data value is "missing".
file  icbfms.f [code]
 Test whether a character string is "missing".
file  icmpdx.f [code]
 Check whether two BUFR files have the same DX BUFR table information.
file  icopysb.f [code]
 Copy a BUFR data subset.
file  icvidx.c [code]
 Compute a unique 1-dimensional array index from 2-dimensional indices.
file  idn30.f [code]
 Convert an FXY value from a character string to the WMO bit-wise representation.
file  idxmsg.f [code]
 Check whether a BUFR message contains DX BUFR tables information.
file  ifbget.f [code]
 Check whether there are any more data subsets available to be read from a BUFR message.
file  ifxy.f [code]
 Convert an FXY value from its six character representation to its WMO bit-wise representation.
file  igetdate.f [code]
 Read the date-time from Section 1 of a BUFR message.
file  igetfxy.f [code]
 Search for a valid FXY number within a character string.
file  igetmxby.f [code]
 Get the maximum length of a BUFR message that can be written to an output file.
file  igetntbi.f [code]
 Get the next index for storing an entry within an internal DX BUFR table.
file  igetntbl.f [code]
 Read the next line from a master table B, table D or Code/Flag table file.
file  igetprm.f [code]
 Get the current value of a parameter.
file  igetrfel.f [code]
 Check whether a specified element refers to a previous element within the same subset via an internal bitmap.
file  igetsc.f [code]
 Check for an abnormal status code associated with the processing of a file.
file  igettdi.f [code]
 Get the next usable Table D index for the current master table, or reset the index.
file  imrkopr.f [code]
 Check whether a mnemonic is a Table C marker operator.
file  inctab.f [code]
 Get the next available positional index for writing into the internal jump/link table.
file  invcon.f [code]
 Search a specified window for a conditional node.
file  invmrg.f [code]
 Merge parts of data subsets.
file  invtag.f [code]
 Search for a specified mnemonic within a specified portion of the current data subset.
file  invwin.f [code]
 Search for a specified node within a specified portion of the current data subset.
file  iok2cpy.f [code]
 Check whether a BUFR message or data subset can be copied from one BUFR file to another.
file  iokoper.f [code]
 Check whether a mnemonic is a Table C operator.
file  ipkm.f [code]
 Encode an integer value within a character string.
file  ipks.f [code]
 Pack a real*8 value into an integer by applying the proper scale and reference values.
file  ireadmg.f [code]
 Read the next message from a BUFR file that was previously opened for reading.
file  ireadmm.f [code]
 Read a BUFR message from internal arrays.
file  ireadmt.f [code]
 Check whether master BUFR tables need to be read from the local file system.
file  ireadns.f [code]
 Read the next data subset from a BUFR file that was previously opened for reading.
file  ireadsb.f [code]
 Read the next data subset from a BUFR message.
file  irev.F [code]
 Return a copy of an input integer word with the bytes reversed.
file  isetprm.f [code]
 Define a customized parameter value for dynamic allocation.
file  ishrdx.f [code]
 Check whether two BUFR files are sharing the same DX BUFR table.
file  isize.f [code]
 Compute the number of characters needed to encode an integer as a string.
file  istdesc.f [code]
 Check whether a descriptor is WMO-standard.
file  iupb.f [code]
 Decode an integer value from an integer array.
file  iupbs01.f [code]
 Read a data value from Section 0 or Section 1 of a BUFR message.
file  iupbs3.f [code]
 Read a data value from Section 3 of a BUFR message.
file  iupm.f [code]
 Decode an integer value from a character string.
file  iupvs01.f [code]
 Read a data value from Section 0 or Section 1 of a BUFR message.
file  jstnum.f [code]
 Left-justify a character string containing an encoded integer.
file  lcmgdf.f [code]
 Check for the existence of any long character strings (greater than 8 bytes) within a data subset definition.
file  lmsg.f [code]
 Determine the array size needed to store a BUFR message.
file  lstjpb.f [code]
 Search backwards from a specified node of the jump/link table for a node of a specified type.
file  makestab.f [code]
 Build the internal jump/link table.
file  maxout.f [code]
 Define a customized maximum length for output BUFR messages.
file  mesgbc.f [code]
 Get information about a BUFR message.
file  mesgbf.f [code]
 Get information about a BUFR message.
file  minimg.f [code]
 Write a minutes value into Section 1 of a BUFR message.
file  modules_arrs.F90 [code]
 Declare module arrays.
file  modules_vars.F90 [code]
 Declare and initialize module variables.
file  mrginv.f [code]
 Print a summary of merge activity.
file  msgfull.f [code]
 Check whether a data subset will fit within a BUFR message.
file  msgini.f [code]
 Initialize a new uncompressed BUFR message for output.
file  msgupd.f [code]
 Write an uncompressed BUFR data subset.
file  msgwrt.f [code]
 Finalize a BUFR message for output and write the message to a BUFR file.
file  mstabs.h [code]
 Declare variables for internal storage of master Table B and Table D entries.
file  mtfnam.f [code]
 Determine filenames and check for the existence of corresponding standard and local master table files on the filesystem.
file  mtinfo.f [code]
 Specify location of master BUFR tables on local file system.
file  mvb.f [code]
 Copy a specified number of bytes from one packed binary array to another.
file  nemdefs.f [code]
 Get the element name and units associated with a Table B mnemonic.
file  nemock.f [code]
 Check the validity of a mnemonic.
file  nemspecs.f [code]
 Get the scale factor, reference value and bit width associated with a specified occurrence of a Table B mnemonic.
file  nemtab.f [code]
 Get information about a descriptor, based on the mnemonic.
file  nemtba.f [code]
 Search for a Table A descriptor within the internal DX BUFR tables.
file  nemtbax.f [code]
 Search for a Table A descriptor within the internal DX BUFR tables.
file  nemtbb.f [code]
 Get information about a Table B descriptor.
file  nemtbd.f [code]
 Get information about a Table D descriptor.
file  nenubd.f [code]
 Confirm that a mnemonic and FXY value haven't already been defined.
file  nevn.f [code]
 Search for stacked data events within a specified portion of the current data subset.
file  newwin.f [code]
 Computes the ending index of the window.
file  nmsub.f [code]
 Get the number of data subsets from a BUFR message.
file  nmwrd.f [code]
 Determine the array size needed to store a BUFR message.
file  numbck.f [code]
 Check the validity of an FXY value.
file  numtab.f [code]
 Get information about a descriptor, based on the WMO bit-wise representation of an FXY value.
file  numtbd.f [code]
 Search for a Table B or Table D descriptor within the internal DX BUFR tables.
file  nvnwin.f [code]
 Search for all occurrences of a specified node within a specified portion of the current data subset.
file  nwords.f [code]
 Compute the length of a delayed replication sequence.
file  nxtwin.f [code]
 Computes the start and end indices of the next window.
file  openbf.f [code]
 Connect a new file to the library, or initialize the library, or change verbosity associated with already-connected file.
file  openbt.f [code]
 Specify DX BUFR table file of last resort.
file  openmb.f [code]
 Open a new message for output in a BUFR file that was previously opened for writing.
file  openmg.f [code]
 Open a new message for output in a BUFR file that was previously opened for writing.
file  pad.f [code]
 Pad a BUFR data subset with zeroed-out bits up to the next byte boundary.
file  padmsg.f [code]
 Pad a BUFR message with zeroed-out bytes up to the next 8-byte boundary.
file  parstr.f [code]
 Parse a string containing one or more substrings into an array of substrings.
file  parusr.f [code]
 Initate the process to parse out mnemonics from a character string.
file  parutg.f [code]
 Parse a mnemonic from a character string.
file  pkb.f [code]
 Encode an integer value within an integer array.
file  pkb8.f [code]
 Encode an 8-byte integer value within an integer array.
file  pkbs1.f [code]
 Write a data value into Section 1 of a BUFR message.
file  pkc.f [code]
 Encode a character string within an integer array.
file  pkftbv.f [code]
 Determine the numerical data value equivalent to the setting of a specified bit within a flag table.
file  pktdd.f [code]
 Store information about a child mnemonic within the internal arrays.
file  pkvs01.f [code]
 Specify a value to be included in Section 0 or Section 1 when writing BUFR messages.
file  posapx.f [code]
 Position an output BUFR file for appending.
file  rcstpl.f [code]
 Store the subset template into internal arrays.
file  rdbfdx.f [code]
 Read a complete DX BUFR table.
file  rdcmps.f [code]
 Read the next compressed BUFR data subset into internal arrays.
file  rdmemm.f [code]
 Read a specified BUFR message from internal arrays.
file  rdmems.f [code]
 Read a specified data subset from a BUFR message.
file  rdmgsb.f [code]
 Read a specified data subset from a BUFR file.
file  rdmsgw.F90 [code]
 Read a BUFR message.
file  rdmtbb.f [code]
 Read master Table B information from local file system.
file  rdmtbd.f [code]
 Read master Table D information from local file system.
file  rdmtbf.f [code]
 Read master Code/Flag table information from local file system.
file  rdtree.f [code]
 Read the next uncompressed BUFR data subset into internal arrays.
file  rdusdx.f [code]
 Read a complete DX BUFR table.
file  readdx.f [code]
 Read DX BUFR table information into internal arrays.
file  readerme.f [code]
 Read a BUFR message from a memory array.
file  readlc.f [code]
 Read a long character string (greater than 8 bytes) from a data subset.
file  readmg.f [code]
 Read the next message from a BUFR file that was previously opened for reading.
file  readmm.f [code]
 Read a specified BUFR message from internal arrays.
file  readns.f [code]
 Read the next data subset from a BUFR file that was previously opened for reading.
file  reads3.f [code]
 Read the Section 3 descriptors from a BUFR message.
file  readsb.f [code]
 Read the next data subset from a BUFR message.
file  restd.c [code]
 Standardize a local Table D descriptor.
file  rewnbf.f [code]
 Store or restore parameters associated with a BUFR file.
file  rsvfvm.f [code]
 Process a "following value" mnemonic.
file  rtrcpt.f [code]
 Read the tank receipt time from Section 1 of a BUFR message.
file  rtrcptb.f [code]
 Read the tank receipt time from Section 1 of a BUFR message.
file  seqsdx.f [code]
 Decode the sequence information from a Table D mnemonic definition.
file  setblock.f [code]
 Specify the use of IEEE Fortran control words when writing BUFR messages.
file  setbmiss.f [code]
 Define a customized placeholder value for "missing" data.
file  setim8b.F90 [code]
 Use 8-byte integer arguments to BUFRLIB subprograms from Fortran.
file  setvalnb.f [code]
 Write one data value to a data subset.
file  sntbbe.f [code]
 Store a master Table B entry into Fortran arrays.
file  sntbde.f [code]
 Store a master Table D entry into Fortran arrays.
file  sntbfe.f [code]
 Store a master Code/Flag table entry into internal memory.
file  status.f [code]
 Check whether a file is connected to the NCEPLIBS-bufr software.
file  stbfdx.f [code]
 Store a DX BUFR tables message into internal arrays.
file  stdmsg.f [code]
 Specify the use of standardization when writing BUFR messages.
file  stndrd.f [code]
 Standardize a BUFR message.
file  stntbi.f [code]
 Store a new entry within the internal BUFR Table B or D.
file  stntbia.f [code]
 Store a new entry within the internal BUFR Table A.
file  strbtm.f [code]
 Store information about a bitmap element.
file  strcln.f [code]
 Reset the string cache.
file  strcpt.f [code]
 Specify a tank receipt time to be included in Section 1 when writing BUFR messages.
file  string.f [code]
 Check whether a string is in the string cache.
file  strnum.F90 [code]
 Decode an integer from a character string.
file  strsuc.F90 [code]
 Remove leading and trailing blanks from a character string.
file  stseq.c [code]
 Store information about a standard Table D descriptor within internal DX BUFR tables.
file  tabent.f [code]
 Store an entry for a Table B or D mnemonic within the internal jump/link table.
file  tabsub.f [code]
 Store an entry for a Table A mnemonic within the internal jump/link table.
file  trybump.f [code]
 Try to expand a delayed replication sequence.
file  ufbcnt.f [code]
 Get the current message number and data subset number within a BUFR file.
file  ufbcpy.f [code]
 Copy a BUFR data subset.
file  ufbcup.f [code]
 Copy unique elements of a data subset.
file  ufbdmp.f [code]
 Print the contents of a data subset.
file  ufbevn.f [code]
 Read one or more data values from an NCEP prepbufr file.
file  ufbget.f [code]
 Read one or more data values from a data subset.
file  ufbin3.f [code]
 Read one or more data values from an NCEP prepfits file.
file  ufbint.f [code]
 Read/write one or more data values from/to a data subset.
file  ufbinx.f [code]
 Read one or more data values from a data subset.
file  ufbmem.f [code]
 Connect a new file to the NCEPLIBS-bufr software, and read the entire file contents into internal arrays.
file  ufbmex.f [code]
 Connect a new file to the BUFRLIB software, and read the entire file contents into internal arrays.
file  ufbmms.f [code]
 Read a specified data subset from internal arrays.
file  ufbmns.f [code]
 Read a specified data subset from internal arrays.
file  ufbovr.f [code]
 Overwrite one or more data values within a data subset.
file  ufbpos.f [code]
 Jump forwards or backwards to a specified data subset within a BUFR file.
file  ufbqcd.f [code]
 Get the event program code associated with a Table D mnemonic from an NCEP prepbufr file.
file  ufbqcp.f [code]
 Get the Table D mnemonic associated with an event program code from an NCEP prepbufr file.
file  ufbrep.f [code]
 Read/write one or more data values from/to a data subset.
file  ufbrms.f [code]
 Read one or more data values from a data subset in internal arrays.
file  ufbrp.f [code]
 Read/write one or more data values from/to a data subset.
file  ufbrw.f [code]
 Read/write one or more data values from/to a data subset.
file  ufbseq.f [code]
 Read/write an entire sequence of data values from/to a data subset.
file  ufbsp.f [code]
 Read/write one or more data values from/to a data subset.
file  ufbstp.f [code]
 Read/write one or more data values from/to a data subset.
file  ufbtab.f [code]
 Read one or more data values from every data subset in a BUFR file.
file  ufbtam.f [code]
 Read one or more data values from every data subset in internal arrays.
file  ufdump.f [code]
 Print the contents of a data subset.
file  up8.f [code]
 Decode an 8-byte integer value from an integer array.
file  upb.f [code]
 Decode an integer value from an integer array.
file  upb8.f [code]
 Decode an 8-byte integer value from an integer array.
file  upbb.f [code]
 Decode an integer value from an integer array.
file  upc.f [code]
 Decode a character string from an integer array.
file  upds3.f [code]
 Read data descriptors from Section 3 of a BUFR message.
file  upftbv.f [code]
 Determine the bit settings equivalent to a numerical flag table value.
file  ups.f [code]
 Unpack a real*8 value from an integer by applying the proper scale and reference values.
file  uptdd.f [code]
 Get the WMO bit-wise representation of the FXY value corresponding to a child mnemonic in a Table D sequence.
file  usrtpl.f [code]
 Store the subset template into internal arrays.
file  wrcmps.f [code]
 Write a compressed BUFR data subset.
file  wrdesc.c [code]
 Maintain an array of descriptors.
file  wrdlen.F [code]
 Determine important information about the local machine.
file  wrdxtb.f [code]
 Write DX BUFR tables messages to a BUFR file.
file  writcp.f [code]
 Write a data subset into a BUFR message using compression.
file  writdx.f [code]
 Write DX BUFR tables messages to the beginning of a BUFR file.
file  writlc.f [code]
 Write a long character string (greater than 8 bytes) to a data subset.
file  writsa.f [code]
 Write a data subset into a BUFR message, and return each completed message within a memory array.
file  writsb.f [code]
 Write a data subset into a BUFR message.
file  wrtree.f [code]
 Pack a BUFR data subset.
file  wtstat.f [code]
 Update file status in library internals.
file  x48.F [code]
 Encode one or more 4-byte integer values as 8-byte integer values.
file  x84.F [code]
 Encode one or more 8-byte integer values as 4-byte integer values.